The MAN'S Guide to Making
Okay, okay.  I know what you're thinking:

YOU: Orange juice?
ME: Yes, read the juice.

You see, most people take making orange juice for granted.  Most people don't realize that orange juice is one of the main components of a balanced breakfast*, and because of this, one should make sure that the orange juice one puts in his or her** system is made properly, and to the fullest potential of manliness.  Confused?  Of course not.  Read on.
* If you don't believe me, just watch any commercial that touts its product as being "part of a balanced breakfast."  Chances are, there will be orange juice included somewhere in that breakfast.

** Especially
Jeez, enough of the mumbo jumbo, just
Click Here For STEP ONE
People have wanted to know how to make orange juice the MANLY way.