How I have discovered
the Truth about the Bible

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As a lot of you, I am born in a Christian family and I have therefore received a very early religious education. This religious education leaned on only one book, the bible. All along my youth, fault to can verify, I have thought that biblical events teched by priests was probably true. So that I have finished by believing there, and even by convincing me that I had probably the faith. I had however always neglected to read the bible because as a lot of children, I thought that the perusal was a loss of time.

The day where I have decided to read the bible, my eyes have finally opened.

Having had the chance to follow classic school, I knew the three basic died languages : Latin, ancient Greek and Hebrew. This was very precious for me. It is established indeed that it is impossible to undertake a serious study of the bible without the knowledge of Greek and Hebrew. Few peoples know that the ancient testament (the Torah) has been written in Hebrew and the new testament in Greek. Current bibles, whatever the languages in which they are published, are therefore all translations. But it happens that for a same Hebrew text, several translations are possible and there exists indeed several versions of the bible (about fivety different).

The Hebrew being a poor language (the totality of the biblical text has been written only with a 6000 words vocabulary), a same word can endow multiple meanings. The comprehension of the Hebrew text is therefore strewn of uncertainties, and it is very necessary to tell that translators are mostly obliged to interpret the text so as to extract something that is intelligible for normal people. On the other hand, a simple translation “word by word” would give an incomprehensible text.

It is therefore armed with my hebraic knowledges that I have begun the perusal of the first book of the bible, the Genesis. From the first verses, I began to to be disturbed by the lack of coherence and even the incongruity of the text. The Hebrew text is contradictory and no one translation can fix this problem. In fact, the study of a biblical text necessitated also the knowledge of the exact historical circumstances in which it has been written. Many studies have been necessary to make all the light.

I observed indeed that first chapter of the Genesis contradict the second. In Genesis 1, God creates first animals, then the man and the woman; in Genesis 2, God creates the man first, then animals, then the woman. The historical circumstance study of the writing of the bible shows in fact that this book is stemming the concern to fix by writing tales and legends that circulated and was transmited in oral manner within the Jewish people. There are therefore two different genesis simply one placed to the continuation of the other, but in fact having no relationship between them. The first genesis is attributed to Elohim (These who come from the sky) that is plural, second is to Yawa (Seed of life) that is singular. Both names were in biblical time honored competing deities.

A systematic study of the bible has allowed me to release a considerable number of contradictions, absurdities, incoherences and even lies and blasphemies. It is impossible to count all stupidities, all contradictions, all ineptitudes, all meaningless that encumber the bible. There is only this from begining to end of the book. What follows is therefore only a very incomplete overview of biblical darkness. It belongs you to discover some others, but does-it worth the trouble ? Is-it truly necessary to lose its time to read the bible while there exists much more interesting and much more urgent works to accomplish in this world ?

Do not lose your time to read the bible. It is a vain perusal. What follows will suffice to convince you.

(chosen among a lot others)

Could God be jealous ? (Exodus 20:5, 34:14, Deut. 4:24, Jeremia 24:19)

The jealousy is one of the lowest imperfections of the man. Only men have been able to lend to God a so low sentiment.

Could God be proud ? (Exodus 20:22-26)

The pride is the worse defect of the man. The God of the bible is excessively proud, what proves that this god is a false god, created by the perverted imagination of the man, to its image.

What is this God that likes to see to men suffering ? (Genesis 3:16, 2Cor. 1:5-7, Col. 1:24)

More the man suffers, more he buys his place to the heaven. This formula was invented to make accept to men their condition of servitude and to prevent all revolt against the oppressor (which oppressor is indirectly the author of the ancient testament in which he has made register its law by claiming its divine origin. This alone proof suffices to demonstrate that the bible is blasphemous and that it is not the “word” of God).

Could God feel the hatred ? (Psalms 44:6-8, Apocalypse 3:15-16)

The hatred also is a basely human sentiment. It is a blasphemy to believe God hatred capable.

