2/13/03: "IT'S TIME TO END THE GAME!", some random shit, and a Perfect superstar

Ok, just finished watching Smackdown about an hour ago and what can I say? It was a great show. Brock's the man. The only part I didn't like was the Undertaker segment, but that's nothing new. What a great way for a talented superstar like, Kanyon to make a return to the WWE ring, by having him get the shit kicked out of him by a middle-aged man. Undertaker didn't sell, Kanyon's punches and once again dominated.

Anyway...... enough about my Undertaker complaints, onto the Game.

As you all know, I'm sick of this asshole, his politics and the fact that Mr. Injury is still the champ. This whole evolution angle that has been thrown in our faces does nothing but benefit, Triple H. In reality, it doesn't help Randy Orton, it doesn't help, Batista. If anything, it's slowly burying them. Allow me to explain -- Both Batista and Orton have what it takes to make it to the top of the WWE world, the problem is, Triple H lost it. Triple H couldn't get over when he returned, whether it was as a face or as a heel. His wrestling ability became stale and his gimmick, lame. He's no, Austin (keep in mind, I'm not an Austin fan), but his gimmick was very Austin-like. Austin is the only one who can really pull off a gimmick like this. He has the mic skills and the look, Triple H does not. Now because, Trip's couldn't get over as a face, they made him heel by turning on Shawn Michaels and blah blah. That didn't seem to work either, so they put Ric Flair alongside him. The problem? People paid more attention to, Flair then they did, Mr. Injury. All in all, Triple H STILL is not over, so WWE moves on to plan E, put 'em in a stable.

So we now have a stable, who are, as of right now, calling themselves "The Evolution". Orton, who just came back from an injury and Batista, who's been pretty dominate as a singles competitor, become Triple H's goons. Now Trip's may have praised the two a while back on RAW, but it really doesn't help them, because he then went on to OVER-praise himself. He compared himself to fuckin' Flair! He's not even in Flair's league. I know this and I can't stand, Ric. This whole stable was created to benefit ONE MAN, that man being Triple H. It's another sad attempt at trying to get this douche bag over. If it works, "The Evolution" may be around for quite some time, but if it doesn't, watch as Batista and Orton get knocked down to mid-card status and another ploy for getting Trip's over, arises.

This man needs to drop his title to someone deserving of it. Three names come to mind, Booker T, Chris Jericho and RVD. Vince needs to realize that it's time to end the game.


Now for my random shit.

Recently I've gone to a few wrestling message boards and all people seem to do is complain about, Steiner. "Oh Steiner can't wrestle for shit. Steiner sucks. He should just give up because he's so bad and he's a 'roid freak". Man, you people need to get off his back. Sure he's not the man he once was, he's slower in the ring, his cardo isn't as great, but he still does his best to perform for you assholes! He's not a backstage politician and I'm pretty damn sure he would put over any wrestler if it was asked of him. Another thing, people are are claiming he's a 'roid monster, well according to Tom Zenk, a man who tells the fuckin' truth, he's not. Look at, Mullet Scott. He was big then, no where as near as big as he is now, but it didn't happen overnight, it took years and years. Triple H on the other hand, he comes back from a quad injury and all of a sudden, he's huge. Drinking all those protein shakes like he claims isn't going to get him to that size in 8 months. Let's not forget that he probably didn't start lifting again 'til about 4 or 5 months after. There's also the fact that, Trip's has been injuried one too many times since his return. Anyone who knows anything about steroids knows that 'roids make your body more vulnerable, therefor, your chances of getting injuried are a lot greater. Now you can say "Well a lot of wrestlers get hurt in the ring on a daily basis". Well that is very true, I'm not gonna argue that, BUT Triple H isn't in the ring nearly as much as he use to be, and when he is, it's his opponent carrying the match, not him. He doesn't do much. He's just as bad as Kevin Nash.

Ok, ok, back to Steiner. I was in the official WWE chat room about an hour after the Royal Rumble and some jackass says "Steiner was so horrible tonight. Man that guy sucks. All he did was belly-to-belly suplex's. He can't wrestle." but a few minutes later, he goes onto say "Hogan's the man. He's so awesome." How ironic. So I said to him "I find it rather funny that you'll sit there and insult, Steiner yet you'll go on to praise Hogan. At least Steiner can do belly-to-belly suplex's. At least at one time, Scott was a really good wrestler. Hogan always lacked an actual wrestling ability." His rebuddle? "At least Hogan doesn't wear stupid chainmaille on his head." A rather sad retort, but that's ok because I just simply said "Well at least he doesn't wear tye-dyed pants and look like a 200 year old hippy." He did not reply. So do you see some of the hypocrisy in people? Insult Steiner and his ability in the ring, but praise Hogan at the same time? It doesn't make any sense.


Curt Hennig, a perfect wrestler during a perfect time.

I remember watching him when I was younger on WWF Superstars and WWF Wrestling Challenge, every Saturday and Sunday. He was amazing. I loved the flips he would do when someone punched him. And then you have his promos. My god those were great. He really knew how to make the fans angry. He was just great on the mic.

When he turned face (you can thank the Ultimate Warrior for that), I was actually quite shocked, I mean he has been a WWF heel since 1988. His face run was short lived however, and he soon become a commentator, due to his bad back. Eventually he went to WCW and had a pretty good run. He returned at last years Royal Rumble and he became one of my favorite wrestlers. His death came as a complete shock. There's no doubt about it, Mr. Perfect will be greatly missed.
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