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XXWF Vacant Blood Bath Championship: Elimination Chamber: Cyrus Lyger v Steve Smith v Sycho Path v Steven Jones v Heartless v Show Time v ZEr0 v Chris Kanyon
Hardcore Jam Friday, May 20, 2005

The cameras cut to the big screen as the lights flicker on and off because of the chambers lowering.. Suddenly Duel of the Fates begins to play as we see clips and highlights of each superstar involved in the match. We then cut to Jmoney announcing the match. We then cut to the addition of Cyrus Lyger , the dropping out of Chris Copeland and the addition of Steve Smith.. We see some more clips and some past elimination chamber clips as a picture of each superstar comes up and fades out. STEVEN JONES, SYCHO PATH, HEARTLESS, SHOW TIME, ZERO, CYRUS LYGER, CHRIS KANYON, STEVE SMITH… Who will be the Blood Bath champion?.. The cameras cut away from the screen as the crowd goes ballistic with cheers as we cut to Scott Maverik standing at ringside of the chamber.

*Scott Maverik*
Ladies and gentlemen.. The following contest is for the XXWF Blood Bath Championship.. And it is the Elimination Chamber match.. Here are the rules.. In a moment all eight competitors will come to the ring, drawn randomly before hand all competitors drew a number, numbers one through four will start the off the match, and the ones who drew numbers five through eight will be placed in a chamber.. The match will start off with four combatants fighting at once and then every five minutes.. Another competitor will enter according to the number he drew.. This will happen until all eight men have entered the match.. Elimination occurs when a superstar is either pinned or has submitted.. The final man left in this match will be declared the winner..

Suddenly Still Frame hits, the crowd responds with roars of cheers as Steven Jones walks out from the back, he pays no attention to the crowd and remains focused on the chamber as he makes his way to it.

*Scott Maverik*
Coming to the ring.. From San Antonio Texas.. Weighing 225 pounds.. He is the Neglected one.. STEVENNNNN JONESSSSS!!!!

*Kyle Richards*
A lot of response from this hometown boy.. But even with the crowd on his side, by many he is still considered a major underdog going into this match..

Jones enters the chamber as he looks around, Referee Bill tells him to stay in the ring when suddenly Perry Mason hits. The crowd roars with boos as Sycho Path quickly comes out from the curtain. He points to the chamber and to Jones and laughs at them as he makes his way down the ramp..

*Scott Maverik*
From the Insane Asylum.. Weighing at 308 pounds… SYCHOOOOO PATHHHHHH!!!

Path walks into the chamber and tries to get in Steven Jones’ face but Bill comes in between the two and points to a chamber for Path. Path says a few choice words and enters it as his music begins to die down. Suddenly Push It hits. The crowd cheers loudly as Show Time comes out looking very pumped. He waves his arms around in the air and the crowd gets more psyched.. Show then makes his way to the ring,

*Scott Maverik*
Coming to the ring from the mean streets of Boston.. Weighing 255 pounds.. SHOWWWWW TIMEEEE!!!

Show enters the chamber as Bill tells him to stay in the ring. Suddenly a roar of cheers hit’s the arena as “Who Betta than Kanyon?” hits. Kanyon comes through the curtains immediately. Kanyon pumps the crowd up as they cheer more. A few moments pass as Kanyon looks around the arena and then focuses his attention toward the chamber and the men inside it.

*Scott Maverik*
From Sunnyside Queens, New York.. Weighing 245 pounds.. He is the XXWF Hardcore Champion… CHRISSSSS KANYONNNN!!!

*Rob Bryant*
Listen to this ovation.. Kanyon is seriously a crowd favorite tonight..

Kanyon removes his overcoat before entering the chamber, he climbs in and walks over to Bill who tells him to stay in the ring. Kanyon’s theme dies down when suddenly B.Y.O.B. hits. The crowd gives a mixed reaction as Cyrus Lyger comes walking through the curtain followed by Michael Quigley. Some Quigs chants begin as Cy taunts the crowd a bit by flexing and showing no signs of injury whatsoever. Cy makes his way to the ring followed by Quigs.

*Scott Maverik*
Coming to the ring from Cleveland Ohio.. Weighing 211 pounds.. The Legend.. CYRUSSSSS…. LYGERRRR!!!!

Cy yells something to the crowd as he climbs into the chamber, Bill points him to a chamber as Cy walks over to it.

*Kyle Richards*
Hard to believe that one week ago that guy was sitting with us, making fun of stuff..

*Rob Bryant*
Yes.. And hard to believe that we can actually still hear him from here..

BYOB begins to die down when suddenly the Bullgod hits. The boos from the crowd quickly turn to cheers as The lights go out and a neon green strobe light appears on the entrance way. There we see ZEr0 knelt over in prayer as he is wearing a dark hooded cloak. ZEr0 gets up and slowly makes his way down to the ring, he unveils his hood to show his face.

*Scott Maverik*
And there opponent.. From Parma Ohio.. Weighing 210 pounds.. He is the One… ZEROOOOOOO!!!!

ZEr0 stops short before entering the chamber to remove his cloak. He then walks in as Bill points him to a chamber, ZEr0 enters it as the lights come back on and Symphony of Destruction hits. The crowd immediately reacts with boos as Heartless steps out, he ignores all aspects from the crowd and makes his way to the ring looking very confident.

*Scott Maverik*
Coming to the ring from Boston Massachusetts, weighing 227 pounds.. He is the Greatest Xtreme Champion of all time.. HEARTLESSSSS!!!

Heartless enters the chamber as Bill tells him to stay in the ring.

*Kyle Richards*
Damn.. That means Heartless, Kanyon, Show Time, and Steven Jones are going to start things off, which means…

Suddenly One of a Kind blasts through the arena.. The arena erupts with cheers as Steve Smith comes rushing through the curtain. He looks extremely excited to be there as he looks on with a smile as he sees the ring. Smith begins to make the belt motion as he walks down the aisle

*Scott Maverik*
And the final participant.. From Toronto, Ontario Canada.. Weighing 220 pounds.. The Prodigy and Returning.. STEVEEEEEE SMITHHHHH!!!

Smith enters the chamber as all eyes look upon him he looks at everyone with a cocky smile and then sees Heartless. Smith’s smile quickly turns into a focused look as Bill points him to the final empty chamber as Smith enters it, Bill then signals for the bell as it rings and the match begins.

