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Blast from the Past
XXWF Xtreme ShockZone
Gund Arena
Cleveland, Ohio
Saturday February 14, 2009

The show starts off with the usual pyro show as 'Ladies and Gentlemen' blasts throughout the arena. The camera scans the audience to find interesting signs before centering on Rob Bryant and Kyle Richards.

Rob Bryant: Welcome everybody, to Xtreme ShockZone!

Kyle Richards: Seriously, welcome!

Rob Bryant: Well folks, we've got a great event lined up for you tonight. And we just got word that at the end of the night Jmoney will be coming out here to make a huge announcement about Reign Supreme!

Kyle Richards: Can't wait for that one Rob, what can it be?

Rob Bryant: We'll soon find out! Let's not waste any more time and get right into the action!

The camera cuts to the ring where Scott Maverik stands. “I'm So Sick” erupts and the crowd immediately boos. Aubrey walks out onto the stage and twirls around. She flips her hair before making her way down the ramp.

*Scott Maverik*
The following match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Chicago, Illinois, The Blonde Bombshell, Aubrey Rayne.

Aubrey climbs the apron, slowly standing up. She steps into the ring and climbs the turnbuckle taunting the crowd by throwing glitter at them. When “Don't Cha” hits, Mindy gets kind of a nice reaction as she makes her way out. Aubrey looks disgusted as Mindy makes her way down the ramp.

*Scott Maverik*
And the opponent, from, Mobile, Alabama, Mindy Munroe!

Mindy walks up the stairs and steps into the ring. She walks toward Aubrey who moves away. Mindy taunts for a minute. Aubrey and Mindy circle each other as the bell rings. Aubrey and Mindy lock up and Mindy with ease tosses Aubrey to the mat. Aubrey looks upset, getting up and walking around the ring. Mindy attempts to lock with Aubrey again but Aubrey quickly moves and hits a forearm to Mindy's back. Mindy barely moves. Aubrey runs the ropes, attempting a clothesline but again, Mindy barely moves. Aubrey screams, she slaps Mindy. Mindy gets angry, growling a bit as she starts stalking Aubrey. She looks around the ring and steps out of the ring. Mindy drops down and rolls out of the ring but Aubrey runs around. She slides into the ring and Mindy slides in after her and gets a dropkick to the face from Aubrey.

Rob Bryant
Aubrey during well in her debut.

Aubrey straddles Mindy and starts pounding on her face. Aubrey stands, walking to the center of the ring and raising her arms in the air. She tassels her hair and blows a kiss to the crowd before turning her attention to Mindy who runs at Aubrey and smashes her into a corner. Mindy taunts before pulling Aubrey into position. Mindy climbs the turnbuckle and jumps off looking to connect with a splash on Aubrey. Mindy hits the mat, as Aubrey quickly rolls out of the way. She rolls out of the ring, raising her hands up, a disgusted look on her face.

Rob Bryant
Where the hell is Aubrey going?

Aubrey continues up the ramp. Mindy gets out of the ring and grabs Aubrey tossing her back into the squared circle. Aubrey jumps on Mindy's back, locking a sleeper hold on. Mindy struggles for a bit, collapsing to the side.

Kyle Richards
I heard Aubrey got to know Jack Kaine very well last night.

Rob Bryant
How well?

Kyle Richards
He could make a blueprint of her body.

Mindy tries to stand up but staggers a bit. Mindy tries again to stand up but collapses backwards by accident, squashing Aubrey. Aubrey lays there, her shoulders pinned. The ref starts counting but Aubrey grabs the bottom rope. She rolls out of the ring and Mindy stands up, ready to attack She yells at Aubrey to get back in the ring and the count is up to five. Aubrey is pacing and forth, the count hits seven and Aubrey climbs the ropes, yelling at the Ref. He walks to her, getting distracted from the count. Mindy reaches for Aubrey who jumps down, yanking Mindy's head with her. Mindy holds her throat, after it hits the top rope. Aubrey slides into the ring and starts undoing a turnbuckle cover. The Ref yells at Aubrey, who backs up from the corner reaching into her skirt. Mindy grabs Aubrey from behind and lifts her up, Aubrey locks her legs around Mindy and tries to get a roll up but Mindy holds on and slams Aubrey face first onto the mat. She rolls her onto her back and covers her but the Ref is still messing around with the turnbuckle.

Rob Bryant
Mindy has Aubrey down for a twenty count. Turn around ref!

Mindy gets off of Aubrey and walks to the ref, whose still messing with the turnbuckle. She turns her attention back to Aubrey, whose crawled to a corner and pulls her hand out of her skirt. Mindy reaches down for Aubrey who blows glitter into Mindy's face.

Rob Bryant
Is... Is that glitter?

Mindy rubs her eyes as Aubrey grabs the ropes, for more leverage and rolls up Mindy. The ref finally turns around and makes the count. Aubrey gets the three count and quickly rolls out of the ring.

Scott Maverik
Here is your winner by pinfall, Aubrey Rayne!

“I'm So Sick” plays in the arena. She is at the bottom of the ramp, she twirls around in a little dance and starts trash talking as she backs up the ramp.

Rob Bryant: An impressive win by newcomer Aubrey Rayne!

Kyle Richards: And she's hot!

Rob Bryant: That she is.

The camera cuts to the back to show that Katie Lea Burchill had arrived to the arena with Triple H at the beginning of XXWF's weekly program, Xtreme ShockZone. Last week, it seemed that the two had began the start of a new relationship, and on Valentines Day, The Women's Hardcore Champion entered with a grin on her face. She was clad in a strapless red party dress, black fishnet fingerless gloves, black stockings on her legs, and red pumps. Her brown and blonde locks were clipped out of her face with a glittery, heart-shaped barrette. Her title, freshly polished, hung on her bare shoulder. Her hand rests in Triple H's, the other one holding onto the Women's Hardcore Championship with great protection -- as if someone were intending on ripping the belt away from her.

Katie Lea Burchill: Another week, another victory well-assured. At least, for our champ, no?

She sighed, shaking her head. She didn't have a match this week. She was doing commentary for a match where her associate, Krissy Vaine (who was still throwing a fit about having to compete), would be facing her rival, Kiki Korpse -- the new youngblood talent from New York. Katie's blood-red painted lip snarled in disgust at the thought. Triple H grinned as he looked at over his sunglasses, dressed to the nines in yet another custom designer suit. He adjusts the XXWF BloodBath Championship belt on his shoulder as the words leave his lips.

Triple H: Expect nothing less. Jack Kaine has about as much a chance of beating me as llama has to fly, that's all I'm saying. Don't worry, we'll leave here just as proud as we arrived, I guarantee that.

Triple H releases Katie's hand, tossing an arm around the back of her neck with a smirk.

Katie Lea Burchill: Why Ohio, of all places? Surely they could've picked somewhere more exciting...I have half a bloody mind to turn right back around and leave this hell hole, toot sweet!

She frowns, throwing a little tantrum. Her lips pucker out into a pout as she stamps down the hallway with him. Occasionally, those blue-gray eyes of her's look about to their lined corners. Triple H looks around and shrugs.

Triple H: I don't book the house babe, I only rock it to it's foundation. I could think of so many warmer places we could be. If I didn't have to beat up Kaine, I'd say we go now. When we leave, I'll show you where I mean. We can make it by the end of Valentine's day.

