Text 'em name 'em here


- Roster
- Shows
- Champs
- Title History


- Roster
- Shows
- Champs
- Title History


- Roster
- Shows
- Champs
- Title History

Fun Links

- XWE Forum
- XWE Magazine
- XWE Cards
- Current Contest
- Grab Bags


- PPVs
- Award Shows
- How 2 Join
- Actions?
- Link To Us

Official Sites

- Superstars Sites
- Superstars Myspace

The Boss

- Profile
- Weekly Report

Aggression Staff

- General Manager
- Commentator 1
- Commentator 2
- Interviewer
- Ring Announcer

Unleashed Staff

- General Manager
- Commentator 1
- Commentator 2
- Interviewer
- Ring Announcer

Rampage Staff

- General Manager
- Commentator 1
- Commentator 2
- Interviewer
- Ring Announcer

Forum Staff

- Staff Member 1
- Staff Member 2
- Staff Member 3
- Staff Member 4
- Staff Member 5

Bag A          Bag B          Bag C          Bag D          Bag E
Level One

Level Two


Level Three

Level Four

Level Five
One              Two            Three          XXXX         XXXX
XXXX          XXXX           XXXX           Four             Five
XXXX       Two            Three          XXXX             Five
XXXX           Two            XXXX          Four          XXXX
Grab Bag
1. a container or receptacle from which a person at a party or the like draws a gift without knowing what it is. 
2. any miscellaneous collection

In our case you will gain anything from XC, to Cards, to Matches and more.
Once a bag has been bought, It will be removed. Cick HERE to see who bought it and whats in it.


Once a full level is gone we will add more
One              Two            Three          XXXX         XXXX