*Rob Bryant*

Jones, Heartless, Kanyon and Show Time all walk towards the middle and eye each other up. There is a few moments of tension as all four men stare at each other. Suddenly Steven Jones begins to get a cocky smirk on his face when suddenly Show Time pushes him back and nails him with a hard right to follow, knocking him to the mat. Kanyon quickly turns to Heartless as he blindsides him with a fist to the side of the head. Heartless staggers back to the ropes as Kanyon follows him, he grabs Heartless’ arm and whips him across the ring. Heartless bounces off the ropes and runs at Kanyon who goes for a standing close line, but Heartless ducks it and stops behind Kanyon, Heartless grabs Kanyon in a reverse waist lock position and runs him foreward to the ropes. Heartless goes for a roll up but Kanyon holds onto the ropes, instead Heartless rolls backwards and gets to his feet, He goes to run at Kanyon while he turns around but is grabbed from behind by Show Time who picks him up and slams him to the mat, Steven Jones gets to his feet as he runs over to Show Time and grabs the back of his head from behind and slams it to the mat. Steven begins to put the boots on Show Time as he tries to block them with his hands. Jones reaches over and grabs Show by the Head as Kanyon walks over to them and grabs Jones’ arms from behind. Show Time gets to his feet as Heartless slowly begins to get up. Show looks over at Jones being held by Kanyon and begins to chop away on him, with the crowd going WOOO!! After each chop. After a few of them Show walks back to the ropes and runs at Kanyon and Jones. He goes for a running close line but Jones ducks and Show Time nails Kanyon with it. Leveling him to the mat. Kanyon’s head goes bouncing on the mat as he holds it in pain.

*Kyle Richards*
OOOhhhhh… That stings….

Show Time looks at Kanyon for a second as he is suddenly nailed from behind by Jones and Heartless. Show Time falls to his knees as Heartless and Jones begin to double team nailing Show Time with a barrage of fists and kicks. Heartless and Jones take a few steps back as Jones goes up for a high five. Heartless slaps Jones right across the face as he staggers back to the ropes. Heartless follows with his attack by irish whipping Jones across the ring. Jones comes running back as Heartless lowers his head going for a back body drop. But Jones leaps over him and lands a sunset flip!. Jones with the cover.


NO! Heartless kicks out! Jones and Heartless quickly roll out of the move and get to their feet. As does Show Time. Heartless walks over to Jones and nails him with a knee lift as Jones doubles over. Heartless grabs him and underhooks his arm over his head, nailing a suplex. Kanyon begins to struggle to his feet as Heartless prepares to get up but is met with a elbow drop right to the chest via Show Time. Kanyon gets to his feet as Jones struggles to his while holding his back in pain. Show Time mounts Heartless and begins to level him with fists to the face. Kanyon runs over to Jones and goes for an elbow to the head but Jones manages to duck at the last second and nails Kanyon with THE LINEDRIVE Right To Kanyon’s Jaw!. Kanyon falls back through the middle and top rope and out of the Ring to the steel floor as Jones gets to his feet as the crowd cheers and begins to countdown.


The arena lights flicker on and off as everyone wonders who is coming in next. Jones is still celebrating in the ring as Show Time has Heartless in a chokehold Path, Cyrus, and Smith all try to open their chambers but none work when suddenly ZEr0 shoves open his chamber door and quickly climbs to the top rope. ZEr0 slowly turns around as he gets to a stand and looks back. Steven Jones stops celebrating as he sees ZEr0 and runs towards him. ZEr0 jumps and nails a thunderous moonsault right on Jones!. ZEr0 with the cover!

*Kyle Richards*
Awesome move by ZEr0!


NO! Jones gets his shoulder up.. Jones rolls around and gets to a corner as ZEr0 quickly follows him and begins to stomp away on Jones. Meanwhile Show Time has gotten up and grabs Heartless by the hair. He stands Heartless up and tries to go for a slam, but Heartless wiggles out of the move and locks on a sleeper on Show Time. Show tries desperately to get out of the hold when suddenly Heartless drops down and nails a sleeper drop. Kanyon struggles to his feet as Heartless gets up and looks down at Show Time. Heartless shakes his head and grabs Show Time, he stands him up and whips Show into the corner. Show hit’s the turnbuckle hard back first as he walks out a bit and right into a spinning power slam by Heartless. Meanwhile ZEr0 is still beating on Jones as he runs back to the opposite side of the ring and then runs back at Jones sliding a dropkick right between the legs of Jones.

*Kyle Richards*
That’s just not right there.. No one deserves that..

ZEr0 quickly gets up as we see Kanyon roll back inside the ring and get to his feet. ZEr0 looks towards him and heads over to Kanyon but Chris jumps up and nails a perched dropkick hitting ZEr0 right in his jaw!. Kanyon quickly gets up and is met by Heartless who runs right at him and pushes him back towards the turnbuckle. Heartless quickly follows up with a back elbow to Kanyon’s head. Heartless nails a few consecutive on Kanyon but Chris manages to move out of the way on one of them, Heartless’ elbow hit’s the ring post as he holds it in Pain. Kanyon manages to get behind Heartless as he turns towards him and picks him up nailing Heartless with a monstrous spine buster. Jones gets to his feet as does Show Time and ZEr0. Jones walks over to ZEr0 as Kanyon heads over to Show Time. All four of them begin to exchange hard rights and lefts with each other. Kanyon gets the advantage over Show Time as ZEr0 backs Jones to the ropes. Kanyon goes for a hard right but Show Time blocks it. Show Kicks Kanyon in the midsection as Chris doubles over. Show backs up a bit and grabs Kanyon for a spinning neck breaker. Show tries to cover but Kanyon immediately kicks out. Meanwhile ZEr0 has Steven Jones on the ropes. Jones has both of his arms underhooked over the top rope as ZEr0 boots him in the midsection. Jones begins to hold his chest in pain as ZEr0 backs up a few feet, he goes to run at Jones but at the last second Jones doubles over and BACKBODY DROPS ZER0 OUT OF THE RING AND ONTO THE STEEL FLOOR!. ZEr0’s body lands with a thud as his body goes limp for a few moments.

*Rob Bryant*
Sweet Jesus!.. Jones might of just ended ZEr0’s chances of winning tonight..

*Kyle Richards*
Screw his chances of winning.. That might of affected ZEr0’s chances of living..

Jones begins to catch his breath as the crowd begins to count down the next competitor.


The lights flicker on and off as we see Cyrus Lyger exit his chamber slowly. He enters the ring and sees Jones resting, Show Time has a reverse chin lock on Kanyon, and Heartless resting in the corner. Cyrus quickly heads over to Heartless and begins to nail forearms right to his face. Cyrus grabs Heartless arm and goes to whip him to the opposite corner, but Heartless reverses it and sends Cy right into the corner. Cyrus hit’s the corner hard and slowly walks out towards Heartless. Heartless picks up Cyrus over his shoulder but Cy manages to get free and land behind Heartless. Cyrus grabs him and nails Heartless out of no where with THE LEGENDARY DROP Heartless hit’s the mat hard as Cyrus rolls him over and immediately covers..


