If you want to have fun and get closer to your coworkers gather them up and jump out of a perfectly good airplane.

Andrea, Scott and myself have worked together for about a year know and never have we been closer then after experiencing flight without wings together. Paint-balls a lot of fun but if you want to really kick your life in the butt give skydiving a chance.

(Left) Andrea shows that practice makes perfect. (Center) I make sure that suckers high and tight. (Right) Are we really going to do this??

(Left) What do I need gloves for? (Center) Holly Sh_ _!! we are going to do this!! (Right) Have no fear Super Scott is here "WOW" that is tight"!

(Left) "Nice Hair" Is there a window open or something?? (Right) Yaa Baby lets do it!!

When I first exited the plane I expected my stomach to touch my throat but it never did.

It didn't feel like falling at all. It felt like you were flying!!

Tip #1: Your supposed to keep your legs together and your arms folded until they give you the tap that its time to Open your wings.

Alright Andrea Your Turn!



Skydive Tecumseh is the company that we chose for our first Tandem Skydive. The staff are easy going and they supply you with everything you need. The City of Tecumseh is around the Ann Arbor area and is beautiful farm country. Our Tandem jump with pictures and video was only around $265.


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