??Did You Know??

Did You Know: The average man spends 2 years of his life in the bathroom.(Women spend 3 years.)

Did You Know: The human jaw can bite down with a force of over 55 pounds? (So be nice to your sister.)

Did You Know: A human's right lung is 1 inch shorter than its left?

Did You Know: A human hart pumps at least 2,500 gallons of blood a day?

Did You Know: Sore muscles are caused by an excessive amount of lactic acid. Lactic acid is caused by a shortage of oxygen to the cells within the muscle. (So drink your water before and during your workouts)

Did You Know: More people break their collarbone than any other bone?

Did You Know: The shortest gestation period for a mammal is 13 days (Virginian Opossum)

Did You Know: A Marion's Tortoise can live over 152 years? (This is the longest life span of any creature.)

Did You Know: Cheyenne, Wyoming is the windiest city with an average wind speed of 12.9 miles per hour? Chicago (The Windy City) is 21st. (10.3 miles per hour.)

Did You Know: Only 30% of the Earth's surface is land? (So learn to Dive and see the world!)

Did You Know: The Earth weighs 6 sextillion short tons?

Did You Know: The core temperature of the earth is around 7,000 degrees Fahrenheit?

Did You Know: Each year the rotation of the Earth slows by 1.7 seconds. (350 million years ago there was 410 days in a year.)

Did You Know: The largest hail stone weighed 1.67 pounds.

Did You Know: Tornadoes can spin up to 300 MPH.

Did You Know: Antarctica is the coldest spot on earth. The record is -126.9 degrees.

Did You Know: The record for most tornadoes in a single 24 hr day is148. (6,000 people were killed)

Did You Know:



If you have any interesting facts please send them my way!!


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