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Wildlife Emblems of Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, Canada

I'll be showing you the wildlife emblems of the great provinces of Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, Canada over the next little while. Here's a few to start.
The Kingfisher is the Official Bird of Nova Scotia, although I've never seen one here.
The Atlantic Puffin is the Offical bird of Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia and Ramea, Newfoundland.
What you say, Clover Yes the official floral emblem of my front lawn. Hey ya can't always be too serious.
The Beaver, Canada's official Animal, and on heck of a lumberman.
The Mayflower the official flower of Nova Scotia, along with the Robin it's the first sign of spring and a welcome site.
The Royal Canadian Legion Poppy worn on November 11, in honor of our Veterns
Stay tuned I'll update this page as soon as I prepare the graphics...

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