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Fan fiction has been getting a lot of press over the last few years–some of it good, some of it bad. While some journalists believe we're all sex-starved geeks living in our parents' basement, thankfully there are a few that give us the benefit of the doubt. Check out these articles published online and in daily newspapers and magazines around the world... in no particular order:

Featuring Working Stiffs: "Fans scripting series online" Hollywood Reporter
The Poachers and the Stormtroopers Red Rock Eater Digest
The E-Files Washington Post
"Fandom's Final Frontier: Homoerotic Literature" L.A. Times
"X-Rated Files" Explode.com
"In Dull TV Days, Favorites Take Wing Online" New York Times
"Sci-fi fans who are users of the Internet: take a stab at rewriting your favorite shows" Sci-Fi Entertainment
"Fans take control of TV...On-Line" Pitch Magazine
"If Fans Wrote The X-Files..." Mania
"The X-Files Phenomenon" Omega
"Luke Skywalker is Gay? Fan Fiction is America's Literature of Obsession" Slate

Slash sidebar Slate

"Digital Land Grab" Technology Review
"It's not the end of the 'Millennium,' after all" Salon.com
"Do-It-Yourself 'Star Wars'" Salon.com
"Who Owns Fandom?" Salon.com
"Web Wars: Crackdown on Fan Websites" Total TV

Have you come across an interesting article on this topic? Please contact us.

"The X-Files" is the intellectual property of 20th Century Fox (Fox Television). No copyright infringement is intended.

This web site is owned by Nicola Simpson and is designed and maintained by Izzyvision Inc.

Working Stiffs is not responsible or liable for the content of pages that we link to. We take every precaution not to link to offensive material, but unfortunately we cannot control navigation to links within pages that are accessible through Working Stiffs. Visitors should be aware that some articles and interviews include discussion of sexuality (including homosexuality), violence and harsh language.

Last Revised Friday, March 2, 2001