 Xamela   Cattery was first established in Australia in 1978, under the Kamlea (the perfect one) prefix, with the purchase of my first pair of Birmans. After a slow start and great deterination things were rolling along nicely.
Having much admiration for  the lovely pale coats of the Chocolate Siamese and Colourpoint Persians, Liz Robinson, Narelle Charley and myself, established the   Majik prefix in 1986, specifically for our experimental programme. We were lucky to have had the use of the
Pandora Kudos
magnificent Chocolate point Himalayan, Pandora Kudos, owned by Rob Bakker and Lee Burton, to introduce the Chocolate gene into our Birmans.
The programme progressed along slowly but surely. Keeping chocolate carriers to mate back to chocolate carriers, resulted in the lack of markings and eye colour. Not wanting to embark on another programme, but wanting to hasten the quality of our chocolates, I imported the Lilac point stud, Shwechinthe Chindwin, from Elizabeth Brigliadori in the U.K. Chindwin was a valuable asset, as an outcross in  the programme, dramatically reducing the years it would otherwise have taken us to produce quality chocolate and lilacs.
In 1991 I returned, along with the cats, to New Zealand after spending 15 years in Australia. Being unable to retain my Kamela prefix in New Zealand, application was made for the current one, “Xamela”.
We continually strive to breed quality (not quantity) birmans, we can be proud of, with termperament being one of our priorities.

I myself have worked as Veterinary nurse since graduating in 1982. Having a keen interest in genetics, it has been my pleasure to have served on the New Zealand Cat Fancy Genetics Advisory committee since 1997.
Me, Roger and Belle. Belle is a chocolate Border Collie and Roger a Lilac Pt Birman