Real name: Unknown
Occupation: (current) Adventurer, (former) Mercenary
Group affiliation: X-Men 
Base of Operations: Xavier Institute for Higher Learning,
Westchester County, New York

Height: 5'8"
Weight: 120 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Other distinguishing features: During the use of her powers, she can at times have bony protrusions from various parts of her body.

Equipment: None

Powers: Marrow is a mutant whose physiology has radically altered from the human norm. She had at one time possessed two hearts; the second continued functioning when the first was forcefully removed in a savage battle against Storm.

  Many of Marrow's bones grow to an abnormally large size and protrude from her skin without causing any physical damage to herself. These bones are normally blade-shaped, and Marrow is proficient at using these blades as throwing weapons or in hand to hand combat. Once Marrow has removed any of these bones new bones grow in their place at an unspecified rapid rate. Marrow's entire skeleton has enhanced durability, giving her some degree of physical protection against concussive impact.