Halloween Hangman created by The Dimension's Edge, Inc.

Welcome to Werewolf. This site is dedicated to the creatures of the night who roam the earth when the moon is full. Below you will find an original short story, werewolf howls, and Trick-or-Treat safety tips for your next Halloween. Look for links appearing in blood red which just happens to be a werewolf's favorite color. Before you begin, click the above 'Welcome' sign for a real werewolf howl of a welcome. Enjoy.

Click here for a little Halloween background music to put you in a scary mood while you read the following safety tips for a Happy and Safe Halloween.


  • Wear reflective clothing.
  • Carry a flashlight.
  • Trick-or-Treat only at houses of people you know.
  • Use the buddy system or stay in groups.
  • Avoid masks--they can block your vision. Use non-toxic facial paints instead.
  • Instead of trick-or-treating around the neighborhood, have a Halloween party at home or go to a trick-or-treat event at a local mall.
  • Always have your parents check your candy before eating.
  • Avoid tripping by using costumes that don't drag on the ground.
  • Use your common sense. Don't let the excitement of the evening make you do something you will regret later.
  • Let parents know where you will be at all times and don't change those plans without informing them.
  • Walk on the sidewalk, not on the street. If there is no sidewalk, walk facing traffic.
  • Obey traffic rules. Cross at a street corner not at the middle of a block and look both ways before crossing.
  • Use flame-retardant costumes and avoid passing near jack-o-lanterns lit with candles.
  • Never enter a stranger's home even if invited.
  • Most important of all -- BE SAFE OUT THERE!

"Even a man who is pure in heart
And says his prayers by night,
May become a wolf when the wolf-bane blooms,
And the autumn moon is bright."

From 'The Wolf Man'- 1941 Universal Pictures.

Please be patient. If the rest of this page is a little slow to load, it is because there's so much more to see. Coming up is a short story. Perhaps we may even bump into a werewolf. Ho-o-o-owl!

Short Story: 'Around A Corner'

"BEWARE!!! DANGER!!!" So read the sign next to the open gate of a park which you walk by everyday on your way home. Odd that you had never noticed that sign there before. What could possibly be so dangerous in such a peaceful neighborhood?

Unknown to you, just beyond the gate and around a corner of the park wall, a shadow lies waiting for just the right moment to pounce on an unsuspecting passerby. Are you ready for it? Are you sure? You have been warned. Then proceed at your own risk.

This is Halloween night and you are on your way home after a very successful night of Trick-or-Treating. Your friends have long departed to their respective houses to eat their bags of goodies while you walk the rest of the way home all alone. You reach the gate of this park only blocks from your house. Rusted and creaking the gate leading into the park blows open beckoning that someone enter for a stroll down its dark paths. Why not? It's a nice moonlit night and you have time to kill. (But will "time" be all there is to kill tonight or does someone or someTHING have some other type of killing in mind?)

Summer is over, but the cold frost of winter is yet to arrive. The night air is heavy with the promise of things to come. A stray autumn breeze gently stirs the leaves of trees nearby. The path you walk on leads you towards a wall with gently swaying trees behind it. You turn a corner of the wall for a better view, as if drawn like a magnet towards the gentle stirrings of the leaves above.

As you stand there beneath the trees, you hear their branches rustling above you. As you look up, you see a canopy of dark leafy arms which seem to want to come down and embrace you. (Will its embrace protect you from harm or perhaps keep you from escaping?) The branches wave to you in the night air as they try to warn you of danger, and you catch a glimpse of the full moon as it seems to peek through the leaves for a better look at what may be sneaking up behind you.

Slowly, almost like from a dream, a throaty growl rises up from the ground. Was that your stomach growling? Of course not. The growl did not come from within you but from BEHIND you. Disbelieving, you turn quickly to meet a dark furry shadow as it leaps at you. The slash of long canine teeth and hot foul breath of the creature squelches your scream before it leaves your throat.

There isn't enough time to react. Fighting or running is out of the question for the force of the attack throws you backwards onto the moist leafy ground. The weight of the furry shadow pins you down as it starts to feed. As you lay there limp and powerless with the creature lapping up your life's blood, you see the full moon retreat behind the tree branches not wanting to bear witness to this scene. Slowly, your vision fades. You see only darkness and feel the awful stillness broken by a long mournful howl.