*Rob Bryant*

NO! Heartless gets his shoulder up. Cyrus can’t believe it, he gets to his feet to argue with Bill a bit. Meanwhile Kanyon has gotten to his feet and is elbowing Show Time in the midsection to loosen his grip. Show does and Kanyon runs into the ropes. Kanyon runs back to Show Time and dodges a big boot by him. Instead he runs right past him and nails Steven Jones by the ropes with a close line sending both men over the top rope to the steel floor. Show Time looks back as he sees this happening. Kanyon quickly gets to his feet and stomps on a kneeling Jones. Show time walks over to Cy still arguing with Bill and turns him around. Show Time boots Cyrus in the midsection and lifts him up. Show then drops down to the floor nailing a sitdown power bomb right on Cy. Meanwhile Kanyon gets back in the ring and heads over to Show Time who is getting up, ZEr0 is also getting to his feet. Kanyon grabs Show Time by the back of the Head as he gets up and goes for a KANYON CUTTER.. But Show Time pushes him towards the ropes. Kanyon bounces backwards at Show Time who grabs him around the waist and nails him with a reverse suplex!. Kanyon moves around the mat in pain as Show Time gets to his feet and begins to celebrate, he spins around as the crowd cheers but is suddenly silenced as Show Time is leveled out of no where by a close line from Hell via Heartless. Show Time lies on the mat motionless as Heartless gets up to one knee. ZEr0 rolls under the bottom rope and back into the ring as Jones crawls back in. Cy is beginning to stir as he gets to a base. Heartless goes over to him and grabs him by the hair while he knees him in the midsection. Cyrus doubles over as Heartless grabs him by the back of the head and back and lunges him towards the turnbuckle. Cy goes shoulder first into the buckle and yells out in pain and lies on the middle turnbuckle. Heartless walks over to him when he is suddenly jumped from the side by ZEr0. ZEr0 begins to hammer away on Heartless as Steven Jones gets to his feet and goes over to Kanyon. He grabs him by the head and stands him up. Jones locks him in a headlock as Kanyon falls to one knee. Show Time begins to slowly get to his feet as he walks over to ZEr0 and Heartless who are now in a corner duking it out fist for fist. Show Time comes from behind ZEr0 and nails Heartless with a knee to the midsection. He shoves ZEr0 out of the way as he grabs Heartless and lifts him to the top rope by the chamber near Sycho Path. Show Time begins to mount the turnbuckle as well when suddenly he is grabbed from behind by ZEr0. ZEr0 pushes him off the turnbuckle and he and Show Time begin to start trading blows.

*Kyle Richards*
OH MAN!!. Now there’s something.. DX is colliding in this match..

ZEr0 connects with a few successful fists and backs up Show Time. Show tries to answer back but ZEr0 kicks him in the midsection and nails Show with a beautiful DDT. ZEr0 goes for the cover..


NO! Show Time kicks out. ZEr0 looks up and shakes his head as he begins to hammer away as the crowd begins to countdown.


The arena lights flicker on and off as the crowd wonders whose coming in next. Steve Smith tries opening his door but it won’t budge. Suddenly Path shoves oven his door and exits his chamber. He looks around and sees Heartless perched on the top rope as Path enters the ring and immediately climbs up to Heartless. He lifts Heartless arm over his body and lifts up nailing him with a Super Chokeslam!. Heartless’ body smashes to the mat as Path lands on his knees! The crowd moans as Heartless holds his back in pain as he rolls onto his stomach, Path immediately gets up as he looks around the ring. He sees ZEr0 going at it with Show Time near the ropes. Jones has just thrown Kanyon over the top rope and out of the ring. And Cyrus Lyger staggering backwards out of the corner. He holds his shoulder in pain as he slowly backs into Path. Cy bumps into him and suddenly gets a scared shitless look on his face as he reaches back with his arm to feel whose behind him as he reaches up. He feels Path’s face and suddenly gets a “why me?” look on his face as he slowly turns around to try and beg Path off. But Path just gives an evil smile on his face and pushes Cyrus back to the ropes. Path irish whips Cy across the ring, Cyrus bounces off the ropes and runs at Path who nails him with a enormous big boot to the face!. Lyger falls directly to his back as Path quickly bends over and lifts Cy to his feet. He doubles over Cyrus and lifts him up and nails Cyrus with a SYCHOBOMB!.

*Rob Bryant*
Vicious Sychobomb by Path.. It seems that.. WHOA!!!

Path looks down at a motionless Cyrus and suddenly looks up as he catches ZEr0 in mid air as he tried a high cross body!. Path staggers back a few feet but still keeps ZEr0 in his arms. Path begins to walk back towards the ropes and tosses ZEr0 right out of the ring to the steel outside with a fall away Slam!. ZEr0’s body crashes into the steel wall before he hit’s the floor. Path turns around and heads out of the ring. He slowly walks over to Steven Jones and Kanyon. Meanwhile Heartless is beginning to stir as is Cyrus Lyger, Show Time begins to walk out of the corner towards Path. Jones is beating on Kanyon against a chamber when suddenly he is grabbed from behind by Path and thrown right against the steel wall. Jones staggers back to the ring and leans up against the ropes. Path then turns to Kanyon then turns to Kanyon and leans over to grab him by the head when suddenly Kanyon reaches back and nails Path with a low blow!. Path doubles over as Show Time exit’s the ring and joins Kanyon and Path. Kanyon gets to his feet and levels Path with a hard right. Show Time then nails Path in the head with one of his own. Show and Kanyon then kick Path in the midsection and doubles him over. They both grab one arm and overhook it over their heads. Show Time and Kanyon try for a double suplex but Path blocks it. They try and lift him up again, this time getting Path up in the air a bit but Path manages to get back down to his feet, but this time Path lifts up and nails both Show Time and Kanyon with a suplex!. Show and Kanyon both land hard on the steel floor as they whither in pain as does Path a bit as he holds his back in pain getting to a base.

*Rob Bryant*
GOOD LORD! What a counter by Path!.

*Kyle Richards*
He’s been dominating ever since he’s been in the match!

Path gets to his feet as Steven Jones comes up to him and forearms him in the head. Meanwhile Cyrus Lyger has gotten to his feet and ZEr0 has rolled back inside the ring. Jones backs Path up against the steel wall as he elbows him in the throat. Path then just shoves Jones back. Steven turns to the ropes and jumps onto the middle rope before he hits it. Jones then jumps back and nails Path with a springboard moonsault, knocking him to the floor. Bill sprints out of the ring as Jones makes the cover!


NO! Path gets his shoulder up as Jones kneels up. He gets to his feet and stomps on Path a few times before entering the ring. He goes to walk over to Cyrus who has gotten to his feet. Heartless and ZEr0 are struggling to theirs as Jones goes to nail Cyrus in the face with a fist but Cy blocks it and pokes Jones right in the eyes. Cy runs over to Jones and nails him with a bulldog, knocking him to the floor. Cy quickly gets to his feet as he goes to stand up Jones as the crowd begins to countdown for the final time.


