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Exchange Honor List

Since I have started this page, I have made a few successful exchanges and following are those people who I consider an honor doing an exchange with. You may want to consider adding them to your list of honorable exchangers and if you don't have such a list, you might want to create one soon.

Sorry I cannot display the email addresses of some of these people for confidential reasons (they do not wish their adds to be given out)

  1. Parot Patrick of France

  2. Adil Shawqat of Singapore

  3. Susan Neikha of Malaysia

  4. Khalid Al-Aboud of Dubai, UAE

  5. Tina Charles of MI, USA

  6. Tony Diaz of Mexico

  7. M. van der linden (Aad) of Netherlands (April 03, 2001)

Please help honest phone card collectors by creating a similar list (of your own).

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Copyright © 2008 kulmansam Productions
Last modified: March 24, 2008


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