Katie nods a little bit, when another familiar face comes onto the scene. Katie's older brother, Paul Burchill. Instinctively upon catching him in the corner of her eye, she stands on her tiptoes and wraps her arms around the neck of Triple H, slamming her lips against his. Big brother Paul glares angrily, shaking his head. He snorts in frustration, storming off of the scene. Triple H wraps his arms around Katie, definitely shocked by the random turn of events. As Katie pulls away, wiping her lip, Triple H runs his thumb across the his mouth before that grin comes across his face.

Triple H: I'll take that as a yes then. We'll leve as soon as I finish up tonight.

Nodding to him, she grabs hold of his hand that drapes off of her shoulder. Paul slammed his fist into the wall, muttering something. It made her lips curl up into a sneer at how jealous he was getting. Katie turns her head, walking alongside of the BloodBath champion. Fade.

The camera suddenly cuts to another part of the backstage area where we see Skeletor! He's standing at one of the catering tables and seems to be scratching his chin, trying to make up his mind with a hard decision. Jmoney randomly steps into the picture beside Skeletor, startling him a little.

Jmoney: What're you doing man?

Skeletor: Oh dear, J, you scared me... I mean... WHAT PEASANT?!

Jmoney just looks at Skeletor.

Skeletor: Well I'm trying to decide whether to have the Boston Creme doughnut or the Jelly Filled one.

Jmoney: Right... anyway man, I just wanted to tell you that you won't need to compete tonight. Bastion, Osborne, and LeChance all decided not to show up so you win the match by default. That would also make you the number one contender to the Hardcore Championship.

Skeletor: AHAH! That's awesome. I will win that championship... then I will rule the world! AHAHA!

Jmoney: Yup. Whatever..

Jmoney grabs the Boston Creme and takes a bite.

Jmoney: And there, just made your decision easier.

He walks off as Skeletor looks at the doughnuts... he frowns.

Skeletor: I wanted the Boston Creme...

WHACK!! A steel chair comes crashing down across the back of Skeletor! He immediately falls to the floor, groaning in pain. The camera pans up to reveal Brad Pain standing over him, chair in hand! Pain just smirks and tosses the chair onto Skeletor before walking away. XXWF officials rush to check on Skeletor as the scene cuts back to ringside.

Rob Bryant: Wow, Brad Pain not wasting any time in sending out a message to the number one contender for his title.

Kyle Richards: Shit I can't even believe Skeletor is number one contender... what're we, the circus?

Rob Bryant: He is on a bit of a winning streak Kyle, and I'm sure that chairshot will leave him a tad upset. Folks I'm getting word that we're heading to the back once again to join Alexis Grant...

The camera cuts to the back where Alexis Grant is standing outside Katalina's locker room.

Alexis Grant
I'm standing outside the locker room of Katalina Jacobs and Jace Andrews. Looking to get a word about their upcoming match.

Alexis knocks on the door. There's no response. Alexis knocks again. She grabs the knob and opens the door to see broken glass, blood on the walls and over turned furniture. Alexis scream as Katalina is shown laid out on the floor, blooding in a puddle around her. Alexis screams for help. After a few seconds a referee and a stage hand arrive. They check up on Kat and then the EMTs arrive. We cut to the arena.

Rob Bryant
Uh... wow, Katalina was severely beaten there. EMTs are checking up on her. What happened in there? Where's Jace?

Kyle Richards: Not cool... Katalina was hot!

Rob Bryant: That she was Kyle. Aren't they all hot?

Kyle Richards: Yes they area! Speaking of which we've got Kiki Korpse taking on Krissy Vaine with the lovely Katie Lea Burchill joining us right here at ringside!

Rob Bryant: I don't know about lovely...

“About Us Now” hits and Katie Lea, Krissy Vaine and Paul Burchill make their way out onto the stage.

Scott Maverik
The following match is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, being accompanied by Paul Burchill and the XXWF Women's Hardcore Champion, Katie Lea Burchill, Krissy Vaine!

Krissy Vaine slides into the ring. Katie Lea and Paul Burchill walk along the side of the ring. Katie Lea walks to the announcer's table. Paul Burchill does the same, staying near Katie. “Thrash Unreal” plays.

Scott Maverik
And the opponent, from The Bronx, Kiki Korpse.

Kiki Korpse is ready. The bell sounds and she tackles Krissy Vaine to the mat. Kiki pounds away from Krissy's face, who grabs the bottom rope and pulls herself out of the ring. Kiki stands up, waiting for the right moment and connects with a body press over the top rope. Katie Lea, throws off her headset and grabs her title.

Rob Bryant
What is Katie Lea Burchill up to?

She attempts another shot with it but Kiki ducks and kicks the title back in Katie's face. She falls on her ass, where Paul Burchill tries to help her up. Kiki grabs Krissy Vaine and throws her into the ring, as Paul continues to help Katie around the ring and up the ramp. Kiki smirks, she sets it up and delivers a Kannibal's Kiss to Krissy Vaine. Kiki steps over her, walking to the ropes and pointing at Katie Lea. The Referee decides to keep the match going, while ordering Katie and Paul into the back.

Rob Bryant
I guess the match is going to continue here.

Kiki brings Krissy up. She delivers a few forearm shots. Kiki backs Krissy against the ropes and Irish whips her. Krissy ducks the attempted clothesline but can not avoid the dropkick. Kiki covers Krissy but gets a kick out at two. Kiki drops an elbow to the chest, followed by another and attempts another cover. Krissy kicks out again. Kiki grabs Krissy by the hair, dragging her to the bottom rope and placing her knee against her back, choking her. The ref gets to a four count and Kiki breaks the hold.

Rob Bryant
Kiki breaking the hold before the five count.

Kiki pulls Krissy toward the center of the ring and places her in a single leg boston crab. She cups at the knee and yanks back harder as Krissy reaches out at the ropes. Krissy crawls toward the ropes, screaming, as Kiki continues to wrench the leg. Krissy reaches out more and grabs the bottom rope. The ref starts counting and Kiki breaks the hold. She pulls Krissy to the center of the ring again and covers her. Kiki gets another two count. Kiki walks to the ropes and steps out on the apron. She climbs the turnbuckle and waits for Krissy to rise. She attempts a cross body but Krissy dives down and Kiki hits the mat. Krissy holds her knee, as she uses the ropes to pull herself up to her vertical base.

Krissy runs at Katie with a stiff kick to the ribs. Krissy taunts for a minute before grabbing Katie by the hair and smashing her face into the mat. Krissy brings Kiki up and knees her in the gut. She bends her over and underhooks both her arms. She lifts her up and drops Kiki with a sit-out facebuster. Krissy rolls Kiki over and covers her, only getting a two count. Krissy gets up to her feet and argues with the referee. Kiki gets up to her feet and is met with a kick to the stomach. Krissy grabs her and delivers a stalling suplex. Krissy taunts the ring, still selling her knee injury. She grabs Kiki but is pulled into a small package. Krissy kicks out.

Rob Bryant
Another near fall.

Krissy walks to the referee, yelling at him. Kiki uses the ropes to get herself up. Krissy approaches Kiki and is caught with the Six Feet Under. She hooks both legs and gets the three count. “Thrash Unreal” hits the arena. Kiki climbs a turnbuckle.

Scott Maverik
Here is your winner by pinfall, Kiki Korpse.