The arena flickers on and off for the last time as the crowd screams as Steve Smith comes running out of his chamber. He backs himself against the steel wall and awaits. Cyrus gets Jones to his feet and the two begin to grapple for a few moments, Suddenly they turn to Smith who runs right at them and jumps over the top rope, nailing the two with a double close line!. Heartless and ZEr0 slowly get to their feet as Heartless runs over to ZEr0 attacking him with a boot to the midsection. Chris Kanyon has gotten to his feet and slowly gets into the ring. He slowly walks over and grabs Steven Jones. Smith has picked up Cyrus and scoops slams him on the mat. Steve then quickly runs to the top rope and perches. He is about to stand when suddenly Kanyon runs over to him and grabs Smith. He super slams Steve but he ends up landing back first right on Cyrus!. So Steve just rolls through the move and Immediately gets to his feet. He and Kanyon run at each other and both go for a close line, nailing each other to the ground. Meanwhile Show Time and Sycho Path manage to get to their feet. Show walks over to Path and grabs him by the head. He lunges him to the ropes but Path just bounces back. Show Time grabs Path in a reverse waist lock. He tries to lift Path up but Sycho elbows Show in the back of the head. Show Time removes the lock as Path reaches back and lunges Show Time forward. Show flips over the top rope and lands back into the ring. Path enters the ring and immediately goes over to Steven Jones and begins to hammer away on him. Meanwhile Heartless has ZEr0 tied up in the ropes and is stomping a mudhole on him. Heartless then steps back as he grabs ZEr0’s legs and lifts him up. Heartless looks around for a few moments and nails ZEr0 right between the legs. Heartless lets go of ZEr0’s legs as Bill goes over to help him out. Heartless then turns around and goes over to Cyrus Lyger. He grabs him by the head and nails a suplex on Cy. Heartless then grabs Cy again and stands him up. They begin to go at it with Heartless gaining the advantage easily, meanwhile Chris Kanyon and Show Time are getting to their feet. Show nails Kanyon in the face with a hard right as Kanyon staggers back a few feet. Show Time runs at him and goes for a close line but Kanyon ducks it and gets behind him and nails THE FLATLINER ON SHOW TIME! Kanyon is about to go for the cover when suddenly out of no where Sycho Path comes in and kicks Kanyon right in the face. Chris rolls around on the mat a bit as Path continues his attack. Meanwhile Heartless is placing Cyrus Lyger on the top rope’. Heartless climbs up there as well and locks Cy up for a superplex. Cy stands up on the top rope as he begins to throw hard rights to Heartless’ ribs. But Heartless lifts up and goes for a superplex but Cyrus manages to maneuver himself so that he lands right on top of Heartless as both men crash to the floor. Cy covers!


NO!! Kickout by Heartless. Cyrus gets up and shakes his head in anger as he gets to his feet. Show Time and ZEr0 begin to get to their feet as we see Steve Smith run over to Steven Jones in the corner trying for an avalanche but Steven Jones moves out of the way at the last second Smith staggers back as Jones quickly moves behind him and grabs Smith and nails him with a NEGLECTION DROP! Jones immediately covers


*Rob Bryant*


*Kyle Richards*
Oohh.. Now that was close.. could have had a major upset there..

Jones looks up in shock as Smith struggles to get up. Jones gets to his feet and walks over to ZEr0 who is in a base. Jones walks over to him and clubs him in the back. Meanwhile Chris Kanyon has managed to get the upper hand on Path as we see him suplexing him to the mat. As Kanyon is about to get up Lyger jumps at him and nails a knee drop right on Kanyon’s face. Cy kneels over to Kanyon and begins to choke him. Heartless slowly begins to get to his feet as does Path and Smith. Meanwhile ZEr0 gets up as Jones goes for a boot to the midsection. But ZEr0 catches it. Jones goes for an enzigurai but ZEr0 ducks it.. Jones lands on his feet and tries it again but again ZEr0 dodges out of the way. ZEr0 pulls Jones forward and close lines him to the mat. ZEr0 begins to look around as begins to stomp on Jones. Meanwhile Cyrus grabs Kanyon to his feet and backs him into the ropes. Cy irish whips Kanyon across the ring when suddenly he is grabbed and picked up by Show Time. Show catches Kanyon and lifts him up over his shoulders. The crowd goes crazy as Show Time nails the TIME STOPPER on Kanyon!. Kanyon’s body goes limp as Cyrus runs at Show Time and nails him with a forearm to the face. Show Time goes staggering back to the ropes and falls through the middle and top rope leaning his body on the middle. Cy begins to celebrate as he walks right into a super kick via ZEr0!. Cy falls right to the floor as The crowd goes crazy as ZEr0 looks over at Show Time.

*Rob Bryant*
Oh boy.. You know what this means!

*Kyle Richards*
But he can’t do that.. He and Show Time are in DX!..

ZEr0 runs back to the opposite side and bounces off the ropes, he runs at Show Time and grabs the top and middle rope and swings his legs at Show, nailing him right in the head with them. ZEr0 then hops to the outside of the ring. He awaits for Show Time to get to his feet as we see Path running across the ring crushing Steve Smith with a close line in the corner. A few moments Pass as Show Time gets to his feet we see ZEr0 jump to the top rope and jump at Show as he nails a thunderous DDT completing the FINAL DESTINY ON SHOW TIME!. Show lies motionless on the mat as the crowd goes crazy.

*Rob Bryant*
FINAL DESTINY! Show’s all but gone here!

ZEr0 gets to his feet and is about to cover when suddenly he is grabbed from behind and thrown over the top and onto the steel floor by Heartless. Heartless quickly follows him out as Show Time still lies motionless, suddenly Cyrus Lyger begins to crawl over to him as he places his arm over Show Time and makes the cover.


*Scott Maverik*
Show Time has been eliminated!..

*Kyle Richards*
What a brilliant move there by Cyrus!

*Rob Bryant*
Brilliant?!.. He just put his arm over Show Time.. ZEr0 was the one that put him out..

Bill helps Show Time out of the ring as the cameras cut to Kanyon who is getting up. He walks over towards Sycho Path who is nailing Steve Smith with shoulder thrusts to his midsection in the corner. Kanyon grabs Path by the back of the head and turns him around. Path counters though with an elbow to Kanyon’s midsection, Chris doubles over as Path goes for a Sychobomb but out of no where Steven Jones runs right at him and jumps over Kanyon, nailing Path right in the face with a spinning heel kick!. Path staggers back into Smith into the corner as Kanyon walks back before Jones lands on him. Jones quickly gets to his feet as he turns around and sees Kanyon running towards him. Jones moves out of the way as Kanyon goes for a close line but nails Path with it instead. Jones gets behind Kanyon and grabs him around the waist, but Kanyon quickly reverses it and gets behind Jones. Kanyon lifts up and nails Jones with a vicious German Suplex! Kanyon Bridges to a pin!


NO! Jones kicks out. Kanyon gets to his feet as Path comes out of the corner and grabs Kanyon around the waist and locks on a big bear hug. Kanyon tries desperately to get out of the hold as Steve Smith falls in the corner and Cyrus and Jones begin to stir. Kanyon refuses to quit as Path begins to shake him. Meanwhile ZEr0 and Heartless are going tooth and nail on the outside, ZEr0 lands a few consecutive blows and backs Heartless up against a chamber but that ends shortly as Heartless nails a knee lift on ZEr0, knocking the wind out of him. Heartless then grabs ZEr0 around the waist and nails an overhead belly to belly suplex that sends ZEr0 RIGHT THROUGH ONE OF THE CHAMBERS! The pexciglass shatters into several places as ZEr0 lands with a “thud” right in the steel floor.

*Kyle Richards*
DAMN! Heartless showing just why he is considered one of the heavy favorites going into tonight’s match..

