
Name: Kathleen Pantoja Miller
Age: 19 years
B-day: June 15, 1980
Gender: Female
Height: hmm...about 5'4"
Hair/eye color: at the moment...burgundy but it's kinda fading
Best Friends: My dorks Monica and Kay and 4ever1
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Why yes I do have a boyfriend....
est. august 6, 1999

Favorite band: ohmigosh...98° is awesome!!! ^_^
Favorite artist: this one's for Dave...Britney Spears
Favorite song: "I Do (Cherish You)" by 98°
Hottest Artist (Rrrraow!): oh dang...i have to think about this one
Type of Music Most Listened to: hmm what ever's on the radio
Favorite radio station: haha...i love my 98° cd
Can you sing or play an instrument?: i can play the guitar
Now tell the truth: ok well i know the chords....^_^

Favorite food: hehehe...i love CHICKEN STRIPS!!! yummy
Favorite candy: Kit Kats...whoohoo...but chocolate is bad for Kay...makes me hella hyper....(=
Favorite drink: ooh Irish Creme or White Chocolate Mocha from Starbucks
Snapple or Arizona?: Arizona...i love their green tea thing
Coffee or tea? COFFEE...especially Starbucks
Soda or juice? Soda with meals...juice when I'm sick
W/ or w/o ice? does that refer to an alcholic drink...hahaha i'm just playing...i like my drinks with ice

How many of your friends on your buddy list? 62...i'm missing a few sns...so i would 65 comes close to it
How do u say wassup?? online: hiyee :) in person: hey, how's it going?
Guy friends: Dang too many, the only 2 i can think of are Jace and Joeville
Girl friends: ooh i get girlfriends...hehehe...um Kaynik and Marie
¿Algun habla español? i gave...it got harder in college :T
Who is the prettiest person u met? looks don't matter to me...so I couldn't answer this question...even if i tried

Ooh... ~Love~
Who was your first kiss? dang...me and my bad memory...i have no clue
Do you have a spouse? hmm...last time I check I don't think I do
Have you had a spouse? nah...i'm still wishing to be an abercrombie model
First crush? hmm...it was probably in kindergarden or 1st grade
Are you a master flirt? hahaha...i don't need to flirt...i got my baybee already
Hottest spouse: dang...i'm not even close to getting married yet
First spouse: hello...read above
When are you happiest? when i get an abercrombie wrapped package in the mail bc then i know Joeville sent me something
What irks you the most? ohmigosh...you don't know how many times i'm picked on...what did i do?
Who makes you smile? :DDD Joeville Devera...man just even saying his name makes me smile
How do you let ur anger out? sit in a corner and cry...really i do that sometimes
Why does the world spin ? hmm...hard question
Where is a special place to you? hahah...UNF Jacksonvile, Florida....enough said
When do you feel inspired? when I hear the dopest sharing...i just start balling
Who makes you feel beautiful? again...Joeville Devera
Any fetishes? oh heck yeah...i have this thing for eyes and pectorals...whoo
Hobbies: hahaha...AOL enough said
Aspirations: to become registered dietician and enjoy life as it comes
Goals in life: to always be happy and to become an abercrombie
Fave sport to play: dang if there was a football league for women i would play it for a living...hahaha I LOVE FOOTBALL
Fave sport to watch: FOOTBALL...them hits are exciting!!!
Fave team of that sport: whoohoo...go JAGS!!! they're gonna win the superbowl this year!!! :)
Fave TV show: Friends is so cool...i wanna be like Ross
Snoopy or Garfield (had to be asked)? Pikachu
WB or Disney? WB...you know bc they have Dawson's Creek
Austin Powers fan? one thing..."I'm a swinger baybee...yeah" hahaha i love that movie!!!
Like kids? aww...they're so adorable
Want some? of course i do
How many? i wanted like 3...but if we do get married we decided on 4
Names? Alexander Marcus, Alyssa Mae, Andrew Michael, Analisa Marie

Have you ever:
Had sex? hahaha...there isn't a ring of any type on my finger...so the answer to that question is NO :P
Drink pee? hahaha...that is so gross
Dance around naked? hahaha...in the shower...that's my place to be stupid and no one will ever know what the heck i did
Worn undergarments belonging to someone of the opposite sex? nah...it's just wrong
Gotten drunk? buzzed is more like it...i swear it was only once
Gotten high? high? i can act like i'm doped up....hahah high on JC...heck yeah all the time...it's so awesome!!!
Run away from cops? nah...they can be helpful sometimes
Flick off your parents behind their back? no...daddy and I argue but that's what we're supposed to do...daddy's don't understand their daughters most of the time
Mentally undressed someone? hahaha...if i said yes...is that bad? hahaha...i bet you're wondering who it is now huh
Followed your crush around? hmm...well i walked next to him...so is that following?
Eaten crayons? hahaha...never
Shoplifted? NO...i can afford my stuff...yes even the abercrombie stuff!!!
Seriously injured someone? no i'm not that mean now
Serioulsy injured yourself purposely? heck yeah...i'm so freakin' clumsy
Broken a mirror? Nope not yet...i bet i could very soon

Last time you...
Went to a dance? YFC PROM...whoohoo that was hella dope
Danced at home? all the time...my mom and i know how to tango and we do it every day...since she's on vacation
Sang outloud? in the shower and oh in my car...when I heard "This Gift"...aww I love that song...
Had a boyfriend/girlfriend? hehe...I have one right now!!! I love you baybee
Ate a pickle? dang it's been awhile...i kinda want one right now with ice cream...that sounds so goood right now
Threw something? yesterday...i was throwing away things i didn't need
Broke something? today...i broke my fall on monica!!! hahah...we dog piled her
Screamed? actually i haven't screamed in awhile
Got angry? hmm...i'm too happy to be angry :)
Watched a cartoon? hmm...it's been awhile now
Brushed your teeth? this morning and before i left for monica's house
Played outside? i don't know when....i was too tired today
Brushed your hair? earlier today...it's getting long guys...i haven't cut it for like 3 or 4 months now
Had a heartfelt conversation with someone? last night...i love talking to Joeville!!!
Did something you really enjoyed? dog piling monica is so much fun
Fell in love? yups...i'm in it right now...i love you so much baybe you are so adorable

Do you:
Have a fax machine? nah...we're not that rich
Have a laptop: i wish...but i'd lose that thing in like 5 mins
Have money in your pocket right now? i don't have pockets though
Have clothes on right now? no i walk around my house naked...are you crazy of course i do
Have a mental disease? hahaha...my brother shakes my head a lot...maybe that's why i have a bad memory....
Lie to people to make them think well of you? NO...i like people to like me for the real kay
See a psychiatrist? yup last semester...my psychology teacher was a psychiatrist...she was so cool
Have a car? yups i do...98 toyota corolla...come see it

wowies...thanks for reading all this info
hope you learned something new
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