A Sample of the Women Represented in this Book

Clara Barton - nurse who founded the American Red Cross
Joan Brown - ground-breaking California artist
Willa Cather - famous lesbian author
Bessie Coleman - the first African-American woman aviator in America
Mary Fields - African-American pioneer stagecoach driver
Emma Goldman - prominent Jewish anarchist and advocate of freedom
Calamity Jane - wild woman of the West
Helen Keller - blind and deaf activist, advocate for the blind
Lozen - Chiricahua Apache warrior and Shaman who fought with Victorio and Geronimo
Lucretia Mott - early anti-slavery lecturer and activist
Molly Pitcher - American revolutionary war heroine
Sacajawea - Shoshone guide for the Lewis and Clark expedition
Sojourner Truth - fiery African-American speaker for abolition and women's rights
Harriet Tubman - this conductor on the Underground Railroad led hundreds to freedom
Dr. Mary Walker - Civil War surgeon, the only woman to win the Congressional Medal 
          of Honor
Weetamoo - Naragansett chief who helped lead the first revolt against English colonists in
         New England
Tempe Wick - hid her horse from soldiers during the American Revolution
©2001 Kiriyo Spooner

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