Hello! I'm In Here!

by Vickey Stamps

Nurses--why are you talking across me like I'm not even here? I hear everything you're saying. Don't you know it's lonely in here? How about me? Look at me! My name is Thomas, not Grandpa. My neighbor there, that's John. Maybe the noise he makes is cause he wants something, and can't tell you what it is. Maybe he's angry over the "cards ' life dealt him. That woman across the way is Myrtle, not Granny. I bet she'd be real embarrassed if she knew how many of us saw her messy bare bottom, when you forgot to pull her privacy curtain the other day. It sure hurts when those therapy folks come around and pull on these old drawn up arms and legs of mine. Sure wish someone had remembered to move them for me, before they got this way. You better watch yourself when I go to that place beyond the clouds. I'll give them the word about you! Yes sir’ee! You bet I will.

Hello, I'm in here. Can't you stay awhile? My day is so long and boring. What's that terrible smell? Sure hope it isn't me. I have these "accidents" sometimes and don't even know it. It's getting dark. Do you think you could pull the curtains? Sometimes the glass plays tricks on me and I see people trying to get into my room, and strange shadows.

Hello, I'm in here. Bet these dentures have been in my mouth for the past three days. I have an awful taste there. I know you're busy, and maybe short-handed, but couldn't you spare a few seconds?

Hello, I'm in here. Oh my!.....What's this; a pretty smile, a pat on my cheek? Did I hear you right? Pleasant dreams, did you say? Why is that water running down my cheek? Men don't cry. I think I love you. Please come back real soon. It's not quite so lonely in here. Good-night.

                (Old but alive)

NOTE: I have earnestly endeavored to find the artist of the painting shown behind the window, all to no avail, If anyone knows who it is, PLEASE email me, so I can give credit here. ~smile~