Wrestling Central Version 3.0


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Diva of the Week

Diva of the Week


Here you can find out the answer to those questions which pop up all the time.


WHEN WILL THE SITE BE UPDATED:The Site is updated every day with the latest news from the wrestling world. there may be a new poll put up on the site and there will be a new daily babe for you to enjoy every day. the Diva of the week section will be updated every Sunday with a new diva going up.

WHAT ARE THE FORUMS FOR:The forums are for you to interact and chat with other wrestling fans alike. You can chat about wrestling or anything you want to chat about but keep it reasonable. Swearing at other memebers is prohibited on the Forums and if done so then you will be banned for a set period of time.

Wrestlemania - Showcase of the Immortals

..::Babe of the Day::..

Wrestling Central Poll
Who will win the Undisputed Title at Wrestlemania?

Current Results
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