Written by Arnaldo Rodrigues D'Almeida                                                                          

Published in: April / 2002

Revised in: June/2002



1 - Introduction


    REX is an adaptation of the chess game to a board of rectangular format, constituted of 85 hexagons (of preference), circle or  rectangle, filled in white  (27), black (27) and grey (31) colors.


    The adaptation consisted in: to increase more 1 Bishop and 7 Pawns for each player, to define the position of each piece in the beginning of the game (Figure 1) and the movement of the pieces so that it is compatible with the board (see rules). The rules are similar to the ones of the traditional chess. The essence of the game remains the same, to give checkmate.


Figure 1: Positioning the pieces at the beginning of the game.



        REX has 6 directions (3 diagonal and 3 orthogonal), two more than FIDE chess (Figures 2 and 3).


Figure 2: The 6 directions of the REX board.

Figure 3: The 4 directions of the FIDE

                         chess board.



    The largest amount of directions, number of hexagons and number of pieces, increase the number of combinations of possible moves that each player can play, what turns it in a most pleasure game and request larger concentration capacity and its players' reasoning.


    When playing for the first time, even being accustomed to play chess, you probably will find it very strange, however, after you play a few times, you will go familiarizing with the board and the movements of the pieces, and you will realize, more and more, that the strategies of the game are, essentially, the same of the traditional chess.


    As in the traditional chess, REX, besides providing entertainment, develops: intelligence, concentration capacity, creativity, logical, tactical and strategic reasoning, visual memory, association (recognition of models) and spirit of competition.  Although it has similarity with the chess, its characteristics are very peculiar (see The game).


    REX was invented in February of 1997 by Arnaldo Rodrigues D`Almeida. The board was registered at the INPI (Brazilian Patent Office), in February 27, 1998 under the number of DI5800260-0. In the same year INPI made demands, requesting to the author to pronounce about it, in 60 days, starting from the date of the publication. The author wasn't aware of the demands, lost the period and REX became of public domain.



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1- Introduction

2- Rules

3- Notation

4- The game

5- Strategies

6- Matches

7- Problems

8- Board

9- Donwloads
10- Links