Real name: Robert Da Costa
: Adventurer, former student
Group affiliation
: X-Men 
Base of Operations
: Xavier Institute for Higher Learning, Westchester County, New York

5' 8"
: 170 lbs.
: Brown
: Black

: Ability to absorb solar energy and convert it for use as physical strength.  His physical resistance to impact also increases somewhat when he employs superhuman strength. For unknown reasons small black spots appear in the air around
Sunspot when he utilizes superhuman strength. Although Sunspot can absorb energy from stars and reflected solar energy from the moon, the amounts that reach him on Earth are too minuscule to add significantly to his power. Recently Sunspot developed the abilities to fly and project concussive energy blasts from his hands.

Special Limitations:
When not in direct sunlight, Sunspot can exhaust his superhuman strength by using up the stores of energy within his body.

: None