This Halloween night, in the dark, around the corner of a park wall located beneath the trees, a growling shadow awaits another who may be fool enough to pass through the park's open gate. You were warned. Gotcha!

Just goes to show you. Don't forget to carry wolfbane, garlic or holy water because you never know who--or what--you might bump into on Halloween night.

The Following is in Honor of Our Furry Werewolf Friends

Wolfman Jack in American Graffiti
Click here for audio.

Young Frankenstein
Have you lost your werewolf? Perhaps these folks can help you look for it. Click here.

The following songs are great for Halloween and
some of them even mention our darling werewolf buddies.
Look for these songs at your favorite music store:

Little Red Riding Hood by Sam The Sham And The Pharaoh's Blackwell
In this song, the singer sees a pretty girl walking
through the woods alone and is so smitten, he starts
to howl.

Bark at the Moon by Ozzy Osbourne
What more can I say?

BLUE MOON - words by Lorenz Hart, music by Richard Rodgers
This song doesn't mention werewolves but
what else would they be howling at but a big full moon?

Monster Mash - by Bobby "Boris" Pickett of the Crypt-Kickers and Lenny Capizzi
Excellent old song with vampires and monsters.

Bad Moon Risin' - Credence Clearwater Revival
Again, here is another song that doesn't mention werewolves,
but sure sets the mood for a scary night where you can
almost hear them howling.

Werewolves of London - by Warren Zevon
"I saw a werewolf with a Chinese menu in his hand"? Freaky.
If you like Lon Chaney movies, you'll love this song (He's
mentioned twice in the song.)

Below is some Halloween e-mail we received:

Date: 10/20 6:05 PM
From: Linus
Subject: The Great Pumpkin
Hello all. I am writing to tell you all that you are
making a mistake by going out trick-or-treating. There is no need
to go door-to-door begging when there is someone who will bring
candy directly to you. His name is 'The Great Pumpkin'.
Halloween is here and you must find the most sincere
pumpkin patch to sit and wait for him. When you least
expect it, you will see him rise out of the pumpkin patch
and bring toys and candy to all the good boys and girls.
Please pass this email on to spread the word.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Date: 10/25 2:31 PM
From: Linus' girlfriend, Sally
Subject: Oh No! Not Again!!
Aargh! I knew it! Another Halloween is almost here and Linus is
at it again. If you receive the above email, please do not
answer or pass on. I'm sorry to say I fell for Linus' charm
last year and spent Halloween night in a pumpkin patch
waiting for the Great Pumpkin. The Great Pumpkin never
came. All I saw was a stupid beagle. I was cheated out of

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Date: 10/28 7:57 PM
From: Linus, believer of the Great Pumpkin
(and NO, Sally is NOT my girlfriend!)
Don't worry Sally. We'll see him this year. Just you wait.
I'll find us a pumpkin patch that is REAL sincere. And then,
the Great Pumpkin will rise out of the pumpkin patch and
bring us lots of toys and candy. :-) Happy Halloween!

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Date: 10/31 11:43 PM
From: Lucy (Linus' very angry sister who is getting
ready to show her brother a knuckle sandwich)
Linus, you better get back home right NOW!!! Halloween is almost over.
And if you think I'm going to get up at 4 a.m., like I did last year,
to pick you up out of some dirty pumpkin patch, you are sadly mistaken!
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

This site was created by Mercury Rose on 10/7/99
and has been visited by the following number of werewolves
(bet you didn't know there were so many out there):

Click here for a little werewolf cub howl or click the picture below for a real grown werewolf Ho-o-o-o-o-w-w-w-l!!!!!

Some images and sounds were provided by "Caverns of Blood.com." "Around the Corner" is an original short story copyrighted by Mercury in October, 1999. Thank you for visiting and....


Okay all you were-folks, move along.... There's nothing more to see here... You heard me... Go on...
GET OUT OF HERE!!!! Don't make me pull out my silver bullets.