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What is a Radio ham?

The national and international laws defines as " person who by liking and interest in the radioacomunication, studies, experiment with radio equipment, projecting their task to the knowhow, to the culture development, to the international relations, the communitarian aid and the security national". Anywhere in the world, around million three hundred thousand men and women of all country of the Earth they practice today what it is known like "Amateur Radio" or "Hamradio"

How to join to a Radius Club

Any person as of the 12 years of age can have an option of incorporation to the Club of her zone, city or region. For this it is necessary to visit the seat object to inquire into the mechanism of acceptance of partners.

World-wide organization of the Radio hams

The offices of the ARRL (American Society of Relief by Radio), welcome in the Secretariat of well-known a world-wide fan Federation like IARU (International Amateur Radio Union). The IARU is integrated by organizations similar to those of North American Liga of more than 100 country. De agreement to the statutes of this corporation, is accepted to a single organization by country. The IARU has the official status of "Observer" before the Union International of Telecomunicaciones (UIT) that is the branch of the United Nations in charge to organize world-wide conferences of telecommunications and to take agreements related to the regulation and the allocation from the radioelectric phantom at world-wide level.eis caractéres.   
Date: 19-Feb-2007 19:59

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