


      *The wind blew his hair wickedly around his face. He stood with his back against me. I knew why I was there, what he wanted but I didn't yet  understand. He stared down on the city beneath us as he whispered 
"We're on top of the world...Just you and me." 
He turned to me then, sadness sliding from his dark eyes. My heart ached, as it hit me.
"Don't..." was the only thing I could manage. 
He smiled at me. "To die, is to truly be free..." 
He spread his arms in the air as if he wanted to fly. 
"I love you." 
"I know." I said, tears falling from my eyes. 
"Do you understand now?" I nodded. 
"Today...we fly...together."
He grabbed my hand and pulled me on to the ledge.
 "Spread your wings love, freedom awaits."
I screamed as we fell, rushing to the ever near ground. And then it hit me.
I didn't want to die...*

    One step from Darkness, a split second away from death...
   *Every 16 seconds another teenager TRIES to commit suicide.
  * Once every HALF hour, 1 teenager, commits suicide successfully.

Scary eh?
    What if I told you, Teenage girls try to commit suicide more than guys, but guys have the highest % of successful suicides and are known to use more violent ways.
 Thats one question that can never be answered. Teenagers that want, try and/or do commit suicide all want the same thing. To end the pain.
    In the end it's really kind of ironic...It's the family and friends are the ones that are left to suffer. This is why there is more than one suicide at a time.
    None of them really want to die, but in the eyes of the teenager there is no other possible solution. It's usually used as a last resort.
    This doesn't have to happen. IT SHOULDN'T HAPPEN.
That's it guys. I'm putting a STOP to it right here, RIGHT NOW! If you know someone that is, or if you are yourself, please get help. Life IS worth living, we all just need to get the hang of it. Nothing is impossible.

There isn't just one specific thing that makes someone suicidal. We all are our own problems and we all reach out in different ways.
Here are some signs to look for.



1. LISTEN to them. Take them seriously. Ask questions, about family, their future or life. JUST TALK!

2. Tell them YOU CARE.

3. Get HELP! Even if they tell you not to say anything. TELL SOMEONE. If your still unsure, think of it this way, if they are serious how are you going to feel if you knew you had the chance to help and didn't?
Talk to parents, relatives, neighbors, friends, school counselor, emergency wards of hospitals, Kids help line, mental health office or the police and ambulance.

KIDS HELP LINE: 1-800-668-6868

NEED Crisis Line: 386-6323

BC Council for Family: 1-800-663-5638

Transition House: 385-661