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Winners Circle


Our members have been very busy showing in various venues - obedience, agility, and conformation. Here is a tribute to those dogs who have completed titles and other accomplishments during October, November and December, 1999.


January 8, 2000 Blaze Shiba Inu Karen Shaffer Blaze finished his Championship with a 4 point major, going Best of Breed over 5 specials, at the Rubber City KC show.

1st half, 1999 Tuxie Boston Terrier Eleanor Jackson Tuxie was rated the #1 Boston Terrier in the First and Foremost and #1 in the Delaney System Ratings as published in "Front and Finish".

September - December, 1999 River Chesapeake Bay Retriever Megan Bowser Carion River started and completed his CD in the fall. His frist trial at Altoona Area KA, earned him a 2nd place. He earned his second leg at Kanadasaga KC, and finished at Lorain County KC at the Crown Classic in Cleveland.

October - December, 1999 Remington Shetland Sheepdog Linda Moore Remington earned his 2nd Open A leg at hte Dauphin DTC in Harrisburg. He had 4th place in his half of the class, finishing 8th overall, once the two parts were combined. A total of 70 dogs showed in Open A. He finished his CDX at the Cleveland Crown Classic, winning a run-off for third place out of 40 dogs. Remi also won High Scoring Sheltie in Open A.

December, 1999 Remington Shetland Sheepdog Linda Moore In addition to finishing his CDX, Remi also finished his OA title at the Crown Classic cluster!

December, 1999 Libby Golden Retriever Megan Rosemeyer Libby earned her first CD leg at the Cleveland Crown Classic. Two days later, she earned her second leg.

December 1999 Lyric Border Collie Jan Mayr Lyric completed her NAJ title at the Cleveland Crown Classic. She earned her 3rd leg with a clean run, 1st place, and an incredible time of 23.51 seconds - 10 seconds ahead of second place!

October = December, 1999 Kirby Shetland Sheepdog Karen Rose Cercone Kirby earned her first CD leg out of the Novice A class at the Golden Triangle OTC trial in October. At the Crown Classic in Cleveland in December, Kirby earned her second leg on Thursday, and her third and title leg on Saturday. She went on to earn a fourth, insurance leg on Sunday. She placed 2nd, 4th, and 1st for her three title legs!

December, 1999 MacGee Shetland Sheepdog Kim Reeher MacGee earned his 6th MX leg at the Crown Classic in Cleveland.

December 17, 1999 Jake Labrador Retriever Kathi Scherf Jake eraned his 3rd open agility leg, and his OA title at the Crown Classic in Cleveland. He went on to earn a fourth, insurance leg, with a clean run and 3rd place out of 41 dogs.

December, 1999 Yolandra Shetland Sheepdog Sandy DeFloria Yoie earned her first two open agility legs at the Crown Classic in Cleveland.

December, 1999 Demi Miniature Poodle Barbara Blanchfield Demi earned all 3 of her OAJ legs, and her title at the Crown Classic in Cleveland. She also earned one Open standard leg while there.

December, 1999 Jackson Border Collie Julia Ecklar Jackson earned his third NA leg in Novice A at the Crown Classic in Cleveland. He had a clean run, 19 seconds under time, for first place!

Fall, 1999 Twist Border Collie Kim Wong At the Flexible Flyer USDAA agility trial, Twist earned a leg in Advanced Gamblers and Advanced Snookers.

Fall, 1999 Hershey Eric Wong Labrador Retriever At the Flexible Flyer USDAA agiltiy trial, Hershey earned a Master Gambler's leg.

Fall, 1999 Delaney Bull Terrier Cindy Perrott Delaney finished the show season in style! After several Best of Varieties (White) at specialty shows, including a group 4, she finished in Top Twenty Bull Terriers in both the breed and all-breed rankings!

November 20, 1999 Mickey Shetland Sheepdog Jim & Elaine Askenase Mickey received his second major win and a Best of Winners at the Lima KC in Columbus.

October, 1999 Poet Cairn Terrier Sandy Speicher Poet, a 6 month old puppy, took Best Senior Puppy in Match, and First Place in the Terrier group at the Bushy Run KC match.

December, 1999 Larkyn & Brendan Rough Collies Karen Garrity Both Larkyn and Brendan passed the Canine Good Citizen test.

See pictures of some of our winners!

See more winners from June, July and August, 1999

See more winners from April, May and June, 1999


For more information e-mail WCOTC


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