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Frequently Asked Questions

What is 80'sXchange Fantasy Sports all about?
All of the members of these leagues are first and foremost members of a family of 80's fans called the
80'sXchange.  Being sports fans also, we compete in these leagues for fun and comradery.  Any memeber of the 80'sXchange (which is free to join) is eligible to play in the 80'sXchange Fantasy Sports Leagues (which are also free).

How do I join one of the 80'sXchange Fantasy Sports Leagues?
First, you must be a member of the
80'sXchange.  Then just email the commissioner or post a note on the message board to find out when the next league is signing up teams.  Most leagues start sign-ups abot a month before the respective sport's season, and the sign-ups end when the fantasy draft is held, usually a week or so before the season starts.

What are the leagues' rules?
Please visit the
80'sXchange Fantasy Sports rules page for details.

Why have a website apart from the 80'sXchange?
This website and it's affiliated leagues are a "satellite" of the 80'sXchange, and they exist with the permission and under the governance or the 80'sXchange's Administrator.  This site is designed to host sports & fantasy sports related stats, images, etc. without detracting from the 80's-based content of the 80'sXchange.  This site will never be used for any non-sports related activity which would be better served on the 80'sXchange itself.

How do I get a logo or helmet displayed here?
Each team may have a logo or helmet displayed on it's page of 80'sXchange Fantasy Sports.  A logo or helmet will be designed for the team by the commissioner, if the manager wishes.  Managers can also obtain or make their own logo or helmet, display of which is at the discretion of the commissioner.  Email the commissioner for details.