*Tomorrow is better then yesterday*
All the times
That I've cried
All this wasted
It's all inside
And I feel
All this pain
Stuffed it down
It's back again
And I lie
Here in bed
All alone
I can't mend
But I feel
Tomorrow will be OK

Turn around and walk away,
Do it with your head up high,
Do not look back,
There will be a time to reflect.
Tell yourself
"It'll be OK,
The sun will shine another day."
Just walk away.
Don't reconsider.
Do not run with fear,
Or question where to go,
Just walk the other way.
Maybe one day visit again
But until that invitation arrives
Just walk away.
Some pills to ease the ache in my body,
Some herbs to erase the memories,
Alone with my music and myself
Your presence no longer lingers.
I am free from the chains
That you locked around my heart.
If only for a moment in time,
It's a moment without the pain.
Youd' hate everything I do now.
You'd call me names and put me down,
But for once I am not listening,
And I am doing things as I please.
So I came to realize in a moment of clarity
That this world has never stopped turning.
All those times I've sat crying
Telling myself that there was no reason to keep trying
They've all been moments in my life
When I was vulnerable to the pain around me.
I've been so blinded these past few years
I've missed seeing the way everything changed.
So when I finally could see again
All I saw was an evil world that I didn't belong in.
A world full of hate and discrimination for people like me.
I was different. I was unique.
But I've come to find that the people in this world .
Are not out to get me like I had thought before.
They really is no difference between them and me.
We are as one. We are all human.
Some fell the pain more than others,
But we all cry and feel as if we are alone.
The sun is shining on me.
Bringing back memories of when I was a little girl.
No worries on my mind.
Recently I shut myself out from the world.
I was alone in such a dark place.
Looking for strength in the stars.
Soon I will become a better person.
I will have that sun shining on me,
Not the girl I used to be.
I fear that all my efforts will be wasted.
That in the end I will be alone with my back to the sun.
My hope is that I will be strong.
Mankind standing beside me supporting me.
My problem now is that I worry.
I have different things on my mind.
I still exclude myself
And ponder over these thoughts.
In the end I will be happy.
Not looking at the pieces of my life in pain.
But with pride for who I have become.
I give this candle life by lighting it with fire.
Inflicting pain as the flame begins to burn.
At first the candle appears to be fine,
but then it begins to cry as the wax drips down.
It's Alive!
dancing in the wind.
happiness is bright.
sorrow is dim.
life lasts only so long.
I can kill it
or I can choose to let it suffer till it dies.
either way I will soon be surrounded in darkness.
And once again
Ill have the chance to give another life.