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30 years ago - there was no 'Net'...
50 years ago - man had not walked on the Moon...
75 years ago - there was no Television...
150 years ago - there were no cars... telephones... radios...

500 years ago - we lived on a flat Earth at the centre of the Universe...
5.5k years ago - no-one had thought of the Wheel...
40k years ago - we were an atheistic society...
0.5M years ago - we finally mastered Fire...
6M years ago - Humans evolved...

12,000,000,000 years ago there was nothing...

No life... no planets... not even light or gravity... everything we know today as reality, did not exist!

In the beginning there was nothing... and from the nothing was born the Hyperspace!

No-one really knows how many dimensions the Hyperspace had...  Was it 10dimensional?  Perhaps 11?  Or, perhaps 26?  However many it had, is irrelevant, it was unstable... a 'false-vacuum' as they say in the profession.  Eventually, through a process (no-doubt) similar to the 'Time'-like Resolution of a Quantum-Mechanically Probablistic System, which we as humans are so farmiliar with today, and even coloquially term 'Life'... this Hyperspace could no longer maintain its integrity.  With a violent explosion beyond comprehension, it tore into two spaces, causing a four dimensional bubble to grow within it - the three dimensions of space, and one of time that we now call "Home"!

12 Billion years later, we sit here at our computers...  Evidence of the existence of this primordial Universal Mechanics... yet oblivious to the reasons behind it.

12 Billion years later, we sit here at our computers and ask ourselves one question... "Why?"
The truth of the matter is, we do not have the answer to this question, and some of us even doubt its validity.  A group of people throughout the world have devoted their lives to the cause of discovering an answer, though;  or at the very least, to find what Mechanisms are the cause of our very existence today.

We are the Cosmologists, the Mathematicians, the Astronomers...

We are the Astrophysicists, and this is our 'Channel' on AustNet: 
Contact Us:

#Astrophysics is neither an elite group, nor a secret society.  #Astrophysics is simply a nexus of individuals who voluntarily give some of their time to meeting up, discussing current topics, and keeping the 'dream' of a solution to all our questions alive.

Members of #Astrophysics have a wide range of interests in and outside of science, though most have some interest in Cosmology, Mathematics, Computers, Astronomy, or (of course) Astrophysics.  The level of our knowledge of any given area varies from person to person, so #Astrophysics is a friendly environment for those of all levels;  from avid Astrophysicists to those who just wish to know a little more about what Astrophysics actually is.  If you are interested in joining #Astrophysics, please click here.

#Astophysics is run and created by Mark Bugno (aka Fascist).
Mark can be contacted via:
or on ICQ via:  35113082 (
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