More Things



June 5, 2004 12:50AM

Case Fan
I just wanted to post a picture of my new case fan, it is pretty damn awesome.
So Awesome! April 12, 2004 4:47PM

So Weird!
Well today I decided to post for the first time in months, just to post. Off to do calculus homework and history. Ah, life of IB. Might post a story later, I am debating wether or not to do so.

November 5,2003 9:20PM

All Organy
Yes humans do have respritory and digestive systems, how keen...

How the fuck is the can doing that?

October 30,2003 9:38PM

America, fooled by everyone
including a 15 year old girl

Elizabeth Smart
Until now I thought that people had some sense... but I have been proven wrong. The Smart family has decided to capitalize on the safe return of their daughter home after she was kidnapped, they wrote a book. In addition Elizabeth has been seen on NBC with Katie Courik(spelling might be wrong on that name)and even Oprah. Why hell, she played the fucking harp on TV too. So to get down to the point, I can not feel sorry for a girl who walked through Salt Lake City and did nothing. On top of everything else her family decides to make a shitload of money off of the crime of kidnapping. This is absolute bullshit. Someone should sue the Smart family for greediness. The next time I see something like this I will go out and commit arson just to spite it. Of course, it would be just my luck if a book came out about it...

October 27,2003 10:37PM

This may be the most important thing that I have ever written on this website. Just this past weekend, I had a friend whose father died in a car accident. I wish that I could offer solace or anything, but I can not. I hope that he knows that if he ever needs help, that I will be among those that are there for him.
So now, I can only offer advice to all the people that read this. Have only one fear in life, the fear that you will die unsatisfied wishing you had only done more. Live life. This has just been re-emphasized to me, do not be afraid to live!!! Live life like there was no tommorow, as if you had only minutes until death. Because one day the reaper will come and we will know then that we must depart.
Sincerely and Respectfully, Kyle Cunningham
October 11,2003 12:18AM

I almost forgot. I happened to stumble across this picture while surfing the wonderful waves of the world wide web. Of course, I added a bit of my own dialouge.

Can everyone do me a favor and boycott shitty art. This is not a stab at christianity, this is a stab at the person who drew this ugly and horrible picture. I have never even seen a juggeler wear something like that. I am praying that this guy dies in a powerful explosion or some act of god. That is right, god should smite this guy good for portraying his son as a dumbass.
That is it.

October 11,2003 12:09AM

It has been a long time since I have written a damn thing on this page. I am going through a somewhat interesting period in my life that includes the following.

#1, being busy all the damn time with something
#2, way too much apathy
#3, way too many women

On to other things. I had an idea today, "How many websites would google find if I searched my name?", and the answer I recieved was interesting. I recieved about 110,000 results. It isn't that many but it still seemed like it was way too much. In any case, that is it for now.
Keep it cool,

August 10,2003 10:13PM

I know what you are thinking, I haven't written anything in a month. I have actually written things, I just decided to delete them because they had no real value. So on to this lovely article. The image you see above can be found on the United States one dollar bill. It is in fact a symbol of the illuminati. The illumnati was a secret society that was originally founded around the year 1600 by Galileo among others. The eye in the pyramid with light streaming forth from it stands for Illumination. The wrinting under the large pyramid Novus Ordo Seclorum mean "A new secular order". It is cool stuff. These guys made sure science had a place in the world. So that is my badass story for the week. If you don't like it, then you are just stupid. That is it.
July 18,2003 1:53AM
Something occured to me today,
I am awesome. I knew it but I had never thought of it. Bam, right in the face. If you think I'm not awesome then you are wrong. I'm The Yellow Dart, you can't beat that biatch. Talk to my fist if you have a problem.
The Yellow Dart

July 18,2003 1:02AM
My Stereo Will Bitch All of you down

That's right, I got my new stereo, installed it and now I will be driving around your neighborhood causing the largest earthquake ever. Board up the windows, tie down the furniture, because Kyle is coming. If you don't know what my pimpin' gear is just check it out below.
That is it.

July 15,2003 10:31PM
My Bitch Ass Car Stereo

I thought I would relay to you all the exciting news of me getting a new car stereo, which is arriving via UPS on Thursday of this week. It consists of,
1. Panasonic CQ-DP383U CD/MP3/WMA (stereo,with remote)
2.JBL GTO936 6"x9" 3-way Speakers (speakers, no shit)

If you are riding with me then you will truly be riding in style. I am getting this equipment from I would suggest buying auido equipment from them. They send everything you need to install the product you get including instructions. I am already happy about it.

July 15,2003 10:13PM
I am rockin' now!
After an old malfuctioning keyboard I now have a new one and I can start writing articles again. This one may seem a little old, but please forgive me. From now on you will see almost daily articles. In addition, on Sunday, the video of the week will finally be updated. In the future you can also look forward to flash presentations and the like. Enjoy.

It isn't Mp3s that's making record sales go down, it's the shitty ass music.

"I have a great idea! Let's market shitty ass music! We can rip people off and bitch down on real musicians! The best part, we get all the money!" Said and RIAA executive in March of 2002. The fact, the RIAA sucks ass. RIAA stands for "The Recording Industry Association of America" and is made up of the five largest recording companies in the world. In most other cases this market control would generally would be known as a monopoly. The RIAA controls the music we hear, see, and buy. Small recording studios have trouble releasing records because RIAA records get all the exposure on TV, Radio, and on store shelves. But now the RIAA is afraid. The small man (a.k.a teenage hackers) is pirating music and releasing it over the internet. But trust me, that isn't we record sales are going down. When you are supporting an "artist" named "50 Cent" that has been shot twelve times you ought to know that something is wrong. Good artists just don't record under any large recording companies and they are paying for it. The RIAA is on a downfall and they can't take the heat. So you have to relinquish total market control, tough shit. Take it like a man you little bitch. And one more piece of advice don't sell music devoid of talent that sucks ass.

June 27,2003 9:34PM
Yes, Finally! It is time for the long awaited update! I know, it is about fucking time, under there is everything you could ever want in a website, check it out, if you don't you are a mofo.

The Joy of Sisters

I have been spending the summer at my dad's house, because I am working a full time job where he lives. I have been coming back to my mom's house every other weekend. So this weekend I come back to find out my sister had installed a program called Hotbar, which puts an annoying navigation bar in internet explorer. I knew something was fishy when I saw. As it turns out it was spyware. What a surprise. A new rule, my sister isn't allowed to install programs.

The What-If Rule

This is a rule of the universe that I personally created. It is pretty simple. All it says is this - anything and everything is always happening and never happening at the same time. There are millions of factors that go into one moment. So the advice here is this, just live life while you have the chance and let it take its course thigns happen for good reasons, bad reasons, and no reason at all.

This page was last updated on May 4, 2003 at 2:42A.M.
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