Kiki jumps off the turnbuckle. She grabs Krissy and delivers a spike DDT. Kiki smiles and laughs, before stepping out of the ring and jumping off the apron. Katie Lea quickly rushes into the ring once Kiki leaves to check on her downed friend.

Rob Bryant: Well Kiki Korpse taking out Krissy Vaine quite easily. You think that was a message to Katie?

Kyle Richards: Who cares. I love our womens roster.

Rob Bryant: I'm sure you do Kyle.

**Suddenly the camera cuts to the back to show Brad Pain, who is walking speedily through the backstage area toward the exit when Alexis Grant meets him with a microphone**

"Brad, we just saw you take out Skeletor. Why did you carry out such a vicious assault?"

Brad Pain
"Alexis, have you not been paying attention? My purpose, my calling, my duty is to make a positive impact on future generations. It began last week when I wrestled this Hardcore Title away from The Untouchable. Tonight, I was forced to sit aside while Skeletor was just announced the number one contender to my title! Spitting his venom across national airwaves and into the eyes of young men and women across the world. I could not allow that to happen. I simply nipped the problem in the bud by giving him a major dose of Pain. Now he simply knows that I alone am the name of the game and the XXWF's only true role model."

**Pain storms off of the set while Alexis looks on dumbfounded as the camera cuts back to ringside.**

Rob Bryant: Well somewhat of an explanation from Brad Pain...

Kyle Richards: Makes sense to me! I hope Pain beats that skeleton's ass right out of XXWF.

Rob Bryant: But then we'd just be left with The Camode as comedy relief..

The two announcers look at each other, then at the camera.

Rob Bryant: Well folks, next up we've got Shawn Roberts taking on Lukas Rheinhardt! Two major players in XXWF's rather thin Tag Team Division.

The camera cuts to Scott Maverik in the ring.

Scott Maverick: The following match is set for one fall...

"I'm Shipping Up To Boston" plays and Shawn Roberts steps out from behind the curtain to a chorus of boos from the crowd. He taunts them as he makes his way down the ramp...

Scott Maverick: Making his way to the ring...from Boston, Massachusetts....Scott Roberts!!!

He slides under the ropes and into the ring, moving to the turnbuckle to taunt the booing fans once more...

Scott Maverick: And the opponent...

"10,000 Fists" by Disturbed plays and Lukas Rheinhardt steps out onto the stage to. He has a determined look on his face and he never takes his eyes off Shawn Roberts as he makes his way toward the ring...

Scott Maverick: He hails from Moers, Germany....he is....Lukas Rheinhardt!!!

Lukas walks up to the steps and enters the ring. He tugs on the top rope, stretching out some before both wrestlers make their way to center ring and the bell sounds...

Kyle Richards: And we are under way! What do you look for in this match, partner?

Rob Bryant: We'll have to see. Obviously, Lukas has the size advantage but you can't count Roberts out of any match...

They lock up center ring and Lukas gets the upper hand. He drives Shawn Roberts back into the corner turnbuckle and the ref begins the five count. Lukas breaks the lock up and backs up a bit, then takes a hard swing at Roberts who ducks out of the way, leaving Lukas in the turnbuckle. Lukas turns around and is hit with several hard knife-edge chops across the chest...

Kyle Richards: Shawn using his speed advantage to get out of the way...

Rob Bryant: Listen to those chops...

Shawn hits a few more across Lukas' chest and then he runs to the turnbuckle opposite. He turns around and charges back toward Lukas but Lukas explodes out of the corner with a devastating clothesline, flipping Shawn Roberts over...

Rob Bryant: That will slow things down for Shawn Roberts...

Lukas puts a few boots to Shawn and then grabs him by the hair, pulling him up. Shawn throws a couple of fore arm shots into Lukas' midsection but a hard elbow to the back of the head puts Shawn to the canvas once more. Lukas quickly pulls him up and lifts him high over his head in a military press...

Kyle Richards: Impressive display of power by Lukas Rhienhardt...

Lukas' walks around the ring with Shawn pressed high above him. But he shows off too much as Shawn pushes off and lands on his feet behind Lukas. He dropkicks him in the back of the knee, dropping the seven-footer down to one knee. Shawn hooks Lukas' head under his arm from behind and scores with a reverse DDT, quickly floating over into the cover...

Bill: 1...

Lukas powers out, tossing Shawn nearly halfway across the ring as he kicks out just after one...

Rob Bryant: It's going to take more than that to keep the big German down...

Shawn immediately puts the boots to Lukas, not allowing him anytime to get up. Shawn runs off the ropes as Lukas gets up to one knee and Shawn hits him with a front dropkick to the side of the head. The impact sends Lukas rolling under the bottom rope out onto the apron. Lukas uses the ropes to pull himself up as Shawn bounces off the ring ropes opposite and hits a flying fore arm to the face of Lukas, knocking him to the outside. The German angrily pounds the floor before he rises, only to find Shawn Roberts poised on the top turnbuckle...

Kyle Richards: Roberts going up to the high risk district...

He leaps off in a cross-body but the large German catches him in his arms, swinging Roberts around into a vicious spinning sidewalk slam, hitting the Die Morgendämmerung Treader special on the outside of the ring. Roberts is clearly hurting as he clutches his lower back...

Rob Bryant: That's why they call it high risk....

Lukas lifts Shawn Roberts up, military pressing him over his head once more and tossing him into the ring between the top and middle rope. Lukas calmy walks back up the stairs and into the ring, bouncing off the ropes and landing a leg drop across the throat of Shawn Roberts, going for a cover...

Bill: 1...2...

Roberts kicks out and Lukas pulls him back up to his feet. He hooks his arm over Shawn's head and connects with a suplex, floating over into the cover...

Bill: 1...2...

Shawn kicks out once more...

Kyle Richards: Lukas so far unable to put Roberts away...

Lukas argues with the ref some and then gives Roberts a cocky kick to the ribs as Shawn trys to get up. Shawn rolls over towards the ropes and pulls himself up. Lukas grabs him from behind and lifts him up for a back body drop but Shawn flips out of it and hits a chop block on Lukas, bringing the seven footer down to one knee once more. He dropkicks him in the back of the head, causing Lukas to fall forward, draped over the second rope. Roberts jumps over the top rope, grabbing Lukas' head on the way down, guillotining his throat over the second rope. Lukas clutches his neck, coughing as he stumbles back to center ring. Shawn quickly rolls back in, running up to Lukas from behind and scoring with a face-plant bulldog, putting the big man down. Shawn goes for the pin...

Bill: 1...2...

Lukas kicks out again but without so much power this time. Lukas gets up to one knee as Shawn rains fore arms down on him. The powerful German pushes Shawn away with one hard shove. Able to get to his feet as Roberts comes off the rope, attempting a clothesline but instead Lukas' large hand grabs his neck...

Rob Bryant: Roberts caught in that big mitt of Lukas'...

Kyle Richards: Looks like a chokeslam is forthcoming...

Lukas lifts Roberts by the throat, carrying him around the ring and over to the turnbuckle, setting Shawn down on the top of it. He punches Shawn across the face hard before he steps up onto the second rope. He taunts the crowd, but in doing so allows Shawn time to recover. Shawn slides down between Lukas' legs. An angry Lukas turns around on the second rope just as Shawn springboards off the second rope, grabbing Lukas' head and hitting a 3/4 turning neckbreaker off the top rope...

Rob Bryant: The Sanity Plea!!!

Kyle Richards: Roberts out of nowhere...!!!

