Special People

by Vickey Stamps

We are special people
Given time on earth
We are a little different
From others given birth
We have some birth defects
From life birth parents chose to live
But God sent us special others
That knew how to give and give
We may not live as long as some
Or seem to have much quality in life
While some will overcome the pain
Gaining joy not pain and strife
One day our Heavenly Father
Will make us perfect be
And we in splendid bodies
Will jump and shout with glee
So those of you who only see
The part of me that shows
Can't really see the love I get
That glows and glows and glows
To those who fail to see inside
The loving souls of those not just like you
I shed a tear for you . You have missed out
On what the love we get can do
It makes us beautiful to see
It makes us special too
For we are loved as much as others
For all that we can do.

©8:30 a.m.6/16/04 by Vickey Stamps

Photo of the Family Tolin. Visit them HERE

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