What Yoga Can Do For YOU
Yoga is one of six classic systems of Hindu philosophy.  It's distinguished from the others by the wonders of bodily control.  Yoga seems to substantiate the theory that through the practice of certain exercises you may achieve liberation from the limitations of flesh, the senses, and the pitfalls of thought.  Thus, you may achieve union with the object of knowledge.  his union, according to the philosophy, is the only true way of knowing.  It is a way to get to know your authentic self and have your authentic self be at peace in your surroundings and circumstances, whatever they may be.  It's this knowledge and not, as some believe, clairvoyance, or the working of miracles, that is the goal of Yoga practices.  Furthermore, the philosophy insists that physical and mental training is not to be used for display, but as a means to spiritual ends.

There are a selection of practices from which you can choose to suit your capabilities and environment.  Most practice physical Yoga as it is the basic system from which all else follows, dealing with the development of bodily control.

The philosophies of Yoga date from around 2nd century BC.  It has since been facinating and winning followers among Westerners.  You know it' big when Oprah recognizes it! Yoga exercises are recommended by some physical fitness experts to help cleanse the body of impurities, reduce weight, tone up nerves and muscles, and generally improve your health and prolong your life.

Come with me and I will show you how to use Yoga to obtain Spirituality, Simplicity, and Well-Being.
Site Menu:
The 8 Stages of Yoga
Information & Tips for Your Well-Being
Yoga, Spirituality, & Simplicity Necessities
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