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This was Lasha's Birthday.  

For those of you who are thinking now: "Hey, they are not 21 yet!" -  don't worry we are just pretending:-)   


So much love in here!:-) This was my Birthday party in the house of my host family. I realize it is hard to count how many people are there, so I will tell: Tima, Volodya, Lesha, Aliya and Marat are those that you can see, but there are also Lasha, Dasha (see her eye?:-)) and me (a little bit of forehead and a piece of my white shirt is all that is left from me:-)). 

Behind us you can see a winging bed for the youngest of my host sisters, she was a little older than one month at that time. 


Lesha, SMILE! This is a Birthday party, for God's sake! 

It is Marat's party. There was also Dasha, I think she is the one who is taking the picture. On the right side are Dorothy from France, Mr. and Mrs. Carlson, who are Marina, from Russia and Nate, representative of local community:-) 

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