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Central Minnesota Big Book Presentation

The Way Out
Big Book Twelve Step Recovery

"We have a common solution. A way out upon which we can absolutely agree and join in brotherly and harmonious fellowship." --- Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. Page 17

June 2009 Presenters:
Alex J,   ….....…    St. Cloud MN
Chris L.,     ......… St. Cloud, MN

July 2009 Presenters:
2009 Great AA Adventure
& Speakers

August 2009 Presenters:
2009 Great AA Adventure
& Speakers
September 2009 Presenters:
October 2009 Presenters:
November 2009 Presenters:
TBA ..

  • The Problem

  • The Solution

  • The Program

    of Action required to recover
    from a hopeless state of mind and body

Each Monday Night
from 6:30 pm to 9 pm
"Place of Hope"
St. Rapheal's on Ninth
St. Cloud, Minnesota
Phone:  320-203-7881

Big Book Recovery
Everyone Welcome!

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Revised June 2009