Welcome to Writing Scholarships - a newsletter with links to scholarships, grants, competitions, contests, internships, call for entries, residencies, fellowships, funding, and other opportunities for creative writers, screenwriters and teleplay writers, writing educators and students of all ages. There are geographic restrictions that govern the award of most scholarships, so the information provided is limited to the UK, USA and Australia/New Zealand.


Screenwriting and teleplay writing is part of  'creative writing', but is different in one important respect. While descriptive prose is an essential element of writing for the print medium, it is not part of a script for a visual medium.

Writers' Academy's principal Coral Drouyn terms this the 'minds' EyeQ' - the ability to tell stories in pictures and often without dialogue. Elements of this are visual text and visual subtext.

But how are these written and how can a writer ensure they are played out on screen?

Coral believes that it's part craft skills and part rare talent. Of course, the same can be said of all writing disciplines, so what are the special traits that apply to screenwriters?

To take Coral's 'minds' eyeQ test, go to screendreams.co.uk.. It may shed some light on your particular abilities, and help you determine whether screenwriting is for you.