General Guild Info
Members only section
Code of Conduct
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Grand Sentinal- The supreme leader of the clan, has absolute power.

General- The General of the military, a part of the council of three. Leads raids, and attacks on the hordes. Helps create battle strategies, formation layouts etc... a position only for a very skilled warrior, and strategest.

Commanders- There are 3 commanders in the military, they each govern their own legion of troops. They can also help with battle strategies, and play a key role in the military aspect of the guild.

Captains- Each commander has 3 captains, that he/she will appoint, these should be very skilled warriors. The captains will ussually lead a small force of troops, and play key roles in the strategy for battles.

Seargeants- Soldiers that seamed to stand out are promoted to Seargeants, this is the first step in moving up the ranks in the military ladder.

Soldiers-The Backbone of our guild, the soldiers are the highest in number, and although near the bottom they still have a say in what goes on in the guild through the assembly.

Council of Three- This council is made up of The general, and two other guild members elected by the grand sentinal, this council will be the main governing body of the guild. They will make decisions such as how the guild manages and raises its funds, and when meetings will occur.

The assembly-This is how the soldiers get their say in the guild. This assembly although not on the top of the chart has huge amounts of power, it has the power to elect a new grand sentinal, but this must be done on a 70-30 majority. this is like the congress of the guild.

Initiate- This is for the first 3-10 days in the guild, during this time you will be given a test of strength (is not always something that requires a strong character, if you have another use that the guild could use, such as exceptional trade skills you could also pass.)by the guild, if you pass it you can either choose to stay or leave the guild.

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