Ryan's Writings:
Current Affairs
The Misrepresented Female Sexuality in Print Advertising (2002) 8 pages

MP3s: They're No Tease
(an expose on the effects of MP3s on local artists) (2002)
5 pages

Post Cold War World: Global Markets and International Threats (2001) 5 pages

Resist a Racist Reaction
(2001) 1 page
This essay was printed as an Op-Ed in American University Eagle (Circulation 8,000; Washington D.C.) on September 17, 2001. It was then reprinted as a letter to the editor in the October edition of the Waterbury Observer (Waterbury, Connecticut).

Women and Society: Women's Perspectives and the Feminist Movement
3 pages

Review of Rory Kennedy's American Hollo
w [I saw this stunning documentary at the National Gallery of Art. It intimately depicts the life and conditions of people in the poorest regions of Applachia.](2000) 2 pages

An Historic Journey: My First Vot
e  [Presidential Election 2000] 2 pages

The Confederate Flag: Communication Concepts in Racism and Histor
y (2000)
5 pages

Effects of the Baby Boom (2001) 3 pages

A Review of
Inclusion and Democracy by Iris Marion Young [Four parts] (2000)

Some Philosophical Foundations of Our Political Parties (2000) 1 page

Kosova: War Criminals - a documentary by Maria Warsinki
(2000) 4 pages 

Parks and People work for Community: Resident organization makes an historic Washington D.C. park saf
e (2000) 6 pages

The Napster Controversy: MP3 technology and its effect on the recording industr
y (2000) 5 pages

The Controversy of Public School Uniform
s (1998) 2 pages
This essay appeared as an Op-Ed in the Hartford Courant on November 3, 1998. I was paid $80 for these 500 words!

Simple Solutions Trigger Relief to Urban Sprawl Problem
s (2000) 8 pages

Neither Internalist nor Externalist: The Relations Theor
y [Internalism and Externalism are both theories to explain why third world countries cannot support themselves. The Relations Theory attempts to replace them both.](2000) 1 page

A Comparison of News from Newspaper and Televisio
n (2000) 5 pages

Article on a Gun Control Foru
m (2000) 2 pages

Review of Richard Preston's
The Hot Zone [The Hot Zone is a nonfiction book about the Ebola Virus.](1998) 2 pages

Hugh O'Brien Youth Leadership Foundation announcement article (1999) 1 page

Divided Collective Conscious in an Organic Society - focusing on censorship
1 page

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