Properties of Energy & Matter
by James Clifford Cranwell 3/27/98 
| Abstract | Dimen | Flux | Gravity | Atomic | Relative | Bang | Misc |

by James Clifford Cranwell 10/06/98  Part VII ... Miscellaneous  
parallel dimension :
We can only see things in our continuum, vibrations in a direction toward us along the strings. The nucleus radius to electron orbital volumetric empty space ratio is one interlaced cubic dimensionquadrillionth ( 1 / 1,000,000,000,000,000 ). Since the flux in free space are not curled into supposed nuclear mass, they can assume or commandeer more free space volume... there's not even a proton radius to contend with now. That makes the free space in the Flux particle field greater than 99.9999999999999% ... there can be an almost infinite amount of material in the free space between the strings (infinity minus the one quadrillionth infinity field). So anything small enough (a Neutrino)neutrino can be in or out of our space time continuum thereby having a speed completely irrelevant to that of light and an existence completely irrelevant to ours (...easy to see how non-local phenomena can happen). The lattice structure of the fields also allows for one or more proximity fields without any intersection. This means mass can have parallel fields surrounding it and occupying the same space, creating an higher density. Anything that absorbs or reflects light (vibrations) or disrupts the field in some manner will have a discernible shape, anything between the strings is invisible. There can be an independent field, A micro-swiss-cheese type mass or a fluidic type matter unconnected to the continuum, unaffected by light, gravity or matter... completely invisible to us, unless there is an instantaneous change in Flux field dimension thereby rendering it momentarily visible, if (and only if) it can somehow actually connect and if it is even possible for there to be more than one type of matter.
Question: can one or more axis or radii break away from the Flux, curl up, and become something? What would we call them?

Superconductor :
If you study anything, you change it. If you measure an electron, for instance, you will change the state of the electron by absorbing some / all of the electron energy vibrations into the measuring device. So, although it may be possible to create a frozen torus or donut shaped object with an almost perpetual electron current flowing through it, once the field created by said object is tapped for its current inducing magnetic field properties the source will simply drain or transfer like any other source of energy (it's our old friend... cause and effect), you have to pay for your lunch.

Time travel :

Dark Matter :
What they call "Dark Matter" is simply the field of flux particles completely filling space (explained in this theory).
Can you see the field or particles? No, it would be like trying to "hear air", you don't hear air, you hear vibrations happening in the air. You can stick this whole scenario under water and it's the same... you hear the sound of for instance a whale but you don't hear the actual molecules of water, you hear the vibrations in the water.
You can't see a particle, you only see vibrations from the particles.
Once again... if you hold a piece of rope, you have a rope... if you shake the rope, you have photons... If the rope is shaking at an high frequency, your eye will detect one pinpoint spot of blue color (from the end of the rope). If it's a slower frequency your eye will pick up a red color. You never actually see the rope.

Molecular combiner :
When there is a lack of vibration Flux particles are destined to curl and be confined as mass, To break them free from this restive state and set them in motion once again will take energy, so to create matter you have to take away energy. This means a matter making machine or replicator will create a surplus of energy, not only from a proton and neutron combining one charged radius each and ejecting an electrons worth, also from whatever residual quantum fluctuations are left on the free flux particle before it is combined into a proton.
Note: there are two completely separate and different ways to look at this (of course).
One is combining atoms and molecules already in existence into different structures. The Other is somehow converting the actual field or particle strings into Protons and neutrons. If you have elements you can make anything, the question is how do you make Hydrogen out of supposed empty space.

Casimir Effect:
Zero Point Energy (ZPE), or vacuum fluctuation energy are terms used to describe the random electromagnetic oscillations that are left in a vacuum after all other energy has been removed. If you remove all the energy from a space, take out all the matter, all the heat, all the light... everything, you will find that there is still some energy left... The Flux, you can't remove the flux, for it will always connect to any apparatus of evacuation thereby reviving itself. Any apparatus of evacuation or metal plates are made of atoms with orbiting electrons with charge.

Entropy :
Energy is just a mechanical vibration, these vibrations happen in this universe, they have no where else to go. They can divide into lower and lower frequencies, add together and change states but never dissipate into oblivion. It's the cause and effect scenario once again, there isn't anyway to stop a vibration because the stopper will be affected, thereby continuing the process. If there were an hypothetical edge to the flux particle field (hypothetical edge of the universe), vibrations would travel to the edge of the field, run out of particles, have no where to go and be completely reflected (180 degree phase change) back and almost focused, the same effect as a spherical mirror (assuming the edge is curved), thus creating the same effect as deep space telescope, reflecting the light of possible nearby objects (observer to object) from a very distant past (object to edge of universe then all the way back to observer). Any pocket of space that is void of particles or any break in the field where vibrations cannot traverse has the same effect. Therefore energy remains.

The Limit :
Mathematical equations are a great way to describe the physical conditions and properties of Matter except when an infinity or a zero denominator is thrown into the equation, then it might not actually work in the real world. In the same way Zero Kelvin (negative 273.15 Celsius) is an absolute zero or a temperature limit and calculating molecular movements mathematically at for instance, negative 4001 Celsius would be ridiculous. The amount anything can compress to or exert force on also has a limit. You can write anything you want on paper but, mass isn't going to collapse to a pinpoint and thereby make the gravity approach infinity.

Raisin bread :
The Raisin bread model of expansion is also a farce, it can't expand because if the universe were a loaf, it would have to be an infinite sized loaf, or an infinite amount of loaves with no room left to expand.

Properties of Energy & Matter * constants *

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