He holds his back in pain as Heartless comes in and covers. Bill takes a few moments to get to them as he begins the count.


NO!!! ZEr0 gets his shoulder up

*Rob Bryant*
WHAT??!.. Now how in the hell did he do that?!

Heartless looks up and yells at Bill about how slow that count was. Heartless gets up and looks at ZEr0 for a few moments and then spits on him. We begin to see a few blood stains on ZEr0’s mask Heartless walks back into the ring as we see Path still has Kanyon in the bear hug, but Kanyon’s fighting it. Kanyon nails a few hard rights to Path’s head but suddenly nails a Head clap that loosens Path’s grip. Kanyon gets out of the move and turns back, but Right into Heartless who nails Kanyon with a SLAPBUSTER!. Heartless immediately gets up as we See Steve Smith exiting the ring and resting on the turnbuckle as he slowly climbs it. Heartless turns to Sycho Path and waves him on. Path runs at Heartless but Heartless drops down and nails Path with a drop toe hold. Sycho Path holds his chin in pain as he slowly gets to his feet. He does a 180 right into Heartless who nails Path with a SLAPBUSTER right in the center of the ring!. Heartless then goes over to Cyrus Lyger who is finally getting to his feet. Heartless kicks Cy right in the previously hurt knee as he locks him up and nails yet another SLAPBUSTER on Cyrus!. Steven Jones begins to get to his feet as Heartless gets to his feet

*Rob Bryant*
Heartless is takin control here!. He’s dominated almost everyone at one point or another in this match.

Heartless leans over Cyrus and makes the cover.


NO!! Cyrus kicks out! Heartless slides over and immediately covers Kanyon


NO! Kanyon gets his shoulder up!. Heartless looks up in shock as he gets to his feet. He turns around and sees Steven Jones getting up. Heartless goes over to him and grabs him but Jones immediately breaks his grip. Jones begins to fire away with some hard rights and lefts to Heartless. Heartless staggers back to the middle of the ring as Jones grabs his arm and whips him into the ropes, but Heartless reverses it. Jones bounces off the ropes and runs at Heartless, He goes for an elbow but Jones leaps at Heartless and nails him with a spinning back elbow to Heartless’ head. Heartless falls to the mat as Jones rolls around and gets to his feet.

*Rob Byrnat*
Whoa! Nice move by Jones there..

Jones quickly continues the attack as he walks over to Heartless. He grabs Heartless by the head as he gets to his knees. Jones leans over and nails a fist on Heartless but Heartless counters with a thumb to Jones eye. Jones staggers back as Heartless gets to his feet. Jones turns around and runs at him but Heartless catches him with a spinning power slam. Heartless shakes his head as Jones lies on the mat. Heartless grabs him and Stands up Jones as he holds his back in pain. Jones begins to get up as Heartless locks him up for a Slapbuster. He underhooks Jones arm and lifts him up but at the last second Jones counters it. He lands to the side of Heartless and kicks him in the midsection, Heartless doubles over and Jones nails him with a spiked DDT!. Heartless goes crashing to the mat as he holds his head in pain. Jones quickly rolls to his side and gets to his feet. As does Cy, Kanyon, and Path begin to come to. Jones goes over to Heartless and picks him up. Steve Smith climbs to the top rope and perches, waiting to make a move as Heartless stands up as Jones picks him up over his shoulder. Jones runs over to the corner and goes to drop Heartless for a snake eyes. But Heartless gets out of the move at the last second and pushes Jones into the corner chest first. Jones hit’s the turnbuckle hard as he staggers back a bit. He does a staggering 180 as he turns and faces Heartless.. Heartless picks up Jones for a slam but Jones gets out of the hold and hooks Heartless up from behind as he nails a NEGLECTION DROP ON HEARTLESS!

*Kyle Richards*
WHOA!.. Where did that come from!?

Heartless lands on the mat chest first as Jones quickly turns to him, rolls him onto his back. Jones covers.


*Rob Bryant*
Will this be it?!


*Scott Maverik*
Heartless has been eliminated!!

*Kyle Richards*
……Did that just happen??

*Rob Bryant*
YES! Heartless has been eliminated by Steven Jones!

Bill helps out Heartless as Steven Jones gets up stunned. Bill helps Heartless out of the chamber when Suddenly Steve Smith jumps down from the turnbuckle and runs right at Jones. Sphering him right to the mat and unloading a barrage of punches on Jones. Smith continues to hammer away on Jones as he begins to bleed from the mouth. Smith picks up Jones by the head and locks Jones head between Smith’s arms nailing him with a SS CUTTER! Bill is helping Heartless out of the chamber as Heartless comes to and pushes Bill back. Heartless reenters the ring and heads over to Jones and Smith. Heartless pushes Smith off of Jones as Steve immediately gets to his feet, he and Heartless stare at each other for a few moments as they both nod there heads. Smith walks over to the turnbuckle and hops on top of it while Heartless grabs Jones and stands him up . Path, Kanyon and Sycho Path begin to get to their feet.

*Rob Bryant*
What the hell?.. Come on .. Heartless is eliminated.. He can’t do this!

*Kyle Richards*
What?! Yes he can.. He’s Heartless damnet.. But Kyle that’s not the story here.. Do you know what this means?.. Steve Smith has accepted Heartless’ offer to team up!

*Rob Bryant*
Oh.. My.. God..

Heartless picks up Steven Jones and nails him with a SLAPBUSTER! Heartless rolls out of the way as Steve Smith stands on the top rope and jumps at Jones, nailing him with a FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH!. Smith rolls around in pain as he holds his ribs but shortly gets to his feet. He and Heartless begin to celebrate as the crowd roars with boos. They raise each other’s hands in the air as they taunt the crowd. Suddenly Heartless is nailed from behind by Cyrus Lyger and Kanyon. Smith turns around is immediately booted in the midsection by Path. Steve doubles over and Path puts his head between his legs and nails a vicious SYCHOBOMB ON SMITH! The crowd responds with cheers as Path goes for the cover!


*Scott Maverik*
Steve Smith has been eliminated!

*Kyle Richards*

Kanyon and Cyrus toss Heartless out of the ring and to the steel floor. Heartless immediately gets to his feet and tries to come back in when suddenly we see some XXWF refs and stagehands run into the chamber to restrain Heartless from reentering the ring. Cy and Kanyon wave bye to Heartless as Bill helps Steve Smith out of the ring. Meanwhile the cameras begin to see a bloodied arm of ZEr0 reach up out of the destroyed chamber. ZEr0 begins to come to as Path immediately runs over to Jones and makes the cover. A few moments pass as Bill comes back and makes the count.


*Rob Bryant*
Well.. Jones made an impressive showing tonight.. Nothing he could do here though..

