A lonely but gifted college student, Fairchild was recruited as part of a government program secretly intended to develop super humans. Under the Gen-active project, Fairchild manifested her powers in the form of a well built, extremely strong, six-foot tall woman. However, fearful of the fate that stood before them, Fairchild helped free her fellow test subjects and led the way to freedom.

Real name
: Caitlin Fairchild
: Adventurer
Group affiliation
: X-Men 
Base of Operations
: Xavier Institute for Higher Learning, Westchester County, New York

: 6' 4"
: 300 lbs.
: Green
: Red

: Fairchild possesses super-human strength, allowing her to lift and hurl objects as large as a full-sized train. Almost an impenetrable force with her great size, dense mass, speed and agility, Fairchild makes a fearsome enemy. She is also extremely intelligent and quick on her toes in any situation.

: None