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Maintaning order within any RPG is importiant, and this is no exeption. For one, I will not tolerate any OOC fighting between any 2 members. If any fighting is not settled within 2 weeks, both parties will be removed from the RPG. To see the rules of how much equipment a character has, please read rules within the application under the submenu to the left.

As far as RPGing itself goes, members should at least check up on the board once a day to see what has happened so far in the game. If you take a leave, such as a few days away from the computer on vacation, LET US KNOW! Make an OOC posting on the OOC Message Board, and I will post your leave date and return date on the Service Announcement section.

During a battle, forced hits are considered INVALID and the party being attacked can choose NOT to accept them The following would be considered a "Forced Hit":

::Approaches Bob, and punches him in the face::

Instead, the attack should be reworded to the following:

::Approaches Bob, and draws fist back, making an attempt to punch him in the face::

This allows the attacked party to choose if they want to accept or not. But, the attacked party SHOULD accept SOME attacks every once and awhile. I usually use a golden rule of 'accept 1 attack every 2 to 3 attacks attepted'. You should follow something similar, otherwise the attacking party will get mad at you and boom, there's an OOC fight amist. Please respect this.

I also urge you to be DESCRIPTIVE as possible. I do not want one sentance postings, not even for dialog! Instead of making this kind of attack, as follows:

::Casts Fire at Bob::

Try something MUCH more descriptive, like the following:

::With the Fire materia equiped, she calls a spell of Fire upon Bob, pointing her fingers in his direction. At an instant, Bob is engulfed in a fury of fire::

and so on. Now isn't the descriptive version much more attractive? I think so aswell. =).

Otherwise, there is no other rule, exept to just have fun. Ja ne, and I hope to see you in the RPG!!

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