Sogo Goshin Do Martial Arts

Sogo= synthesis    Goshin= self-defense;    Do= way of

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Sensei Elizabeth E. Smylie
December 2003
On November1, 2003, after six years of study and training Will, a teacher of teachers refered to as “Shihan”, awarded me a 1st degree black belt in Sogo Goshin Do karate. I was thrilled and then awed by the responsibility of becoming a “Sensei” or teacher myself. It was an emotional moment for both of us.

The practice of Sogo Goshin Do martial arts is an American synthesis of many traditional martial arts styles with a strong emphasis on practical self-defense training. Not all self-defense situations are equivalent so no single form of defense will be universally effective. The Sogo Goshin do practitioner is able to apply basic principles to techniques from kempo, jiu-jitsu, aikido, karate and judo in order to adapt to the current conditions.

My interest in Sogo Goshin Do is driven by it's philosophy. With the practice of Sogo Goshin Do, a student will develop self-esteem through the growth of self-discipline. Without self-esteem, no one can find inner peace. Though we practice Sogo Goshin Do style martial arts there are many similarities shared between different styles.

The Wu Wei approach to conflict resolution can be seen in the practice of the Taoist martial art Tai Chi Chuan. The central concept is to wear the opponent out by sending his energy back at him or by deflecting it away, to weaken their power, balance and defensive position. Never is force opposed with force. Instead, it is overcome with yielding.

Practically speaking Wu Wei means without meddlesome, combative, or egotistical effort.

Sensei and Shihans of Sogo Goshin Do Black Belts of Edisto Island
December 2003

The dolphin is our karate animal because of its relation with air & water. As a group, dolphins can defeat a shark.
Dennis cartoon     Karate is not just for men!

Smiles and Kicks

December 2003

Sean, Will, and Bill. Three Shihans I have learned from and studied with. Shihan means teacher of teachers. This traditional honorific is given to master level instructors and reserved for 5th degree balck belt and higher.

Discipline and respect plays a big role in the study of Sogo Goshin Do as in any martial arts school

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Sensei Marion Whaley practicing stick work with Sempai Ashley Burns. Sensei Elizabeth Smylie working on take downs with student.
Working with sticks Takedown

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