Yogeshwar Manohar Harkare

We understand "Moment contains Infinity" and we as well understand "Zero contains Infinity" with the help of Vedas. As far as "Moment contains Infinity" we can understand this by reading the Bali-DunDubhi story from Kishkindha-kand of Ramayan. The concept of "Zero contains Infinity" can be understood by understanding the concept of formation of zero itself. A number that is Absolute is identity number.It is in every number so it is a factor of every number and every numbr is a factor to itself.

"This Universe is created by the Absolute, the creation of manifested forms is sustained by it, and in the end the whole creation will once again merge into it. That is Brahman and that is what one needs to know"-----[Shri Shankaracharya]

When a nember is multipled or divided by Absolute no change takes place. The number getting oprated(/ or *) by Absolute retains its Identity. This is the reason Absolute is called as Identity number. We can Identify any Number with it. Such number is none other than number ONE.

"The Absolute is not the cause of any effect"----[Brihadaranyaka Upanishad II:V:18]

It is true that Zero X any number = Zero but any number / Zero = Infinity. it is not Zero. Whereas Infinity X any number=Infinity and Infinity / any number= Infinity. Infact any opration with Infinity results in Infinity. That is not true with Zero.Moreover number that is getting operated by Zero or Infinity losses its Identity.

Zero formation itself is a MAYA. We understand the theory behind Zero to conclude that the graphical representation of MAYA is figure of ZERO(Rig Ved). That is Advait. Zero is Advait.Hence it is MAYA.

Entire Arithmetic number system is a Ved product. Ved ends(Ved+Anta) with Nothing(Zero,Avyakta).It begins with Nothing(Zero,Avyakta) as well. Knowing this is Brahama.Bramha word is created from the sanskrit dhatu 'Bhru' that means that produces naturally with out any cause. So this entire Vishwa is created from Nothing because of Brahama and it will end up in Nothing again and another Vishwa will start. This cycle continues. We come across them and belive that we are cause of all the actions. This is MAYA.

Zero is Absence,Unmanifest and One is Presence,Manifest,or Absolute.

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