Shawn quickly rolls on top of Lukas as Bill counts...

Bill: 1...2...3!!!!

Rob Bryant: Roberts does it!!!

Scott Maverick: Here is your winner.........Shaw-

The ring announcer can't even spit it out as Mortiz quickly rushes the ring, clubbing an exhausted Shawn Roberts over the back. He swings wild left and rights down onto him as Lukas recovers and gets to his feet. Mortiz lifts Roberts and irish whips him into the big boot of Lukas. Mortiz tells Lukas to pick him up as Mortiz slides out of the ring and grabs a steel chair from ringside. Lukas holds Shawn Roberts as Mortiz re-enters the ring. He's about to charge at Shawn when from out of nowhere Jack Kaine slides into the ring and spears Mortiz, hitting him with lefts and rights of his own. Kaine quickly gets up and grabs the chair, swinging it down at Mortiz who rolls out of the ring just in time. Kaine then charges at Lukas who has already tossed Shawn Roberts aside and rolls out of the ring just in time himself, avoiding a vicious chair shot. Jack Kaine throws the chair up the ramp at the fleeing german duo, exchanging choice words with them as he helps Shawn Roberts back up and to the back...

Rob Bryant: Wow, Blitzkrieg for once come out on the short end of the battle..

Kyle Richards: We rarely see that Rob. These guys usually bully their way over everybody.

Rob Bryant: Might Kaine and Roberts actually be a decent team?

Kyle Richards: It seems that way thus far.

Rob Bryant: This duo are one to keep an eye on folks. Well next up we've got an intriguing battle between two of the contenders for the Xtreme Championship.

The camera cuts to Scott Maverik in the ring.

Scott Maverik
The Following match is scheduled for one fall…introducing first…..

“Bulls on Parade” by Rage against the Machine begins to play over the arena. The fans are booing as popping out from the curtain is Nova. He heads into the ring as the ref looks over to make sure nothing is illegal. As all the suddenly Matthew Moore comes running out and slides into the ring as Nova quickly exits.

Rob Bryant
I will tell you what Kyle, Nova wants no part of Matthew Moore!

Kyle Richards
We shall see Rob, I will tell you one thing these are 2 very fierce competitors and this is going to be a great match!

Nova finally slides back into the ring as Matthew Moore immediately attacks him and starts to pummel his back with a load of stomps. Nova quickly rolls back out of the ring as he holds his back in pain. Matthew Moore is screaming at Nova to get back into the ring. Nova just throws his arms in the air and pretends to be walking back to the locker room. Matthew Moore rolls out of the ring and attacks Nova only to be met with a vicious clothesline. Nova laughs a bit and then picks up Moore and throws him into the ring post as Moore goes crashing to the hard floor.


Nova then slides in the ring and then back out to reset the count. He goes to pick up Matthew Moore but Moore connects with a low blow as Nova quickly collapses to the floor holding his mid section. Moore is still recovering and slides into the ring as the ref counts.

1….2…..3…….4……5……..6……7…..Nova getting up….8…..9….

Nova slides into the ring nearly reaching the 10 count. Moore comes over to him and starts to stomp away again on Novas back. He then gets on top of Nova and begins to swing hard lefts and right connecting on Nova’s face. The ref comes over and immediately breaks it up and sends Matthew Moore to the opposite corner.

Kyle Richards
Wow, 2 near count outs, these men sure do not like each other!

Rob Bryant
This is turning out to be one hellacious match…I cannot wait to see the finish.

Nova finally is able to get to his feet and Moore and Nova are now standing toe to toe for the first time this match. They exchange words as Moore connects with a hard right hand, he then turns it and slaps Nova across his chest and another and another…Nova then returns the favor and begins to slap Moore across the chest 3 times. He then grabs Matthew Moore and whips him into the ropes, Moore comes back and is met with a huge belly to belly suplex. Nova then goes for the cover.

1…..2….kick out

Moore was able to get his shoulder up. Nova picks up Moore, he tosses his arm around his shoulder and lands with a textbook vertical suplex. Nova feels the momentum as he continues to capitalize on Matthew Moore. He then stomps Moore a couple of times and then puts him into a fierce headlock. Moore is screaming as he reaches for the ropes. The official keeps asking him if he wants to tap out. Moore is still fighting it as he gets one leg up and then another, Nova adds more pressure as Matthew Moore falls to one knee. Nova continues the hold as Matthew Moore then gets up again on his second leg, he thrusts back with an elbow that connects on Nova. Another elbow to Nova, another as Nova breaks the hold, Moore runs against the turnbuckle and connects with a dropkick. Both men are laying on the canvass trying to regain their breath.

Rob Bryant
What an action packed match we have here…both men giving it their all

Kyle Richards
This is a seesaw battle, one man has to capitalize to take this match to victory.

Nova and Matthew Moore are now arising to their feet they stare at each other for a bit as Matthew Moore charges with a clothesline, Nova ducks but is met with a neck breaker by Moore. Nova is holding onto his neck as Moore has a cocky grin on his face. Matthew Moore picks up Nova and throws him into the turnbuckle. Matthew Moore runs full speed and connects with a clothesline, he then grabs Nova and sets him up on the top ropes. Matthew Moore is going for a superplex from the top rope, he tries to lift but Nova begins to fight it and punch Matthew Moore in the face. Moore is slouching back but with his last ditch effort he grabs Nova and connects with a powerful superplex from the top rope. Matthew Moore goes for the cover…

1……2…..kick out

Nova gets his shoulder up. Moore can’t believe it, he then picks up Nova again and puts him in between his legs, he lifts him up and connects with a piledriver, he covers….


Nova grabs the ropes as the ref stops the count. Moore than grabs Nova and pulls him into the ring he then attempts the cover again

1…..2…..kick out

Nova gets his shoulder up, Matthew Moore is now disgusted and stands on up and shakes his head. He then reaches down to grab Nova to pick him up but is quickly rolled into a small package. Nova is holding the tights very strong with the cover.

1……2……kick out

Rob Bryant
Wow, somehow Matthew Moore was able to kick out of that!

Kyle Richards
A couple of near falls here and there, this match is turning out to be incredible, these guys just will not give it up

Rob Bryant
Is there a time limit on this match?

Kyle Richards
I sure hope not, the way these two wrestlers are fighting somebody deserves to win!

Moore was shocked by the small package as both men have recovered and are now at their feet. Moore goes after Nova and connects with a chop, Nova returns the favor, and they chop back and forth and back and forth. Finally Matthew Moore knees Nova in the gut, he throws Nova against the rope and attempts a Big Boot but Nova slides out of the way. Moore turns and swings with a hard right but it is ducked by Nova. Nova then grabs Matthew Moore and connects with the Novacaine! Nova falls on top of Matthew Moore.


Scott Maverik
Here is your winner…….NOVA!!!!!

Rob Bryant
Wow, what a match Kyle! Nova was reversed that hard punch by Moore and connected with the Novacaine!

Kyle Richards
That was one hell of a battle, these two men have definitely showed they are worthy to be top competitors in this company!

