Wu Yongwei’s Programming Page


Nvwa is my small collection of C++ utilities in Open Source. It includes a memory leakage detector, a ‘static’ memory pool, a thread transparency layer, and other such stuff. Release 0.3new could be downloaded here. The latest README is here.


Multibyte Functions in Microsoft C Run-time (2001-12-16)

MSVC and MinGW DLL Interlinking FAQ (2001-12-21)

A Fast String Implementation for STL Map (2002-2-24)

Issues about Time Routines on Win32 and *NIX (2002-2-26)

Stdcall and DLL tools of MSVC and MinGW (2002-8-20)

A Cross-Platform Memory Leak Detectorupdated (2004-11-28)

Design and Implementation of a Static Memory Poolnew (2005-1-11)

Downloadable files

Active Server Pages Programming Guide (PDF in Chinese) and accompanying samples file

CGIC 1.07 (fixed for Win32): CGI programming library in C by Thomas Boutell

reimp (enhanced version by José Fonseca): a tool to convert a Win32 import library (.lib) into a .a file usable with GCC for Win32 (MinGW)

synctime: a simple POSIX C program to synchronize local time with a time server on the Internet (tested under Cygwin and Linux)

cvsmenu.vim: the CVS integration plug-in for Vim. This is version 1.93new. It is able to update itself from the CVS server.

doxygen.vim: provides Doxygen highlighting on top of C/C++/IDL/Java for Vim. It has some small improvements over version 1.7 as released by Michael Geddes. Click herenew to see a snapshot of gVim (under Red Hat Linux 8.0) with cvsmenu.vim and doxygen.vim installed.

About me

I am Chinese, and my family name is Wu. I have been a programmer for more than 10 years, and mostly interested in writing code that is reliable, reusable, efficient, and cross-platform.


Contact: adah ATT sh163 DOT net