the band
their info
their work
others & them


hannah spearritt
bradley mcintosh
jon lee
tina barrett
jo o'meara
paul cattermole
rachel stevens
the group
special galleries

the box
tv specials


message board
did you notice?
mailing list
submission form

paul & rachel

this site
win award
awards i've won
support buttons

sign the guestbook
view the guestbook


There are a lot of people whom without them this site wouldn't have been formed. So this is the place where I'd like to thank them and here goes my Oscar (Okser - Paul in 'Into the Unknown', I know I'm sick) speech:

  1. A big and massive thank-you to S Club 7, cuz without them this site wouldn't have been made and I wasn't so damn optimistic all the time!!!
  2. A HUGE thank-you to Richie from, cuz without him I probably wouldn't have had about 70% of the pictures in this site.
  3. Thank you Hildeke, the webmaster of sclub4ever, for letting me use the site's wallpapers and pictures!
  4. Thank you to the Yahoo! Clubs for some of my pictures.
  5. Thank you to everyone who sent pictures, fanfics, news, gossip, banner, links or anything else! I really appreciate your contribute!
  6. Thank you to everyone who sent me an e-mail, encouraging me about my work, commenting or just supporting me with my big Paul/Rachel obsession. I know I wasn't able to answer you all lately, but it's just because my e-mail program doesn't work so I'm waiting for it to be repaired and then I'll get back to you!
  7. Thank you to every webmaster that linked my site to his/hers.
  8. Thank you to the people that gave me an award for my site! This means a lot to me!
  9. Thank you to everyone I forgot and made a difference!
  10. Thank you to whoever voted for my site!
  11. Thank you Effy, for publishing this site without me asking!
  12. Thank you, Robert, for keeping me sane, although it hardly ever happened.
  13. Thanks to all of my great and supportive friends (NOT) who supported my S Club 7 obsession (or more likely - mocked at me!)
  14. Thank you Rotem, for saying that Rachel and Paul do look cute together, even when you thought they didn't!
  15. A massive thank you for the webmaster of for letting me use some of the scanned pictures.
  16. Cheers to Silje for sending me scans!
  17. Thanks Joanne and Roxy for sending me most of the Did You Notice?
  18. Thanks Loes for letting me use your scans and pictures!
  19. A great thanks to Albany from SClubHeaven for letting me use her pictures and the lyrics to 'You'!
  20. Much thanks to Christin from for letting me use some of the scans!
  21. Thanks Viv, a great friend, for your fanfics, advises, comments... promotions! :)
  22. Thanks Jennifer from for letting me use some pictures!

  23. Thanks to anyone who sent quotes.
  24. Thanks to those who submited the E-Pal List and the Newspaper!
  25. And last (for now) but definitely not least... thank you to whoever signed my Guestbook! I'm not capable of thanking you all personally, but I really appreciate it. It means a lot to me. Thank you!