NO! JONES KICKS OUT! Path can’t believe it as he looks stunned. He gets to his feet as the cameras show Kanyon and Cyrus mouthing off to each other. Suddenly Cyrus goes for a hard right trying to catch Kanyon off guard. But Chris blocks it and nails Cyrus with one of his own. Cy staggers back as Kanyon follows through with a close line but Cyrus ducks it and locks Kanyon in the CYANIDE! Kanyon tries desperately to get to the ropes but Lyger trips him and Kanyon falls to his knees. Suddenly Lyger is grabbed from behind by Path as he locks on the ELECTRIC CHAIR! Kanyon seems to be losin it as does Cyrus. Bill looks over to the three with a confused look on his face at first but then reaches over to Kanyon’s arm.. It falls.. Cyrus is trying with all of his might to keep the hold in tact without passing out but he shows that he too is losing it. Bill reaches for Kanyon’s arm again.. It falls.. The crowd is starting to get behind Kanyon as they chant his name. We begin to see signs of life as ZEr0 and Jones both struggle to their feet. Bill reaches for Kanyon’s arm a final time and it… STAYS UP!. Kanyon begins to shake his hand as he gets to his feet. Cyrus begins to loosen his grip on the Cyanide as Kanyon elbows Cy in the midsection. Lyger removes the hold as Kanyon runs into the ropes. He bounces off them and runs at Cy and Path. Kanyon jumps and nails Path with a flying forearm. As Path falls so does Cyrus who gets nailed with a reverse dragon sleeper drop. Kanyon gets to his feet quickly as does Path. ZEr0 rolls into the ring slowly and Jones gets up. Kanyon and Path begin to start trading blows, going fist for fist.

*Kyle Richards*
I said it before.. And I’ll say it again.. Never get into a fist fight with Path.. It’s pointless.. Your never gonna win..

Path begins to get the upper hand on Kanyon as he backs him to the ropes. Suddenly Steven Jones comes in and runs right at Path from behind, clipping the back of his leg. Path falls to one knee in Pain as Kanyon quickly approaches him and nails Path with a KANYON CUTTER!

*Rob Bryant*

Kanyon immediately covers!


*Scott Maverik*
Sycho Path has been eliminated!!

*Kyle Richards*
ARE YOU KIDDING ME! Kanyon just pinned Path!

Bill helps Path out of the chamber as the action continues. ZEr0 has gotten to his feet as Steven Jones runs over to him elbowing him in the corner. Kanyon has grabbed Lyger and has thrown him across the ring into the opposite corner.

*Rob Bryant*
So here we have it folks.. We’re down to the final four… Kanyon, ZEr0, Lyger, and Jones.. Whose gonna walk out with the Blood Bath title?

Jones and Kanyon look back at each other and nod as Kanyon whips Cyrus across the ring and Jones whips ZEr0 right at Cy. But as Cy and ZEr0 are about to collide, Cy ducks down and ZEr0 flip rolls over Cy and nails a High cross body on Kanyon as Cy nails a flying forearm on Jones!

*Rob Bryant*
Whoa… That was impressive..

Cyrus is raking Jones’ face in the ring ropes. Meanwhile ZEr0 lets Kanyon get to his feet as he takes a few steps back. ZEr0 runs at him. He goes for a close line but Kanyon ducks and lifts ZEr0 over the top and onto the steel side. But ZEr0 lands on his feet. Kanyon turns around as ZEr0 grabs him puts him in a suplex position. He steps up onto the turnbuckle as does Kanyon. They both get to the middle rope as Kanyon begins to punch ZEr0 in the midsection. ZEr0 removes his hold as Kanyon grabs him around the head, capturing ZEr0’s one arm. Kanyon then lunges forward and nails ZEr0 with a SUPER SIDE-EFFECT RIGHT TO THE STEEL FLOOR! Both men go crashing to the steel floor as they both squirm around on the steel floor in pain. Meanwhile Cyrus is about to Suplex Jones. But Steven reverses it and ends up suplexing Cyrus. Jones turns to him for a few moments and then turns to ZEr0 and Kanyon who are still lying hurt on the outside. Jones quickly runs to the turnbuckle and jumps up it. He perches up there for a few moments and sizes Kanyon and ZEr0 up. Jones then jumps up and nails Kanyon with the DOWNFALL on the steel!. Kanyon doesn’t move as Jones covers!


NO! Kanyon kicks out!. Jones looks up stunned as the crowd roars with cheers.

*Rob Bryant*
Jones almost had another one there..

*Kyle Richards*
I hate to say it but Jones has really proved something tonight.. He can really get the job done.. And hang with the best of them..

Jones grabs Kanyon and leans him against the middle and top rope. Jones then reenters the ring and catches his breath for a few moments. Cyrus Lyger begins to get to his feet as does ZEr0. ZEr0 goes over towards the turnbuckle he begins to climb it as Jones runs back towards the opposite ropes. Kanyon still lies on the middle rope as Jones comes running back and nails a double legged dropkick right on Kanyon. Kanyon falls back onto the steel steps as we see he is bleeding from the nose. Jones gets up and shows that he is bleeding from the lower lip as well. He goes over to Cyrus who is on one knee. Jones grabs him by the hair but Cy jumps up and nails a standing dropkick on Jones which knocks him to the mat. ZEr0 gets on the top rope and turns around. He begins to climb on top of one of the chambers. Cy looks over to him and quickly runs towards ZEr0. ZEr0 manages to get to the top of the chamber before Cyrus can reach him. Cy then begins to climb the turnbuckle as ZEr0 reaches down and grabs Cy by the head. Cy climbs up to the chamber as he clubs Cy on the back . Lyger kneels down and suddenly nails a low blow on ZEr0. ZEr0 doubles over as Cyrus gets behind him and tries to lock on the LEGENDARY DROP!. But ZEr0 fights out of it and pushes Cyrus back. Cy falls back to the turnbuckle but keeps his balance as ZEr0 gets to his feet and runs at Cyrus nailing him with a Flipping Neckbreaker from the chamber to the ring! Both men go crashing down to the mat as the crowd roars with cheers.

Holy S#it! Holy S#it!

*Kyle Richards*
Yyyyeah.. What they said…

Lyger lies on the mat motionless as ZEr0 slowly sits up. But is nailed right in the face by Steven Jones with a dropkick. ZEr0 falls to his back as Kanyon slowly gets to his feet and enters the ring. Jones gets up and rushes over to him. He grabs Kanyon as he enters the ring and immediately doubles him over. Jones lifts up and goes for a power bomb but Kanyon rolls through it and lands behind Jones on his feet. Jones turns around as Kanyon goes for a Kanyon Cutter. But Jones pushes him forward. Kanyon staggers a few feet forward and turns around when suddenly WHAM!. LINEDRIVE BY JONES TO KANYON’S JAW! Jones with the cover!


NO! Kanyon with a kickout. Jones gets up and heads over to ZEr0 who is using the ropes to get to his feet, Kanyon grabs him and leads him to the center of the ring and then power slams him. ZEr0 struggles to get up as Jones walks over towards the corner and begins to wait.. A few moments pass as ZEr0 gets to his feet.. Jones runs towards him and goes for another LINEDRIVE but ZEr0 ducks it and gets behind Jones. He underhooks his head and nails Jones with a NEGLECTION DROP of his own! ZEr0 Covers!

*Rob Bryant*
Jones Just got a taste of his own medicine there..