The camera suddenly cuts to the back. Xtreme ShockZone this year fell on Valentines Day, and of course, leave it to Serenity to play the part. She may loathe the holiday, but why take away from people who actually enjoy the commercialism? She walked backstage, playing the Valentines Day role to a "T". Pacing down the hallway, Serenity's blonde hair replaced with a reddish-copper colour. She wears a sparkly, red furry tiara perched atop her head, a strapless black push-up bra with a smaller, sequined red one over that, and a pair of black bootyshorts with a heart bedazzled upon the left cheek. A pair of fishnet stockings lead from the shorts, into a pair of black boots. She might as well have been walking on air after last week -- pinning Jack Kaine had to prove that she wasn't as much of a joke as everyone thought, right? She beamed with just the thought of it, her red lipstick-painted lips forming a smile and showing her pearly whites.

Jack Kaine happens to be spending time in the same hallway. Instead of pacing around with nothing better to do though, he's leaning against the wall right beside a wooden table holding coffee and various other things. Jack's got on the same attire from the beginning of his promo earlier, a pair of faded blue jeans with a red tshirt under a black Ralph Lauren blazer. He's got the Red Sox cap over his styled hair and a pair of sunglasses covering his eyes. Kaine seems to be ignoring everything and everyone around him as he chats on his cell phone, which is pressed firmly against his right ear. In his other hand Jack holds a paper cup filled with coffee. He chats away on his phone.

Jack Kaine: Yeah... right. So what if it's Valentine's Day? Bullshit holiday anyway..

Serenity: Only 'cause ya' lost me...

She smirks, appearing behind him. Rolling her gray eyes, she smirks, playing with her straightened, copper-coloured hair. Her hands find her hips, sucking in her tiny gut and her chest swelling with pride that she had beat him only seven days ago. Her extreme definition of her abdomen is revealed and tensed with that.

Serenity: Lost me...lost to me...epic fail, Jack Kaine. Epic fail.

Jack's head turns to glare at Serenity, but he surprisingly cracks a smirk and turns back to his phone.

Jack Kaine: I've got to go... something just came up...

Jack flips the phone closed and slides it into his pocket, he glances at Serenity and looks her up and down then returns to her face with a smirk.

Jack Kaine: And I do mean something...

Serenity gives Jack a look of disgust as Everybody's Favorite Asshole slides his glasses off and places them on top of his cap. He smirks, showing off his pearly whites, as he doesn't break eye contact with Serenity... despite her many assets being clearly visible.

Jack Kaine: Relax Serenity, I'm joking. You go ahead and relish in that win you got on me...

Jack nods then shrugs.

Jack Kaine: No biggie.

Serenity: Hugey! Amazing, astonishing, boom boom boom! All eyes on me moment! Victory, my hand raised in the air! Victory is the nectar of the gods...and over you? That just makes it sweeter.

She smirks, pursing her lips in pride. Tossing her hair out of her face, she grins, letting out a little huff of excitement. Jack keeps his smirk plasted on his face, no removing it for anything, He just chuckles softly.

Jack Kaine: Yeah.. so you finally know what it's like to win one huh?

He chuckles again then shakes his head.

Jack Kaine: Oh Serenity. I'm onto bigger and better things baby. Sure... you pinning me bothered me a little... but I'm past it. I'm sure you'll dwell on it for a while though... I mean you don't have much other stuff going for you, huh?

Jack glances around for a second.

Jack Kaine: I mean, it's Valentine's Day... where's your new tragedy?

Serenity: I'm not sure what you mean by "tragedy"...if you mean my boyfriend though, he's in a heavily guarded location...I'd tell you where, but I'd have to kill you.

Rolling her eyes at his comment, she scoffs.

Serenity: And, if you want to know what winning is like, since you can't seem to get the job done...watch me take out Pam and clones tonight. I don't need Bunny or Justina to help me. Not like they would anyway...

Jack's eyes seem a bit different than usual as he meets Serenity's stare. He smiles.

Jack Kaine: Ouch. So you're saying I don't win huh? Well that's funny considering I'm the greatest tag team competitor to ever set foot in this industry.... and soon I'll be the greatest period. Just keep an eye on that ring tonight when I beat the so called 'Blood Bath Champion.'

Serenity: I might as well...my life sucks as of late. I could use a good laugh.

She smirks, giving him a light-hearted grin. Jack grins back... an actual grin, not his usual smirk. His eyes squint a little, grin still on his face.

Jack Kaine: Funny....

Serenity: I tr -

She frowns, glaring at him when he cuts her off.

Jack Kaine: We had fun didn't we?

Jack asks, completely disinterested in what Serenity was about to say, instead obviously thinking of his latest question. She raises an eyebrow at that, her hands dropping. Her shoulders slump a little bit, as she sighs. She answers, with no thought needed.

Serenity: No.

Jack's 'grin' breaks into his usual smirk as he nods, sliding his glasses back over his eyes. His line obviously not working.

Jack Kaine: Just keep telling yourself that babe.

Serenity: Keep telling myself the truth? What was so fun about what we did? I tried to get real emotion out of you...and every time I made just a little fault in your ego, the minute you left, it was gone, and you were back into this shell...this arrogant price that you seem to love pretending you are. So I gave up. There was nothing fun about it!

Jack's smirk pursing his lips as he listens to Serenity's speel. He nods after every sentence she says. When she's done he takes a second to think about it and nods.

Jack Kaine: You're right Serenity. We didn't have fun. You were constantly trying to turn me into something I'm not. Shell.... pretending... fault in my ego? Just what do you think I am? Some split personality weirdo that didn't have a good childhood? I had a great childhood... and in case you hadn't noticed... I love who I am. Sure, I tried your 'love the world' shit.. it just wasn't cutting it. So as hot as you look naked... I had to cut the string babe. This is me... this has always been me... I KNOW I'm better than everyone... and I like making fun of people less fortunate than em.. that's what they're there for.

Serenity: Guess we were trying to hard...we were too different to make it work. Which is fine by me. I know I've got plenty of faults...I'm fragile, and easily broken. But I've got someone that accepts that now, and doesn't leave the next morning.

She brushes her fingers through her mussed hair, scrunching it up a bit in the back. Without a ponytail holder, the hair loses a battle with gravity and falls.

Serenity: It's fine though. I'm sorry I was such a burden, and we didn't end it earlier, since that seems to be all you wanted from me...was for me to go away.

Her lips push out into a little pout. Her gray, lined eyes fall to the tile floor, turning her back to him. Jack knows the tells of women and just watches Serenity as she tries and makes excuses for why their relationship didn't work. You can tell he's got a lot of questions going through his head right now, questions he'd never let escape his mouth. Instead Jack just watches the beautiful petite woman turn her back on him...

Lots of things go through Jack Kaine's head here. There's a few things he'd like to do right now that aren't exactly in the best interest of his 'character.' As Jack reaches out for Serenity's shoulder his cell phone rings. Serenity ignores it as Jack slides it out of his pocket... the screen reads 'Aubrey.' Kaine takes a second and glances from the phone to Serenity. He things for a moment, then frowns behind Serenity's back..

Jack Kaine: The last thing I wanted was for you to leave... but I guess it was only a matter of time..

Kaine says that and turns his own head away from the superstar, flipping his phone open and bringing it to his ears as he takes a few steps away from Serenity. She sighs, shaking her head. She begins to chew on her lip in frustration, not caring about the make up that had been put on it. Looking over her shoulder, she frowns angrily. Her voice is full of hurt, not looking at him, but focusing on something else -- looking at him was too hard, especially on Valentines Day.

Serenity: I never want to see you again.

Shaking her head angrily, she storms away from him, her eyes still burning with frustrated tears that she wouldn't let fall. Jack's blank behind his sunglasses before muttering...