God, reputed flawless, can-He to wish to revenge ? (Exodus 32:30-34, Deut. 32:41, Psalms 58:11-12, Psalms 94:1, Levitic 26:23-33, Numbers 31:1-4, Isaia 59:17, Jeremia 50:15, Jeremia 50:28)

In his eternal serenity, how miserable man actions can arouse from God a desire of revenge ? There is an absurdity that shocks the most elementary logic. Anyone being susceptible to revenge or to feel some wish of revenge can not be a god ! The revenge is not Love neither Justice, but continuation of the hatred. Replying to the pain by the pain is not an act of Love. Love implies comprehension; revenge is not comprehension, revenge is not Love.

(chosen among thousands)

Does God for all or only for someone ?
Compare Psalms 145:18, Hebrews 12:23 and Exodus 5:3

The bible tells itself that it is true, does this a proof ? (Eccl. 12:12, John 17:17)

Anyone can write anything. This does not mean that because is written it, it is true. Here is all the error. The liar never tells that it lies, otherwise one would not listen him. It is precisely because the liar gives to its lies appearance of the truth that exist enough naive peoples to believe it.

An affirmation can not be true at the same time that its contrary. But Bible contradict itself in many points, Compare Levitic 24:19 and Proverbs 24:29 or Roman 12:17, Genesis 1:29 and Genesis 9:3, or Genesis 1 and Genesis 2, then Exodus 32:14, 32:35, and Psalms 89:35, 93:5. Finally observe how the God of the bible contradicts himself in Gen. 6:6, 1Sam. 15:11, 2Sam. 24:16, Jonas 4).

The ancient testament asserts that the life stops with the death, the new testament asserts exactly the opposite.

Compare Mat. 25:46 and Eccl 9:5-6

The bible condemns the homosexuality (Levitic 18:22, 20:13), but nevertheless...

David appears to be a homosexual (gay) through equivocal purposes that he holds in the funeral hymn who he written by learning of the Jonathan’s death, son of Saül : «I am in the pain because of you Jonathan, my brother, you made all my pleasure; your love to me was admirable, above the love of women». (2Samuel 1:26)

Eat the meat or not eat the meat ?

Compare Genesis 1:29, Genesis 9:3, Exodus 20:13, Deut. 5:17, Roman 14:21, Daniel 10:2-3, Acts 15:29, 1Cor. 8:13, Ezechiel 39:17.

(chosen among a lot others)

The property and the theft (Genesis 1:28, Exodus 20:15, Exodus 20:17, Genesis 23:18)

How the man, after his fall, could again subdue the earth ? Does the man that picks up a stone becoming its proprietor ? According to the fall described in the Genesis, the man is dispossessed of its rights on the earth, then, how he could be proprietor of anything at all ? Then, what means to forbid the theft and to forbid the covetousness of the property of others ? How a man could be proprietor of what can not belong him ?

Illegitimacy of the property (Psalms 44:3, Genesis 47:20)

Total inadequacy of the bible to the current reality : today it is not a piece of land on the planet that has not a proprietor or that is not included in a nation. Whatever is the place where goes the foot of the man, one is always “to somebody place” or “to somebody home”. Where is therefore the legitimacy of the property while nowhere the man can not truly be at home ? The property is always a theft : the theft of the liberty of the other. Bible legitimate the property while the man can not be proprietor of nothing. Although the bibliolatrics (bible idolizers) claim that the bible has reply to all, the former remains totally silent about origins of the appropriation of the earth. Who therefore was the first to declare «here is mine, prohibited entrance» ? And who gave him this right ? According to what biblical passage ? It is the history of men and the archaeology that learns us how in definitive the man has appropriated the earth for its alone pleasure and for its alone favors, hunting and killing the weakest and the undesirables. All time, it is the unjust law of the”stronger” that has insured the appropriation of the ones and the expropriation of the others. Thus the bible serves simply as voucher to the strongest to excuse crimes committed against these to that the “elected” people robed the earth.

Origins of the racism are biblical (Genesis 9:25)

«Be Canaan curse, be the slave of slaves of its brothers». Cham, father of Canaan, is presented in the bible as the ancestor of the black race. This fact, lean on the curse of Canaan, numerous are these that have justified the slavery of the black people with the help of the bible. The bible has been all time the “accreditive document” authorizing the slave trade that has lasted centuries. No African would have to accept the bible as “saint” or “sacredness” book while it is because of it that its ancestors were reduced to the slavery and that apartheid has torn South Africa during centuries.