*Kyle Richards*


*Rob Bryant*

*Scott Maverik*
Steven Jones.. Has been eliminated!

ZEr0 crawls back to the turnbuckle to catch his breath as Bill begins to help Steven Jones out of the ring. The San Antonio crowd begins to cheer their homeboy along as he heads backstage.. A few moments pass as ZEr0, Cyrus, and Kanyon all begin to get to their feet. All three get up and begin to stare at each other.. All three give angered looks as Kanyon charges Cyrus and they begin to go at it with lefts and rights. Suddenly ZEr0 joins the group and all three begin to hammer away on each other. ZEr0 nails Cyrus. Cyrus nails Kanyon. Kanyon nails ZEr0.. It feels like a never ending battle when suddenly Cyrus staggers back leaving only Kanyon and ZEr0 to duke it out. But Cy just backs himself into the ropes and runs at Kanyon. He nails him with a high cross body which connects. Lyger rolls off of Kanyon as ZEr0 charges him. Cyrus sidesteps ZEr0 and tries to throw him out of the ring but ZEr0 reverses it and tosses Cyrus out. Cy quickly gets to his feet as ZEr0 runs the opposite direction and bounces off the ropes. He runs back at Cy and jumps on the top rope and nails a shooting star splash right on Cyrus! Both men land on the steel floor as Kanyon comes to and looks upon Cy and ZEr0. Kanyon runs in the opposite direction and bounces off the ropes, and runs at Cy and ZEr0 he jumps over the top rope and nails a double close line sending both men to the steel floor hard. All three men lie on the steel floor for a few moments when suddenly Kanyon is the first one to get to his feet. He grabs Cyrus and leans him up against a pexiglass wall. Kanyon grabs Cy’s arm and whips him to the other pexiglass wall.. But Cyrus stops short from it and shakes his finger. He slowly turns around and is Sphered right through the pexiglass wall by Kanyon! Kanyon gets up with a few cuts on his arms as Cyrus looks to be knocked out.. Cy is bleeding from his head as is Kanyon. Chris grabs one of Cy’s legs and pulls him away from the chamber rubble. He drags Cy to the middle of the steel floor and makes a cover.


*Rob Bryant*


NO!! Lyger gets his shoulder up! Kanyon looks beyond belief as he grabs Cyrus and rolls him back into the ring. Lyger lies on his back by the ropes as Kanyon slingshots himself over the ropes and nails a beautiful leg drop on Cy. ZEr0 begins to get to his feet as he slowly enters the ring. Kanyon gets up and grabs ZEr0. He pushes him into the corner and whips him across the ring. ZEr0 runs to the opposite turnbuckle but instead he jumps up to the top rope. Kanyon quickly runs over to him as ZEr0 looks back and Jumps nailing Kanyon with a moonsault!. ZEr0 with the cover!


NO! Kanyon with the kickout.. Both ZEr0 and Kanyon are quick to their feet as ZEr0 nails Chris with a hard right. Kanyon staggers back as ZEr0 backs into the ropes. Kanyon runs at him as ZEr0 nails him with a drop toe hold!. Kanyon lies on the middle rope as the crowd begins to go crazy. ZEr0 runs to the opposite rope and runs back at Kanyon as he grabs the top and middle rope with his hands and swing kicks Chris right in the head!. Kanyon’s body goes flying back to the middle of the ring as he slowly gets to his feet. ZEr0 exit’s the ring and prepares to jump. The crowd begins to get behind him as Kanyon gets to his feet. ZEr0 Jumps on the top rope and then at Kanyon, He goes for the FINAL DESTINY!, But Kanyon runs forward, out of the way. ZEr0 turns around as Kanyon locks on THE KANYON CUTTER ON ZERO!.

*Rob Bryant*



*Kyle Richards*


NO!!!! ZERO GETS HIS SHOULDER UP AT THE LAST SECOND! Kanyon looks completely shocked as he looks over to Cyrus who is getting to his feet. Kanyon gets up and walks over to him. He doubles over to pick him up when suddenly SMALL PACKAGE BY CYRUS!


NO! Kickout by Kanyon!. Cyrus gets to his feet first and nails Chris right in the face with a elbow. Chris falls back as Cyrus stands up. He looks over to Kanyon who is struggling to his feet. Cy backs away and begs Kanyon to get up. Chris does and runs over to Cyrus, Kanyon goes for a close line but Cyrus ducks, Kanyon turns around as Cy doubles over and lifts up Kanyon over his shoulder. He locks up Kanyon’s head and legs and looks around Cy give the crowd a nod as he nails the CY-A-NARA ON KANYON!.

*Kyle Richards*
OOOhhh.. That’s it.. It’s over for Kanyon..

Lyger sits up and shakes his head very cocky as he covers Kanyon while lying on him.


Suddenly Kanyon rolls back and locks Cy’s arms with his hands in legs, pinning his shoulders to the mat.


*Kyle Richards*

*Rob Bryant*
I guess the Cy a nara didn’t hurt him at all..

NOO!! Kickout by Cyrus!. He looks at Kanyon shocked as Chris gets up insanely quick. Kanyon knees Cy right in the midsection as Lyger doubles over. Kanyon then nails Cy with a beautiful DDT! Lyger slowly gets to a base as Kanyon grabs him from behind and signals to the crowd that’s it!. The crowd responds with cheers as Kanyon locks Cyrus in THE FLATLINER! HE CONNECTS!. The crowd roars with cheers as Kanyon gets to his feet but suddenly ZEr0 gets up and Kanyon stares at him, then at Cyrus.. ZEr0 charges Kanyon as the two begin to exchange blows. ZEr0 gets the advantage as he backs Kanyon into the ropes, he irish whips Kanyon across the ring. Kanyon runs back as ZEr0 goes for a spinning heel Kick but Kanyon ducks it and ZEr0 goes crashing to the mat. Kanyon then waves on ZEr0 as he gets up. Kanyon runs over to ZEr0 and goes for a KANYON CUTTER! But ZEr0 blocks it, he pushes Kanyon forward to the ropes but Kanyon bounces right back into ZEr0 causing him to stagger right to the turnbuckle. Kanyon quickly follows as he lifts up ZEr0 to the middle rope. Kanyon prepares to lock on the Kanyon Cutter again but ZEr0 blocks it again. ZEr0 manages to grab his arm around Kanyon’s neck. He then begins to hammer away on Chris with the other arm until Kanyon removes the hold. ZEr0 then jumps forward and nails Kanyon with a super reverse tornado DDT!. Kanyon’s body crashes to the mat as ZEr0 immediately covers!


*Scott Maverik*
Chris Kanyon has been eliminated!

*Rob Bryant*

*Kyle Richards*
Kanyon put up a valiant effort.. But I guess tonight, just wasn’t his night…But for now.. WE’RE DOWN TO TWO!.. ZERO OR CYRUS LYGER! WHOSE GONNA BE THE BLOOD BATH CHAMPION!