Jack Kaine: What else is new...

But then he's snapped back to reality and concentrates on his phone call.

Jack Kaine: No babe. Not you... Yeah I can meet up tonight...

Kaine walks off the other way as the camera once again cuts to ringside.

Kyle Richards: God I feel like I'm in a horrible chick flick...

Rob Bryant: You would Kyle, considering you've never loved another human being.

Kyle Richards: Well... I loved my mom!

Rob Bryant: I'm sure you did.. Anyway next up is the six women tag match..

Kyle Richards: More chicks! Awesome!

Rob Bryant
We've been told that with the absence of Katalina. This match will now be a handicap match.

“Slit Your Own Throat” by the Used plays and Serenity comes out to a huge pop from the crowd.

Scott Maverik
The following handicap match is set for one fall. Introducing first, from, Daytona Beach, Florida, The Epitome of Eccentricity . SERENITY!

Serenity climbs the apron and steps into the ring. She climbs the turnbuckle and taunts as “Dirty” plays in the arena. The red carpet is rolled out, the Paparazzi take their positions and Bunny Blue comes out on stage. She holds up the Women's title.

Scott Maverik
And her tag team partner, from Los Angeles, California, she is the XXWF Women's Champion, The Beautiful One, BUNNY BLUE!

Bunny skips down the ramp, stopping to pose for the camera before climb the apron and sliding underneath the bottom rope, resting on her knees. She throws her head back with a smile on her face as she walks to the ropes and blows a kiss at the crowd. Bunny raises up her title and kisses it gently.

Rob Bryant
We're awaiting the arrival of Justina James.

Serenity and Bunny Blue are awaiting their tag team partner. “Voices” hits but there's no Justina. Serenity rolls her eyes. The music stops and the crowd is booing. The music starts up again but abruptly stops when the camera cuts to the parking lot. Pamela Hurt is walking with her suitcase, heading towards her car. Suddenly the lights from a car are shining bright and Pamela his hit hard, cracking the windshield, then falling back down to the pavement.

Rob Bryant
Oh my god!

The driver's side door opens up and out steps Justina James. She stares down at Pam's motionless body. Justina turns to the camera and smiles.

Justina James
Bang! She loses.

Justina laughs slightly. She gets back into the car and exits the parking lot. We cut to Rob Bryant and Kyle Richards as Serenity and Bunny exit the ring and make their way to the back, appalled at what just happened.

Kyle Richards
I guess we know what happened to Katalina now. Justina has snapped.

Rob Bryant
We're getting word that Pamela is being taken to the hospital and we'll keep you guys updated on her condition. Meanwhile the show must go on and up next we've got Jack Kaine versus Triple H!

The camera opens up showing Scott Maverik standing in the middle of the ring.

Scott Maverik: Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is scheduled for one fall.......introducing first......

"Tear Away" starts playing and "Everyone's Favorite Asshole" Jack Kaine appears from the curtain. He taunts and points to his tag team title around his waist, and starts walking down to the ring. He enters the ring and stands in the corner, waiting for his opponent.

Scott Maverik: And his opponent......

"King of Kings" starts playing, and the XXWF Blood Bath Champion, Triple H appears from the back. His title is wrapped around his waist, and he is holding his usual bottle of water. He walks down to the ring, and jumps onto the apron, and he does his usual taunt, spitting water in the air, growls, and spits more water.

Rob Bryant: This is going to be one hell of a match, folks. Two of the top dawgs in the business, ready to show their talent. I believe if Jack Kaine wins this, it will be a great start to his journey to become the best EVER.

Kyle Richards: I think you are wrong, Rob. As a matter of fact, I KNOW you're wrong, because Jack Kaine is already the best ever. What hasn't he done that can prove he is the top dawg. There is nothing else he can do.

Triple H is now standing in the ring, holding his title high in the air. Jack does nothing but look at the title with no expression.

Rob Bryant: Jack is taking a really good look at the title that Triple H is holding.

As they are talking, the ref checks for anything illegal. Finding nothing he gives the approval to ring the bell.

Rob Bryant: And here we go Kyle.

Kyle Richards: I can't wait to see what see what happens.

The two competitors start walking toward each other, and they jump into a grapple. Jack grabs HHH's head, and quickly gives him a snapmare. Jack continues with the headlock while HHH is sitting down on the floor. Jacks holds the headlock for a few minutes, then finally lets go. He drops a few knees on HHH's head. HHH covers his face as Jack continues the attack. Jack picks HHH up, and irish whips him to the ropes. Jack runs to the opposite side and jumps into the air going for a spinning heel kick, but hits air. HHH held on to the rope. He walks toward Jack, and picks him up. He hands him a wicked punch to the face, causing Jack to fall back down. HHH hits a combination of elbows to Jack's stomach.

Rob Bryant: HHH is using his power to his advantage as Jack is on the floor. He's not giving Jack a chance to even move.

Kyle Richards: This isn't going the way Jack probably wants it.

Jack crawls to the turnbuckle, sitting down in the corner. HHH stalks Jack, shoving his boot into Jack's throat. Jack starts gagging as he tries to push HHH's boot away. The ref begins the 5 count.

Bill: 1.............2...........3..........4........

HHH quickly pushes his boot off. He turns around and starts taunting to the crowd, smirking, away from Jack.

Kyle Richards: That's right H, gloat, you deserve to. Take a rest, Jack ain't getting up soon.

Rob Bryant: This is not a smart move, Kyle. HHH should not let up on his attack from Jack. This kind of attitude will lose him the match, and in the run, his title.

As HHH continues taunting, Jack gets up, using the ropes, and runs toward HHH, jumping up and landing a bulldog on him.

Rob Bryant: That was a smart move by Jack, taking advantage of his opponents mistakes.

HHH turns over, and Jack climbs to the top turnbuckle. He jumps, and hits a shooting star press.

Kyle Richards: He just hit HHH with the HurriKaine. Now that's a quick momentum changer.

Jack goes for the pin on HHH.

Bill: 1..............2..............

HHH kicks out, and Jack gives him no time to regroup, hitting him with multiple kicks to the midsection. Jack goes to the apron and jumps to the top of the rope, going for another shooting star press. HHH gets away just in time as Jack hits the mat with his stomach. HHH regroups as Jack climbs back up. HHH runs to the ropes and hits the knee to the face of Jack Kaine. Jack Kaine gets back up and runs to the ropes. HHH counters with a huge, painful spinebuster. HHH gets pumped up

Rob Bryant: HHH is looking real good right now Kyle. It's as if noone can stop him.

HHH picks Jack up by his hair, and sets him up for the pedigree.

Rob Bryant: It looks like HHH is ready to end this now with the pedigree.

Kyle Richards: WOW! Thanks Rob. I definately didn't know that he was going for that. I'm SHOCKED!

Rob Bryant: You don't need to be sarcastic, asshole. I'm just saying it for the fans.

Kyle Richards: They know what the Pedigree looks like, dumbass.

Rob Bryant: Whatever, shut up.

As HHH sets up for it, the fans starts getting louder, and the camera shoots to the ramp. It shows"Mr.Impossible" Shawn Roberts running down the ramp, with a bandage around his waist, suffered from his match with Lukas.

Rob Bryant: Well Kyle look at this! Shawn Roberts is coming down to help his tag team partner.

HHH drops Jack and walks toward the ropes. He starts arguing at Shawn, and Shawn continues arguing back. Shawn's distraction allowed Jack to get up and set up HHH for when he turna around.