The bible is a racist work (Genesis 17:12, Exodus 21, Numbers 16:40, Deuteronome 32:5, Psalms 12:8, 14:6, 1Peter 2:9, etc.)

It presents us foreigners, it is-to-tell these that are not downward from Israel, always in a light of distrust, contempt and xenophobia. The fact to consider the Jewish race as the alone and unique chosen god race is the evident basis of the racism. By extension everybody not recognizing the bible as being the alone word of god enter in the category of the curse race ! A convenient manner to give reason and to have good conscience.

The bible is a proslavery work (Exodus 12:44, 21:2-11, 21:20-21, 21:26-27, Levitic 25:42-46, Proverbs 11:29, 19:10, 29:19, Luc 12:47, 17:7-10, John 13:16)

The bible being the book of Jews history, these latters found the slavery situation entirely normal and morally acceptable to the extent of these that only “foreigners” were reduced to the slavery (understand well : the non-Jews). If the bible admits as acceptable the slave situation, it is clear that the bible can not be the word of the God of Love whose the bibliolatrics claim to speak us. Because a God that tolerates the domination of the man by the man can not be a God of Love neither a God of Justice.

(chosen among a lot others)

Could the bible containing some alive truth ? (Eph. 4:21, Eccl. 12:12, Psalms 119:160)

A wise proverb (non biblical) asserts that «one can not envelop a flame in the paper : or the flame sombers, else the paper burn.»

Does the bible being the [Alive] Word of God ? (Number 24:4, Deut. 9:10, 1Sam. 3:1)

It is impossible because to be a word, a book would have to speak and to speak, this book would have to be alive. But what is a book ? It is an assemblage of paper printed with ink. Manufactured by hand of man, it is only an artificial object, obsolutely no an alive being. More, its content is reserved exclusively to these who know to read (not all people of the world) !

Could the bible being a spiritual truth ? (2Peter 1:12, 2Sam. 7:28)

Of what is made the bible ? The bible is made of matter. The matter can not father the spirit. The material can not prove the spiritual. The spiritual being essentially and by definition immaterial, the material can not neither describe nor tell nor apprehend the immaterial.

Does Jesus “alive” (Matthieu 28:20) or “death” (Matthieu 28:15) ?

Jesus is dead almost 2000 years ago and nobody, until today, has ever seen neither met him to be able to confirm that he is always alive. This affirmation is a legend. These that defend this tell that it is necessary simply to have the faith. But on what this faith is based ? Only on the perusal of the paper ? A book is not a proof because anyone would have been able to write it. Then ? Read Marc 16:12-13, this verse tells a great deal about the imposture

ERRORS OF THE BIBLE (chosen among so others)

Whole the world knows of course that the bat is a mammal : it has hair, ears, teeth in the mouth, breasts, it breastfeeds its kittens and reproduces by delivery. On the other hand, the bird has feathers, no apparent ears, a beak, it lays eggs and has no breasts (Does anybody have never see bat eggs ?). But the bible asserts that the bat is a bird (Levitic 11:13-19, Deut. 14:11-18). Funny is not it ?

Similarly all the world knows that the rabbit and the hare (savage rabbit) are rodents, the same kind that mice, rats, beavers and the guinea-pig. But the bible asserts that the rabbit and the hare are ruminants (Levitic 11:5-6, Deuteronoma 14:7) in the same way as the camel. Astonishing, is not it ?


The multiple contradictions that pervade the bible are so much insults to the face of God. If the bible is the word of God, could God contradict himself ? We know all that the contrary of a truth is a lie. An affirmation and its opposite can not be true both at the same time. The good sense obliges us to recognize the obviousness : if the bible is a contradictory book, it can not be the work of God. Non, the bible is not the Word of God. The bible is a human work, like the image of the man, incomplete, imperfect, incapable to reply to all questions.

I have discovered the Truth; the Truth is not in the bible and if you want to liberate the world of its spiritual slavery, if you want to participate in our movement of spirit decolonization, do not hesitate, burn the bible, liberate-you rapidly of this perverse slavery.

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