
The Starship

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The Update Log

(((~~~UPDATE LOG~~~)))
12.15.02 SUNDAY
Hey hey, XenoEnder here! 10 days left until that Merry holiday! How are you doing? You like the new look of the site dontcha? I sure do. *Hums to transgression*. It's great. I added new pictures, tried mouseover idea, didn't work, did an entire layout of site differently. Didn't have time to get to the Games page & some of the nestuff pages yet. BUT! I did put a few of my own songs! The "Alone With My Shadow" story is also finally here! (note: not final version yet) Check it out! Check it all out! And all this was done in NotePad and Paint Shop Pro, if you're wondering...happy holidays!
12.02.02 TUESDAY 09:58 PM EST
An offline update here, I've finished reading over some HTML and Javascript lessons and am hoping to input some of that stuff in here. In other news, I played some more Hitman 2:Silent Assassin, and also had a good dinner. Heh, I know you care so much. Don't forget about December 15th! Until next time, I'm going to bed.
11.24.02 SUNDAY
It's been quite some time since my last update, but I am preparing a giant one for December 15th! Remember! DECEMBER 15th! A big update. Yes, I'm working on it even now. As for excuses to nothing happening, I can really only rely on the removal of my wisdom teeth. I had that done two weeks ago or so, something like that. It was painful. I bled for over three hours, nothing fun in that at all. Yeah, missed a whole week of school too. What are you up to there? Buy "Episode II" yet on DVD? Speaking of discs, I bought some compact discs (CDs) last weekend. Awesome. It was a six-CD set, for only $25. Good deal. "The Essential Trance". *Head nods to the beat* Real good stuff. All right, remember: DECEMBER 15TH!
10.20.02 SUNDAY
Hey everyone, what's goin' on. This is just to let everyone know that I am alive and well, thank you. If you ever check this place out again (or anymore), let me tell you, it's still active. In fact, I'm working on an unfinished story at the moment, for release up here within the next week or so. Possibly. Now, don't get excited. I'm saying that this story may be up here by December. Well, if it does, it'll be up sooner than that. As for "Alone With My Shadow", ... I've still got work to do on that. Bought Time Splitters 2. Been playing it too much. Good game. Watched Godfather yesterday. Nothing else exciting. Laters.
10.04.02 FRIDAY
Hey, what's up? Nothing, as usual, that is new. I've got this killer research paper to do in English. It's about myths and conclusions drawn from them that explain things about the culture the aforementioned myths come from. Very complex. So, now you know how I'll be spending my weekend. That said, I must now listen to Orchard Street by Necros of five musicians (made in 1997 btw) for the next hour. What a great song! Myth paper tomorrow. Yep, later. Oh wait, for those of you anxiously waiting for my next big update (all one of you -- just me --), it won't be for at least a week. Who knows? Outta here.
Still no work done. No writing. No site changes. Nothing. In movies, there's nothing really out now, so you won't notice the lack of that. My latest story hasn't been touched for a week at least. The good summer times have ended, and I'm once again in school. That pretty much is my only explanation for lack of anything. Then again, I doubt you come here every day, eager for something new. Well, as Willy Wonka said last night in that movie of his, "Never doubt things you aren't sure about." Um, that's it for me I guess. Check back in a week, I might have somethin' for you. Who knows?
I've just downloaded a whole bunch of great songs. I'll sift through them until I get the ones I want to put up. In another news, "Alone With My Shadow" is getting closer to finished ... but ... school starts this week. Which means, it's going to be getting worked on less. So, it's time to put in another effort today and tomorrow, if I get the time. In news of updates, I really didn't do much. Ah well. No one'll probably notice. Later.
I plan on posting the update for yesterday and today up soon. Today I added the table of links at the bottom of "current movies" and the "past movies" pages. I'm also goin' to put the six small pictures in my directory. What else? Oh, I started to watch "Lord of the Rings" because I bought the new DVD of it, but stopped after a while. I'll watch it tonight, for sure. Phone line actually has a dial tone back now, and I'm hoping it'll stay that way for awhile yet. All right, just keepin' ya posted, later.
Completely did the site again, in HTML, adding in the entire bottom parts, where I have my signature, table of pages, and copyright. Also added the images in the table. Didn't touch the main page, I can't duplicate those tables yet. Due to a messed up Net connection, this update won't be online for another day or two. Damn phone line's all screwed. Anyway, I went through all the pages, most of them I think, and updated them with the right information. New movie reviews aren't up because there's really no new movies this weekend. Pluto Nash is horrible, as is Serving Sara or whatever. Go see "Signs" if you want a movie. I cut my finger today too, isn't that bad? Band-aids really don't fit on the very tip of your finger well either. Got some new clothes today and yesterday. Goin' back to school in style huh? Heh heh. Also finished writing "Alone With My Shadow", I'll be puttin' that up soon as I can. Also finished reading "The Godfather" by Mario Puzo, great book, but I don't recommend it to anyone under 16. So, all in all, this has been the biggest update so far. Keep checking back when you feel like it. Later.
I put up the Nestuff section, where I talk about the Net and stuff.
Added the music page today. I'm thinking about re-doing it in HTML though, not in PageBuilder. I also edited the Stories page, but I'm going to re-do that in HTML soon too.
/(((~~~UPDATE LOG~~~)))

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This site is copyrighted to XenoEnder. Anything related to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental (except for those who are famous). And some of this stuff is fictious. I wish it were, yeah. Why is David Arquette still alive? Oh, um, yeah, federal laws apply and all that good stuff. Follow them!