Rob Bryant: Look Kyle, Jack has HHH set up. I think this may be the end.

HHH finishes arguing with Shawn and turns around. Jack kicks him in the midsection and hits The JackOff on him.

Rob Bryant: Oh my GOD! He hits the JackOff!

Jack Kaine pins HHH.

Bill: 1..............2.......................3!!!!!

Scott Maverik: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner tonight is..........Jack Kaine!

Rob Bryant: I can't believe it Kyle. Jack Kaine has won it.!

Kyle Richards: i knew from the very beginning.

Shawn slides in the ring, hands Jack his tag team belt, and pats him on the back. Jack just gives him a smile. They exit the ring and walk to the back as Triple H begins to stir in the ring. He gets to his feet just as Space Lord hits. The fans give a mixed reaction as 'The Legend' Cyrus Lyger comes strutting out onto the ramp. He's in his full ring attire, apparently coming out here for his match with Sycho Path, which is next. Triple H regains his composure and watches as Cyrus struts down to the ramp with his confident smirk, never taking his eyes off The Game.

Rob Bryant: Well it looks like Cyrus is coming out here for his match with Sycho Path...

Kyle Richards: Yeah but he didn't even give Triple H a chance to leave!

Lyger slides into the ring and gets face to face with Triple H just after Triple H is handed his Blood Bath Championship by Bill. Lyger and Hunter exchange a few words before Lyger points down at the Championship and pats it, causing Hunter to draw it back... that's the slight break in concentration Cyrus needed and he nails Hunter with a vicious right! Hunter regains his composure and goes to hit a right of his own but Lyger is obviously the fresher man and continues his attack, hitting another right, and another! Hunter finally drops the belt and is forced against the ropes.

Rob Bryant: Well these two were going to explode sooner or later!

Kyle Richards: Cyrus has an obvious advantage here!

Lyger whips Triple H across the ring. Hunter comes back and is met with a knee to the stomach, causing him to flip over Cy's knee to the mat. Cyrus smirks and stomps Triple H a couple times before picking up the Blood Bath Championship. He looks at it and mouths some choice words to the fans before... WHAM! Cyrus smashes the belt over Triple H's head as he was getting up! Cyrus smirks and lets the title fall onto the now bleeding Blood Bath Champion. Lyger slides out of the ring and shoves Scott Maverik off his chair, snatching it and folding it up before sliding back into the ring.

Rob Bryant: This can't be good...

Lyger looks down at Triple H, who's stirring a little after the vicious shot with the title. Cyrus hits Triple H with a couple hard stomps to the chest before grabbing Triple H's leg and positing so that his legs are pointing at a turnbuckle. Cyrus drops the chair then slides it under Triple H's right leg. He lifts half the chair and slides Triple H's ankle through it..

Rob Bryant: Somebody has to stop this!

Kyle Richards: This is a vicious side of Cyrus Lyger we rarely see.

Cyrus looks around to a massive amount of jeers from the fans. He just smirks and backs up slowly. He hits the turnbuckle then steps up onto the second one. He looks around again before jumping down and stomping the steel chair!! Triple H lets out a wild yelp of pain as he rolls around, grasping his leg. Lyger just looks down at him with a smirk. He backs up a little, runs.. and stomps the chair again!! Triple H lets out an even louder scream!

Rob Bryant: This is heinous! Somebody get out here and stop it!

Kyle Richards: Triple H's ankle is shattered... I heard that snap from here.

EMTs quickly rush the ring along with Katie Lea Burchill to check on Triple H, who is now practically in tears. As they carefully pry the chair away from his ankle Triple H yelps out in pain. Lyger just stands back, smirk on his face, happy with his work. Eventually the EMTs are able to get Triple H out of the ring and to the back.

Rob Bryant: Well folks... as soon as we get word we'll update you all on Triple H's condition... but it doesn't look good.

Lyger just rests against the ropes as Scott Maverik climbs into the ring, giving Cyrus a disapproving glare.

Kyle Richards: The show must go on folks! And up next we've got Cyrus taking on his longtime rival Sycho Path. At least we know Triple H won't be interferring.

Rob Bryant: That's not funny.

Scott Maverik: Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is scheduled for one fall…introducing first…

Cyrus shoots his arms in the air as the fans respond with a roar of boos.

Rob Bryant: Well folks, Cyrus looks ready for his opponent, and rival Sycho Path. This should be another great chapter in the feud between these two competitors, and they are not going to hold back.

Kyle Richards: I agree with you Rob. Every time these two fight, you know you got a good match.

Suddenly, “Blind” by Korn starts playing, and Sycho Path walks onto the ramp and starts walking down to the ring. He enters the ring, and the ref checks both of them for any illegal objects. After the ref finishes, he gives the go to ring the bell and start the match.

Rob Bryant: Well folks, the match is about to begin.

The two men run toward each other, and Cyrus is able to get Sycho Path in a head lock. After a few blows to the face by Cyrus, Sycho breaks free of the hold and gives Cyrus a rough elbow to the stomach. Cyrus falls on one knee, and Sycho continues the attack on him. He picks him up, and tosses him into the corner. He starts throwing punches to the gut, until Cyrus hits him over the head with a punch and runs toward Sycho, giving him a vicious clothesline.

Rob Bryant: Whoa, what a vicious clothesline by Cyrus. It looks like the momentum has carried over to him.

Kyle Richards: You are wrong Rob. There is no momentum in this match, not yet. They have barely done anything.

Rob Bryant: Fuck you.

Kyle Richards: Fuck You!

The fighting continues with Cyrus body slamming Sycho to the matt. Cyrus jumps on top of Sycho for a quick pin.




Sycho kicks out and the camera shows a frustrated look on Cyrus’s face. Cyrus starts picking up Sycho. Until he grabs Cyrus, picks him up, and drops him with a brutal spine buster.

Rob Bryant: Oh what a powerful spine buster by Sycho. I think the ring shook.

Kyle Richards: OUCH Town: population you bro.

Cyrus starts trying to get up, using the ropes as leverage. But Sycho gives Cyrus a quick knee to the back to drop him back down. Sycho picks Cyrus up and hits him with a back body drop. But as Sycho goes to pick up Cyrus again, he gives Sycho an uppercut that causes Sycho to stumble on his feet, and walk backwards, holding his jaw. Now both men are up again, and they start throwing rights and lefts to each other.

Rob Bryant: Now we are right back where we are started. Both men are fighting well and not giving up momentum. This could take a while longer for someone to get the upper edge.

Kyle Richards: Stop talking retarded Rob. One of these guys is about to kick the other one’s ass. And it is going to hurt.

Just as Kyle finishes talking, Cyrus gives Sycho a punch to the right side of the jar\w, causing Sycho to fall. The momentum changing to Cyrus, he takes the advantage and traps Sycho into The Wild Rover. Sycho starts screaming in pain. He starts to gingerly move toward the ropes with pain showing in his face.

Rob Bryant: Oh No, Cyrus has gotten Sycho Path tangled into one of his signature maneuvers, The Wild Rover. I don’t think that Sycho has enough strength to get out of this one.

Kyle Richards: I know he is somehow going to break through this Rob. Sycho has a lot of strength.

As it turns out , Sycho successfully made it to the ropes. Cyrus has no choice but to let go. Cyrus shows a sign of frustration as he walks toward Sycho Path. But Sycho jumps up and throws Cyrus down with a fall down clothesline.

