Samurai-5's Web Page

The Outdoor Survival Location

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Welcome to Samurai's Survival Home Page. This site is for those outdoor enthusiasts interested in survival techniques or small arms information. My experience comes from 6 years of Active Military service to include the US Army S.E.R.E. (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape) school, the US Army Ranger Course & the Special Forces Officer Qualification Course. (Other Schools Include: Airborne, Jumpmaster, Canadian Winter Warfare, S.F. Selection, Infantry Officer Basic, Military Intelligence Advance, SCUBA & Free-Fall)

This is a No-Nonsense page with Very little graphics. I respond Personally to ALL E-Mail I receive & give the facts as I know them.

Hopefully this page will help you find the important information you need for your next trip/expedition, or other related activity. I advise Civilians, Military Personnel, Public Safety Officers, Special Interest Groups & have helped T.V. Writers & Producers on technical aspects of their scripts/shows.

Also if you need information on most any small-arms related topic, don't assume the Media (or any one specific source) have all the answers-CHECK HERE for unbiased answers, and do some research of your own.

If you cannot find information you need here or anywhere else on the Internet, just E-Mail me & I'll try to find it for you.

Quotes to Live By

Samurai's Extended Survival Packing List

Samurai's Everyday Carry List

Samurai's Online Library

Samurai's Firearm Definitions

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.....though I be the Lone Survivor.

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