OSAT CASE* 97: Aconcagua

"Siga escalando montañas...y no deslize!"
(Keep climbing mountains…and don't slip!)

Aconcagua Library of Links

I believe the following to be the most comprehensive set links to web sites concerning climbing Aconcagua anywhere on the Internet. If you know of an Aconcagua resource on the web which is not listed here, please e-mail me.

If your are seriously researching climbing Aconcagua, you may also be interested in our bibliography of books and magazine articles.

Reference Sites Concerning Aconcagua

Aconcagua Photo Album

Aconcagua Climb Reports on the Internet (listed in reverse chronology)

Advertisements for commercial Aconcagua climbs, or others' plans

Link Returns - mountaineering web sites with links to OSAT CASE '97

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"Keep climbing mountains and don't slip"
Last update: 3/4/97

Useage monitor since 12/12/97