Rob Bryant: Wow, I can’t believe Sycho Path broke free and had the momentum change to him so quickly.

Kyle Richards: I was right. You were wrong. Ha ha ha ha. You suck. I rule.

Rob Bryant: Quit acting so immature.

Sycho watches as Cyrus lies down on the floor in pain. He smiles. He walks over to him and picks him up. He puts Cyrus head through his legs, preparing to pick him up for a power bomb.

Rob Bryant: Oh boy, It looks like Sycho Path is setting up for The Sycho Bomb. It doesn’t look very good. For Cyrus Lyger.

Kyle Richards: Of course he is in trouble, Rob. Cyrus has lost this match. The ref should just declare Sycho Path the winner now.

Sycho Path picks Cyrus up for the Sycho Bomb, but Cyrus hits Sycho Path in the head with a few crushing punches. It causes Sycho to let go of Cyrus, and that gives Cyrus the opportunity to end it.

Rob Bryant: Oh my god, Kyle! Cyrus just reversed the Sycho Bomb, and what…. What is he going for now?

Kyle Richards: I believe he calls it The Legendary Drop. Sycho Path is in big trouble.

Cyrus Lyger kicks Sycho Path in the stomach, and he hits Sycho Path with The Legendary Drop. Sycho Path is knocked out on the ground. Cyrus pins Sycho Path.





Scott Maverik: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match is…….Cyrus Lyger!

The ref holds up Cyrus’s hand as “Space Lord” starts playing. Cyrus celebrates. Path eventually rolls out of the ring and makes his way to the back, irrate.

Rob Bryant: Well ladies and gentlemen, Cyrus wins the latest chapter between him and Sycho Path.

As Lyger is about to exit the ring his song dies down and Walk blasts through the sound system. Lyger stops and steps back into the middle of the ring, ready for whatever Rob Van Dam has to bring. The Whole F'N Show parts the curtains and walks out onto the ramp in his street clothes. He's wearing a YinYang tshirt where the symbol is made of grass and a pair of jeans. RVD has a mic in hand and just gazes down the ramp at Cy with a smirk. His music soon dies down and he begins to speak.

Rob Van Dam: Well well. Cyrus Lyger taking out the competition. What else is new... though Cy, how come you have to be dirty about it man? You can't do it the right way?

Cyrus mouths some words up the ramp at RVD, who holds his hand to his ear like he's trying to hear him.

Rob Van Dam: Sorry dude, can't hear you.

Cyrus is given a mic by Scott Maverik, whom he snatches it from.

Cyrus Lyger: Fuck you Van Dam. How about you let the big boys play and you head to the back to smoke another bowl.

RVD just smirks.

Rob Van Dam: Oh Cy, didn't I prove to you last week that I was for real? When I dented a fucking chair over your head! That was a message Cy. A message to tell you I wasn't fucking around. That even though I'm a carefree guy... I mean business. I want that championship just as much as you, if not more. The times of RVD being a novelty are over. I'm the real fucking deal now baby!

Cyrus just nods and smirks.

Cyrus Lyger: Right, if you say so. What exactly have you done to be able to claim you deserve to be at the top with us?

Rob Van Dam: Well I don't like to toot my own horn... but I'm fairly certain I gave one of the best performances at this years Caos... not to mention the fact that I've held my own very well against you and Triple H the past few weeks.. then again why should I be explaining myself to you? It's pointless... What I came out here for was to challenge you. Well you and Triple H, but it doesn't look like he'll be ready for a challenge anytime soon, eh Lyger?

Cyrus just smirks a big smirk.

Rob Van Dam: So I guess the challenge is for you. You see... I was going to challenge you gentlemen to let me into the Blood Bath Championship match at Hecktic. Since you two are so big and bad, and are so great... and since I'm such a joke... I figured you guys would have no problem accepting. Now am I mistaken in that?

Cyrus Lyger: Ha! You in the main event at Hecktic? For the Blood Bath Championship? That's funny. Rob I normally wouldn't have a problem at all. The more the merrier is my kredo. But you see 'dude', it's not my decision. It's a storied rule where the winner of Caos is declared number one contender and gets the shot...can't change history man, sorry.

Cyrus smirks at his loophole as RVD is about to speak, but instead Out of my Way blasts through the sound system. The fans erupt in cheers as Jmoney comes walking out onto the ramp behind RVD. Rob steps aside and watches as Jmoney takes a few steps forward and looks around. In one hand he's got a mic and in the other the Blood Bath Championship!! As his song dies down he brings the mic to his mouth.

Jmoney: Gentlemen, I think I can resolve this dispute. But before I get to that... I've got a couple announcements to make. Firstly, The Untouchable tweaked some muscles while training earlier today and was not able to compete tonight... which mean that Grigori will be awarded the win in their match. Also in regards to Untouchable... he won't be ready to step into the ring again for a few weeks. As of now he's still scheduled for the Xtreme Title Fatal Four Way at Hecktic... but we'll go day by day on that.

Jmoney takes a break and looks around before speaking again.

Jmoney: Now as for Reign Supreme... I've got a doosy for you all. You may have noticed that all these wars going on right now are beigning pegged to come to a close at Hecktic. The battle over this Blood Bath title... the Xtreme belt, the Hardcore title... all scheduled for Hecktic. So at Reign Supreme we're going to try something a bit... different. Aside from the Women's Roster it's going to be an all tag team event!

Rob Bryant: What?

Jmoney: I'm talking the Lethal Lottery! Jack Kaine and Shawn Roberts will stand atop the hill with their Tag Team Titles. Every other active male superstar in the company will be thrown into a hat. Their names will be drawn at random in twos, making completely random teams. Those teams will do battle in a one night tournament with the winners battling Roberts and Kaine for the Tag Team Championship! That should be fun!

The fans cheer at the announcement as Jmoney looks around with a smirk, RVD and Lyger nod, liking the idea. Jmoney then turns his attention to RVD and Lyger.

Jmoney: Now back to you two.. well seeing how SOMEBODY just destroyed the ankle of Triple H...

Jmoney pauses for a second for the crowd to jeer Lyger, who raises his arms in celebration.

Jmoney: Triple H will not be able to compete anytime soon. The chances of him being able to wrestle at Hecktic are slim... so I'm effectively stripping him of the Blood Bath Championship...

Cyrus cuts him off.

Cyrus Lyger: Brilliant idea J! Award me that belt so we can all get on with our lives! Good call!

Lyger sits on the second rope, creating a gap so Jmoney can get into the ring easily.

Jmoney: Not so fast Cy... Whether you'd like to admit it or not... RVD has been quite impressive as of late and I like the idea of you having to work for this title..

Lyger gets off the rope and looks pissed, he goes to talk but Jmoney cuts him off.

Jmoney: So at Hecktic, it'll be Cyrus Lyger battling Rob Van Dam for the vacant Blood Bath Championship!

Cyrus goes to say something but Jmoney cuts him off again.

Jmoney: And on the off chance he's able to compete by then, Triple H will be in the match as well!

Cyrus goes to bring the mix to his mouth again, but is one against cut off by Jmoney.

Jmoney: And that's all there is to say about that! Hit my music!

Out of my Way hits as Cyrus looks irrate in the ring. RVD just smirks and nods as Jmoney makes his way to the back and the scene fades to the XXWF logo.