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Wonderland I
The name is Ehren and being the leader and keeping the other two together is what it's about. Stubborn, yes. Pigheaded, yes. Downright nasty to anger, you bet. Ditzy and cheerful, damn straight! I'm all of these and more, but you know ya'll love me no less. I also neglected to mention "So Texan that 'home on the range' comes from my butt."

Okay, so that was an unintended visual. o.O;;

Anyway, so I'm the straightman of this lot. While the other two goof off, I'm the one that gets to be the square. Not a happy job for most, but I'm fine with it. I'm this way normally, unless I'm hyper. >.>;

In the first Wonderland, I'm the one that gets about half the jokes played on. And all of the kissing and cute stuff with Jack was requested by my friend, Kenji.

And with Phantom of Wonderland, I get into a lot more trouble with one of the phantoms, though we end up kissing a couple of times. In All For Wonderland, the three musketeers wonderland, I steal D'Artangnan's horse. XD

In Fullmetal Wonderland, we have as much chaos as the previous stories, but this time, I end up with Hohenheim, Edward's father.
Red. Red. Red.

Red is the biggest goofball of them all. The Personification of my friend Rae in the world of Wonderland, she is hyper and tends to be the fangirl of the lot of us. She pounces on you and gives you a glomp before she goes off for a shiny object. She's not a big ditz, but has her moments.

And if you will notice, I colored her hair NOT BLONDE. :: glares at Rae::

In the First Wonderland, she tackles Jack Sparrow, Me, Will Turner and even the Jawa Lady and then promptly saves us all from the evil Jawa Lady.

She dyed her hair blue once, so she has blue hair from now on. Rae had the movie phantom and the freak phantom falling for her in phantom of wonderland. In All for Wonderland, she and the rest of us reek havoc on the three musketeers world. In Fullmetal Wonderland, she is best known as the female version of Roy Mustang, so she sets fire to everything in her path and calls me a freak for falling for Hohenheim.
RATGIRL! NAnananananananananananananana RATGIRL!


On the serious side, Tina is my friend and a half. We play together, we write together and in this, I'm sorry to say, I didn't give her much spotlight time. However, I intend on giving everyone more time on the next one.

Tina's cute and adorable, as well as a bit hyper and loves rum. She dances on tables while singing a drinking song she pulled out of her ass and then fights with a sword, which is something up against me, to say the least. She's no wimp. XD However, she is best known for her character Newt, who is the sum of all her depression and paranoia as well as a few other things mixed in.

She especially likes angst and trouble, she lives and breathes it. She likes pointing out that things should be worse than they are in each world and loves to point out that I and the rest of us are no different from the girls we kill, be they MAry Sues or rabid fangirls.

Lately, she's been acting weirder than usual, however....

She's mean and nasty and will make sure our lives remain eventful. She's the one who keeps shoving us into other worlds in an attempt to get rid of us once and for all, but she forgets that together, we can be her and we each have a penchant for making friends fairly easily. Even in a world we only know so well.

And if you haven't a clue as to what a Jawa is.... I will have to hurt you now. :: eyes Rae::
Red or Rae
The Jawa Lady
Wonderland II
Wonderland III
Who is this? A new member of our team? She is my friend Amanda and she seems to have been pulled into the worlds with us, though I haven't a clue why.

She is best known for her character Amber Elric, the granddaughter of Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist. We RP together a lot with our own version of the HArry Potter world.
Wonderland IV
Wonderland V
Wonderland VI
Wonderland VII