Hello Little Flower

©6-18-04 by Vickey Stamps

Oh how I wish at times I could be as a little child, near to the ground; able to see small things close up. How wonderful to have the daily fresh and ever expanding mind of innocence, not yet changed in the walk to adulthood. How wonderful is that quiet and gentle acceptance so many children are blessed with.

In my mind, I fade to the concept or graphic of that little child so near the ground. Before me spreads the richness of the earth and the living things that spring forth for our pleasure would we but look, and in the looking see with not only our eyes but our heart.

Before me now in a time of God’s own making, there dances for me in the cool breeze of day, and beneath the cloud shrouded haze of warmth~~the delicate bud of a flower. I see now but lightly a hint of the sun’s color in its budding, in one single petal hesitating to burst forth a portion of itself to my waiting eyes. I sense its hesitation and my own, for sometimes exposure to the world can be more then joy and strength must be gathered for the journey ahead for both that flower and myself.

On bended knee, with a childlike spirit, I gently stroke a finger along the fragile bud. I speak to it and let the vibrations of my voice warm it with the heat within my body traveling outward with each word. I see the Earth of God’s good world beneath it both in varied shades of brown and greens. Nearby are weeds, but then a weed was I before God turned me into His own thing of beauty~~His child.

“Hello little flower. May the Creator of all bath you daily in his warm love. One day your petals will fall to the sides and expose you to all about you. Perhaps brothers and sisters will rise beside you to fill your loneliness. You will age as to what your nature has intended for you. One day you will grow old and your petals will lose their color just as we humans do. We too must wilt and fade for in doing so we reach ever nearer the entrance to the home promised by the Creator. Your petals will one day fall one by one, as your head drops nearer earth in supplication to that One that caused you to live. Within you will lie what some will call stamens. In your center you will have borne children who will dry and be blown to all corners of the world and live again in you. I thank you for your dance of welcome, little flower and for being a part of my day. Bless you as you bless my world and me. Good-by little flower. I love you!”

Now again I am an adult and with a startled awareness, I see the past and the events that I have witnessed all these years. I know I cannot and should not push my way into tomorrow. For many others and me tomorrow may not be. It is for me to watch unto today which way to step and where my foot shall land. May I crush no little flowers or humans in my path but make them better for my having come their way. May my eyes be daily washed with the vision of that which is good and right. Creator of all~~thank you for all things you have given and continue to give. Help me to be humble enough to appreciate your gifts.