Philmont Campfires

Philmont Campfires

Campfire Songs

 Fire on the Mountain
(The quintessential Philmont backcountry campfire song)
`Dirty Larry` of The Tobasco Donkeys says Fire on the Mountian is
"the most popular song played at backcountry campfires....
I used to think that perhaps it was getting played too much and at too many campfires,
but I was just young and silly back then.
Becuase I know that when I return in 10 years, and sit down at the Black Mountian Campfire,
I had better hear those words, `Took my family away from my Carolina home...`"

 Country Roads

The Philmont Ranger Song
(I want to go back to Philmont!)

Friends in Low Places
(Philmont Style)


 The Cremation of Sam McGee

 The Ballad of Blasphemous Bill


Warm Stars on a Cold Night:  A Collection of Wilderness Quotations

Campfire Links

Mark Thomas has put together a good website that, among other things, includes a great collection of songs and stories recoded live at Philmont backcounty campfires between 2000 and 2003. Live From Philmont!

There are several great CD’s available of Philmont Music: The PSA's Philsongs: Remembered Days, and Philsongs II: Live from the Tooth are available on the PSA Website.

Rod Taylor’s A Philmont Collection and the ever popular Tabasco Donkeys Sawin’ on the Strings are available from the Tooth of Time Traders.


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Joshua 29:15 As for me and my house...