Once a forthright and proper British maiden, Betsy Braddock found herself transformed into a finely tuned Asian assassin. A warrior, Psylocke lived according to her own rules. Hated and feared by humanity as a member of the outlaw X-Men, she laid down her life in defense of a planet on the brink of genetic war -- fighting to unlock the future history of our world!

Real name
: Elisabeth Braddock
: Adventurer
Group affiliation
: X-Men
Base of operations
: Xavier Institute for Higher Learning, Westchester County, New York

: 5'11"
: 155 lbs.
: Black
: Purple

: A former telepath, Psylocke could manifest her telekinesis in the form of a sword with a blade a molecule thick, capable of slicing through virtually any object due to the sheer force of her will. Also, she exhibited the ability to levitate objects, herself and others, and kinetically manipulate matter. But Psylocke was inexperienced and caused herself great strain performing such feats.

: In combat, Psylocke relied on her telekinetic sword and Ninja training, augmented by her mutant talents.