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Chavutti Thirumal at the Institute
Chavutti Thirumal
The range as well as the depth of movement is maximised whereby one stroke is able to cover the full length of the body from the tips of the fingers to the toes. The recipient lies on two floor mats while the masseur applies the foot like a hand, one at a time, holding on to a support rope for extra balance. Contrary to popular belief the practitioner does not stand or walk on the back. Most certainly this ancient system of massage involves a high level of skill by the practitioner. Intricate footwork sweeps, kneads and frictions the skin and connective tissue which supports the muscles, organs and energy pathways (meridians).

The proper name for the foot pressure massage ,Chavutty Thirumal,literally means Chavutty:by foot,Thirumal:massage.In using the foot the masseur has his full body weight at his command,by holding a rope.More or less pressure can be applied at will ,and the large area of the foot is used to pressurise the muscles.A long continuous stroke from the finger tip to toe tip and back is possible with the foot in a manner not possible with the hand.Special ayurvedic oils are used,with particular oils for rheumatism and other painful conditions,and another for the head .

The massage originated in Kerala many years ago with the development of the martial art Kalaripayattu.It was used to remove pain and swelling after a hit or strain,to normalise muscles,ligaments and dislocated joints,and also to expedite the mending of broken bones.Subsequently it was adopted by Kathkali students to relax and rejuvenate their muscles.It tones and loosens rigid muscles and ligaments.The osteopath David Webster(President of the British Society of Osteopaths) after observing a full massage in Cambridge,commented that every single muscle and ligament is covered.As the foot passes along the Marma(the equivalent of the acupuncture meridians)it also affects the internal organs on a subtle level.By certain techniques,particular organs connected with there respective meridians can be stimulated or sedated.Not only does it help in shaping and toning the muscles,it also accelerates the movement of venous blood and helps to reintegrate isolated tissues.This stimulates circulation and helps to remove toxins from the blood.

The massage is usually given over a ten day period to progressively relax and penetrate deeper levels ,there by completely rejuvenating the tissues and stretching and loosening rigid ligaments.

By using the feet, the body and the breath correctly, the Chavutti Thirumal practitioner really can achieve greater depth and accuracy throughout the massage, particularly when carrying out more specific intense shorter strokes. This results in a particularly deep and remedial treatment where no muscle, ligament or tendon is left untouched.

Through the Chavutti Thirumal treatment, the recipient is encouraged to become aware of his/her own breathing. With this awareness and use of breath during the treatment, the client helps contribute towards inducing a more relaxing and therapeutic massage. This in itself promotes a deeper, more natural breathing pattern, which the client can benefit from in their everyday life.

Chavutti Thirumal, when performed regularly, works at preventing further illness, rather than just merely alleviating existing symptoms.

Course fees Indian Rupees 800 (10GBP, 20USD) Per Session of 1 hour