(C) Copyright 1985 W. Jim Jastrzebski

Illusion of Expanding Universe

The site's purpose
To publish results that lead to a conclusion that the observed expansion of the universe is an illusion caused by certain relativistic feature of gravity called here "general time dilation" . If the results are wrong, to create an opportunity to find the error. Since 1985 the results have been examined by several editors and referees of scientific journals ( Nature, Phys. Rev. Lett., Science, Astrophysical Journal, etc.) and no real error (one that would disqualify the idea) has been found. Neither in the assumptions nor in the six lines of high school calculus that generate the results (see page Errors that shows the negative opinions of editors, referees, and those readers who cared to express an opinion).

To encourage the reader to read the rest of the story rather than think that Jim is nuts who imagines that he noticed something in Einstein's theory of gravity that all the physicists (except Einstein) couldn't see, and to save time of many people who think that Jim needs lecturing on physic, mathematics, Newtonian gravity, tired light effect, and many other subjects that many people feel proper to lecture Jim on, a backround and history of the results is provided to suggest that Jim is rather a rational guy who studied the subject thoroughly for many years and yet he still thinks that he might be right.

For those who don't know why Jim's rationality might be questioned or not know that the universe looks as if it were expanding or those who think that gravity, especially relativistic, and the spacetime metric may be too complicated stuff to be interesting, there are pages for clarifying those issues. The pages are meant to demonstrate that many subjects become simple if properly explained. Even subjects that are considered the most difficult to understand like Einsteinian gravity (to physicists) or calculus (to high school students). The pages are planned to grow in proportion to readers interest in those issues as expressed by questions to Jim. So questions and comments, especially critical ones, are welcome. Even if they are about Newtonian gravity, tired light effect, modern art, American democracy, or any other subject that the reader might want to discuss.

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