ZEr0 rolls off of Kanyon as Cyrus Lyger begins to get to his feet. Bill helps Kanyon to his as ZEr0 looks at him. Kanyon looks back as he says something to ZEr0. ZEr0 nods his head and Kanyon leaves the chamber. The crowd begins to erupt as Cyrus and ZEr0 look at each other..

*Rob Bryant*
Eight men started this match.. And now we’re down to two.. This is what it’s all about folks.. One on one.. Lyger verses ZEr0.. No cheap gimmicks here folks.. It’s all about who is the better man..

Lyger and ZEr0 begin to circle up as the crowd is about to explode in the Alamodome. The crowd is roaring with Zero chants but there are some Lyger chants as well. ZEr0 and Lyger stop circling and tie up in the center of the ring. Lyger quickly gets the advantage and pushes back ZEr0 to a corner. Bill breaks it up as Lyger slaps ZEr0 across the face. ZEr0 bursts out of the corner and begins to unload on Cyrus with hard rights. ZEr0 backs Cyrus to the center of the ring, Cy goes for a close line but ZEr0 ducks it and gets behind Cyrus. Lyger turns around as ZEr0 grabs him around the waist and nails a belly to belly suplex. ZEr0 immediately gets up as the crowd roars with cheers. Cyrus crawls back and heads towards the corner. ZEr0 follows Cy and reaches down to grab him by the hair. But Cy pokes ZEr0 in the eyes!. ZEr0 staggers back as Cyrus gets up and grabs him from behind in a reverse waist lock, Cy lifts up and goes for a germen suplex But ZEr0 clamps his legs against Cy’s and blocks it, instead he rolls forward and catches Cyrus in a rollup!


NO! Cyrus kicks out. Both men get to their feet as Cyrus elbows ZEr0 right in the head. ZEr0 staggers back as Cyrus starts to back ZEr0 into the ropes. ZEr0 keeps throwing punches trying to fend off Cyrus but their not working. Cyrus ducks one of ZEr0’s fists, ZEr0 turns around as Cyrus grabs him. TOSSING GERMAN SUPLEX!! ZEr0 goes flying across the ring. Cyrus gets up and walks over to ZEr0. He grabs him by the head and stands him up. He forearms ZEr0 in the head and back into a corner. Cyrus starts to stomp a hole in ZEr0’s midsection. ZEr0 falls to the corner as Cyrus starts to choke him with his boot. He lets go after a few moments and grabs ZEr0 and stands him up. He whips ZEr0 to the opposite corner and runs after him. But when ZEr0 hit’s the turnbuckle he grabs it and springboards over Cyrus who hit’s the corner. ZEr0 drops down SCHOOL BOY!!!

*Rob Bryant*


NO!! Cyrus kicks out!. ZEr0 looks around in shock as he quickly jumps up to the top rope. Cyrus is slow to get to his feet as ZEr0 waits for him. Cy slowly gets up as ZEr0 jumps and goes for a high cross body but Cy ducks at the last second and ZEr0 crashes down to the mat. Lyger looks back at ZEr0 as he wipes his bloody face. Cyrus then heads over to ZEr0 and grabs him. He picks up ZEr0 and slams him to the mat. Cy then goes over towards the turnbuckle and climbs to the middle rope. Cy looks at ZEr0 as he nails him with a second rope elbow drop. ZEr0 moves around as he holds his face in pain. Lyger slowly gets up and yells something to ZEr0. Lyger smacks the back of ZEr0’s head as he sits up. Lyger gets behind ZEr0 and nails him with a flipping neck breaker. ZEr0 falls back to lying on the mat as Lyger rolls over him and goes for the cover.


NO! Kickout by ZEr0, Lyger gets to his feet first and he grabs ZEr0, and gives him an elbow to the face. ZEr0 stumbles backwards, as Lyger kicks him in the gut and gives him a double ARM DDT!!....Lyger rolls ZEr0 over! and covers again!!


NO! Kickout again by ZEr0.. Cyrus looks around in shock..

*Kyle Richards*
What in the hell?.. Why won’t ZEr0 just stay down?

Cyrus grabs ZEr0 by the head and stands him up. Lyger whips ZEr0 into the ropes and awaits him in the middle of the ring. ZEr0 bounces off the ropes and comes back, Lyger goes for a back body drop but ZEr0 sees it comin and grabs Cy’s head as he flips over him nailing a beautiful neck breaker!. Both men are down as the crowd begins to cheer. A few moments pass as ZEr0 is the first man to their feet, Lyger has crawled over to the ropes to help himself up. ZEr0 runs over to him and dropkicks Cy, which puts him over the top rope and on to the outside on the steel. Lyger lies on the steel floor as ZEr0 quickly exit’s the ring. He runs over towards the turnbuckle and climbs it. ZEr0 sits perched on top of the turnbuckle as he looks down at Cyrus.. ZEr0 then looks at the chamber and begins to climb onto that as well. A few moments pass as ZEr0 gets to the top of a corridor. He looks down at Cyrus and sizes him up. The crowd is beginning to chant ZEr0’s name as he JUMPS AT CY GOING FOR A 450 SPLASH.. HE CONNECTS ON LYGER AND IMMEDIATELY COVERS!


*Rob Bryant*


NO! Cyrus gets his shoulder up!. ZEr0 looks up in shock. He slowly grabs Cy by the head and rolls him back into the ring. ZEr0 signals for that’s it as he awaits on the outside for Cyrus to get up.

*Rob Bryant*
This could be it here.. If ZEr0 hit’s the final destiny.. It could be all over…




*Kyle Richards*
What a counter!! What a match!!..

ZEr0 and Cyrus both get to there feet. Cy nails ZEr0 with a hard right, ZEr0 answers back with one of his own which sends Cyrus staggering backwards. ZEr0 then steps back to the ropes and runs at Cy. ZEr0 jumps at him and goes for a hurricirana.. But Lyger blocks it. ZEr0 tries desperately to get out of Lyger’s arms as he begins to punch him on the head with fists. Cy begins to stagger back close to the turnbuckle as he lunges forward and nails a MONSTOROUS POWERBOMB TO A PIN! Lyger rolls up ZEr0!


Lyger puts his feet on the ropes!

*Rob Bryant*

2.………… (ZEr0 gets his shoulder up!) 3!!!!

*Rob Bryant*

*Kyle Richards*

*Scott Maverik*

Lyger quickly gets out of the ring and out of the chamber as BYOB hits. The crowd responds with boos and some cheers as Michael Quigley hands a bloodied Cyrus the Blood Bath title. In the ring ZEr0 is yelling at Bill that he got his shoulder up. But to no avail.

*Rob Bryant*
This is bullcrap!. Of all my Years as a color commentator.. I’ve never seen…

*Kyle Richards*
Anything as great as this!.. Against all odds Cyrus Lyger did it!.. He is truly the champion..

Cyrus continues to celebrate with the Bloodbath title in hand as the cameras show a very angry ZEr0 in the chamber, ZEr0 points to Lyger as the cameras begin to fade to black you hear ZEr0 speak

We’re not through yet Lyger.. The battle may be yours but the war has just begun…

The camera fades to black as the XXWF symbol shows up.